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There's just something about the love Spencer and Eric have that made my heart swell. When I first saw him, I knew that was the first route I wanted to go through and now that I finished it, I couldn't help but tear up. I wish it could just go on forever and I can keep reading and it makes it so hard to go through the other stories without seeing him and thinking about his love with Eric while trying to romance Darius. So much love for this and thank you so much for making such a beautiful novel. I hope to see so much more!


Aww, well thank you so very much!  I'm glad you enjoyed it so much =3


I've been playing this game for a few years now, and after finishing a few routes (a few times heh) I just wanted to say how amazing this game really is, from the art to the story. Thank you for making this masterpiece, I look forward to each update and can't wait to play the full game! Keep up the amazing work!


Thank you for sticking around for so long!  I'm happy to know that you've liked it!


Second with you. Just wanna say that this game is part of my life now (and could be part of yours), something and somehow that could changes us to be our good self. It's been 6 years, from the earliest version until now. So amazing storyline and arts that illustrate a story. Bless you Dyne, and godspeed. 


So, I've been thinking about the color of Dwayne's name.

He will have a color, right? He must have a color, heh

The first time I saw him, I thought about... green, cool shade of green, but then I remembered that we already have two green names. Then I thought about turquoise.

BUT! The last update got me thinking about... light yellow.

Like... banana? I guess heh

I think this color would suit him, it is light, optimistic, energetic and lively, positive and radiant.

Well, plus two points in favor of this color, it's directly Dwayne's underwear color and the fact that he likes bananas.

I suppose something of the shades of blue would probably not suit him? I'm not sure, it's all just my thoughts out loud, heh

But it would be interesting to hear someone else's opinion.


And what about the main character's name? Will he get a color, or is it better not to do it for the sake of neutrality? After all, in fact, everyone sees it in their own way, and color can interfere with this a little. On the other hand, letting him choose a color at the beginning sounds nice, but wouldn't that be too problematic in terms of reworking everything?

Hmm... maybe light blue?

But this, again, is all just thinking out loud!


Hah, he did get his color during his last update!  (I did go with a light yellow, kinda... banana cream color).

I never really considered giving the MC a color though!  I wonder if I could give the player a choice there... kind personalize it a little more for them x3  It's something for me to think about!

Well, maybe you could go with a favorite color question, like how that's a question in Harold's route?

Really? That's wonderful! We still don't know everything about Dwayne, but I think this color really suits him. And, not only because of the banana part, obviously, but it's just a nice bonus, in my opinion.

As for the name of the protagonist, well, it's still just a thought. That would be quite nice, yes, but if it's too much of a hassle while working on a novel, no one will be too upset if this option isn't there, heh... I hope.

I still think white fits anyway

All colors are in one, and everyone sees something of their own in the main character, while he himself remains, well, himself anyway.


So, to begin with, I would like to express my deep gratitude for creating such an incredible novel, which has become one of my favorites, it was with me in difficult times and in everyday life, and will forever remain in my heart, because I fell in love

I fell in love with the story, the music, the style of drawing, and most importantly, the characters, their lively characters and incredibly cute faces!

I could spend hours describing why each of them is so great and how I like them, and every time, in every route, it is a pleasure to see them.

I'm just so happy, I can't even describe it all, I'm overwhelmed with feelings!

I'm not the only one who starts clapping when the theme from the main menu plays, right? heh

So, yes, huge, just incredible size and power thanks!


O! These little pictures between each day deserve special mention. They are. Just. Damn. CUTE!


I'm having the same issue as Nanjeunkim, I'm playing the android version but it does not pass from the renpy loading screen

I had that same issue I closed it and opened it back up but it also started to heat my phone up bad 


So much to love! I've been playing through the game for a couple days now and have played through Spencer and Richard. Two very well designed characters, compelling storytelling, great art, there's a lot to love and many details to appreciate. A top-tier visual novel in this category. Thank you, DyneWulf! This is a fantastic project and I can't wait for more. 


Hi DyneWulf.

I love the game. My favorites are my lion and dog boys. That being said, I know you said there would be 7 routes, but would you ever consider doing a poly route for Darius, Spencer amd Eric? Maybe if you got the best endings for both Darius and Spencer? Idk. If not still love the game and am looking forward for more!

Hey DyneWulf can you tell how how many different ending routes does those 5 characters have? im done with coach  grifter and darius route and im not satisfied with their endings i took

Im on day 10 of spencer route and I dont see richard, where is he?

Deleted 2 years ago

do you know how many different ending spencer have?

(1 edit) (-1)

i don t know...i find just one...but Spencer is amazing he can suck himself 😂

with Harold 2 and with darius same 2

what's the other ending ending of darius? the one i took is after they cuddle they say they love each other

hahaahahahah he's acrobat?

i can t tell anymore...reed this fantastic VN

in spencer route, how many different endings does he have?

(1 edit) (+1)

Hii Can yall Help me i just download the game but open it and I wait about 2 hours the Main Menu Screen Didnt pop out and I restart the Game its still Like That btw Im using old android Phone

2 hours?maybe your phone is full the working memory,you must erase some furry porn you have ... 🤣

my phone have 16 GB Space But its still 11 GB 

erase it and try to reinstall the game...


i already did that its still not working

Hey I just wanted to say I’ve been playing for a while now and I think Chester is my favorite character, he is so lovable and just…well amazing. I just wanted to know what do you plan on doing after you finish this game? You going to make a game like this but instead of tennis maybe like rugby. Whatever it is I can’t wait

How many routes the final version of the game will have?

Seven routes~

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Turn on his hotspot indicators in the options screen.  I had to update that stuff in following updates.

Is that a feature that you are adding to all routes where you, for a lack of a better term, poke around your man of choice for "fun"? Or is it staying with Richard only?

It was a test in this route to see how people responded to it.  It's been well-received so far, so I plan on using it everywhere eventually.

Deleted 1 year ago

Russian translation possible?

nice to meet you PATRON NAME and PATRON NAME, also when I first saw it I though it was pronounced Pat-Ron for some reason


Just curious, where did you get all the piano pieces for Darius's route, would love to listen to them more

I think the only one that wasn't custom composed now is this one from Incompetech.  (And I don't remember if I still use that one anymore, haha).  The others were composed for me by various artists.

Woah that's cool! did you post the tracks anywhere or just in game? (Fantastic work btw)

Only one of them is posted atm >>



¡Hola a todos!

Acabo de finalizar las 5 rutas principales del juego, y me han encantado. Mi favorita es la de Spencer sin lugar a dudas. Mención especial también a la de Darius, me encanta el desarrollo del personaje según se avanza su historia.

¡Muchísimas felicidades DyneWulf y a todo tu equipo por este gran trabajo!

Quería aprovechar para preguntar algo. En la ruta de Spencer, día 35, en "esa" escena tan especial en el parque, mi personaje aparece con piel verde. ¿Le ocurre a alguien más? He probado varias versiones del juego y me pasa igual. Paso link de la imagen (no la pongo directamente por si alguno quiere evitarse spoilers).



Well, thank you so much, first of all!

Green MC... has happened before, and it's usually an error with my code.  I thought I had fixed that, but it looks like there's still an issue I'll need to go look at.

Is coach route already done? like after they had fun , is that all?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes, his route is finished.

All routes end at day 35.

the ending is so sad, i wanna see them till the end of semester


Coach's route has 3 different endings

how to go to those different route please tell me

are all characters has 3 different endings


Dwayne is hot and Interesting. He seems totally a bottom. 

How can i play richards route?

give him help and youll know

I got my money on Conrad and maria being just friends and hes into dudes gunning for Richard. or maybe that's just a wet dream I had?

hm idk bout that but maybe ;) (i kinda wanna see that)


you have a wet dream... what if Azaghal or Tai with a big package give to you to sing their microphone?i bet you will be sing like Mariah Carey 🤣


i know this is kinda wrong to ask but...  Can we somehow have a Vernon's route in the future? Like help him from being bad to good? Idk.


No.  He is not redeemable.

mans looking for copyright infringement 

Which route does the hotspot indicator work for?


I would like to complain that "cherries" isn't an option for my favorite fruit, even though the fruit itself is my favorite.

It is.  I just broke the code on that update x3  It'll be fixed in the next update.

ok, ty!


it was an absolute joy playing going thru what you have for dwayne. he is one the most loveable characters(in my opinion.(( i like the others dont gun me down my fellow simps))
but i love the new character you added i cant wait for more. :)

Thank you!  Dwayne's been a lot of fun so far, and I'm glad to see the reception of him being so positive so far~

(2 edits)

your welcome, i also like that your put in another character then just leaving it with the 6 boys
so i dont have to worry about my favorite vn end so soon. So thank you.

i agree... :)


Glad you finished up Darius' route. It was torture waiting for his final day since I enjoyed it so much more than I initially thought I would. Didn't expect how the last day would go but I very much enjoyed it and wasn't truly surprised. It was just sooo... Darius.

Hah, I'm really glad to hear that you enjoyed it!  I felt it was quite 'Darius' as well ;3

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Been a long time, since I have played the game, who is Dwayne? Also, hope to see a Officer Charlie route.

Dwayne is the final route I'm introducing.  You can start his route by hanging out with Coach on Day 2.

While Officer Charlie -is- an actual character of mine, he's just a side character and won't have a route.  I would like to show him off more htough x3

Shame, I wish there was some art of him in his stripper outfit at the club, I wanna see him nude.


will be route for Tai the panther?

(2 edits) (+1)

hm i dont think there will be one, since i dont think that's his character. like maria

From my FAQ.

On Richard's Day 9, all I could click on in the shower scene was his ass, is that intentional or are there other parts of his body I can click on? If so, nothing else seemed to do anything.

Try turning on the hotspot indicators in the options menu.  I had to fix the hotspots in the following update for something I didn't account for.  

Oh! I didn't know that was an option. I'll try that, thanks

By any chance, can you choose your position in this game?

(I'm referring to top/bottom position)


From all the routes I have played, it seems your guy is more versatile. So, you can't really choose it but I've not been disappointed either. You should give it a try regardless, especially for the writing. It's very good.

The game doesn't want to work in my Android

I can't open the download file on my android

(1 edit) (+1)

i have a question! so, on the day when mc has his first sex scene with harold in his route, is there a reason why the section after harold finishes where mc gets off was removed? i was just curious!

p.s at first i didnt like dwayne much. but his new day has me hooked on him! hes so sweet and adorable and its so adorable watching him be all flustered and totally head over heals for mc!

I use Android but it's hard to use without enter keyword

The "Enter" you're looking for is the "Return" button in game

I did many times but still not working 


Loved the new update! Wasn't sure how I felt about Dwayne at first but this day absolutely hooked me on him. Can't wait for more!


How do we start Dwayne's route?


Hang with Harold on Day 2


pls pls more i need so see more of it .... oh man i really love your work


More comes in time!  Glad you like it~


like it .....i love it!?  i've been waiting for months weeks and days for the next update or episode i really want to know more and also i wonder if the character can get married with spencer already i have many thoughts of something will happen or something will blow my mind and heart i wish i want to see more of you because i'm dying to know what really happens next seriously i took my heart cannot take it anymore of the expense and surprises i think my whole body wants me to just drop dead right now

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