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Extracurricular activities is gonna be free forever?

Probably not.  

Well, i better get a c.card then, 'cuz i'm not giving up on Ches!

I just wish i could help more, i LOVE this game to bits!

hi, I really love the game! But how to keep data as the game updates?

You can't sorry

The data will carry over from update to update without you having to do anything.  Renpy reads from a specific folder located in the APPDATA folder.  As long as that data is altered, it'll carry over.  You can also back up your data from there.

I was actually wondering about this, it's been updated since I last played and I haven't bothered to re-download.

But since there's going to be another update pretty soon I'll probably wait until then anyway.

You can update the game and delete the old file and put in the new updated file in its place, ur progress will be saved once u enter the game

Hi, this game looks amazing! Btw is there any link to the guides mentioned?

Hey Dynewuff, will the new update gonna fix that bug where the game stopped completely at the typing parts? Such as Chester day 11 when we need to type in the stuffs we needed for the anime festival, and when you started new game when you typing your name or save file's name?

The only solution I have seen to his problem so far is to download another keyboard app and use that instead of the default one.

Soo we can all say that you do amazing games DyneWulf!

Deleted 4 years ago

All the art will be replaced.  I'm not mixing the styles for the end product.

Deleted 4 years ago

I chose to follow Dozer's root and im a bit of a purist and I reffuse to play other roots until I fully complet his. My god its really something I havent gotten in to a visual Novle like this in a very long time. I do kind of wish it asked me to save before it endded and there was one little bug when you vist the temple and I did tell Spencer about his day so I hope that don't come back to bite me in the ass. but I could not put this down and I ended up playing all that I could in one sitting. I liruly woke up aroun 9AM starting playing this and its now 7AM the next day The story was so amazing I can't wait to keep reading more and finly get my Sexy kaiju in that hotel room. You tesed it so much and left us blue balling longer then Dozer was going to leave the player and thats just mean. I hope to see a update and I do hope my save will still work because it took a very long time to get hear and also can you let us see the last thing that was said when we skip to the next queston so we don't have to awnser compleyly blind in the off chane we need to reload a past save.

Haha, wow, you really put a lot into it!  I'm glad you've found it to be so enjoyable ;3  Dozer is a totally sweetie <3  Your saves do carry over too.

In regards to the choices, if you pick one you don't like, just roll back the dialogue and pick another.  You don't have to reload.


DyneWulf, I just wanted to let you know I absolutely LOVE this game! I've been playing it on and off for about a month now and am having the time of my life. Each character is so well written with their own likes and dislikes not to mention their own pasts. It's like they're REAL people!! You and your crew are creating a seriously fun game that I just can't get enough of. So well written as well as the beautiful artwork.  Spencer is my favorite "puppy" with Darius being my favorite "perverted kitty kat". Can't wait to see what you and your crew do with Richard. Keep up the Good Work!!!

Thank you so much!  I really aim to make them seem as real as I can, so I'm happy that's getting across.  There's certainly a lot more stuff in store, so thanks!

Im trying to download update 1.79 on my android, and it gets to about halfway through the download and then it says "forbidden"

Basically just go into your download tab, cancel the download and do it again.

I tried that multiple times but it still isn't working...

(1 edit) (+2)

Dyne, I hope you have a great birthday! Loving the game so far, been devouring it all week. Excited to see how these routes finish, and hopeful that maybe they continue past the calendar!


Ah, thank you so much!  (Gonna grill some steaks, so I'll definitely enjoy it ;3).


Dyne , Chesters Route needs more music its so quite most of the time.


More music will be added to his earlier days when I rework them.

Deleted 5 years ago

In the 1.77 development log you spelled "addition" Wrong.

(1 edit)

Hey my question for u is do you plan on extending the days past 30 bc ive been noticing hints to doing future things near the end on the calender such as LnL at harolds , or Double dating with chester and dozer with Spencer? Also I think it takes too long to get with Darius its near the end, and I practically gave up, and he's still not with me! Anyway thats all you dont have to answer the Darius thing I just wanted to know if u plan on an extention of days or months, because I see alot of forshadowing?



Thank you


Progression stopper on day 11 for Chester.  Typing into the box does nothing.  Typing no does not allow the story to continue on android:/

Try downloading a keyboard app in the play store. I just played that part and couldnt play it further until I downloaded one. Try GO keyboard

(1 edit)

Yes! I'm encountering the same issue, and I came here to comment it. It also happens to me during the LnL night in Harold's route, when you have to pick a name for your character. It suuuucks :/


Dyne, can we get that big, toothy grin/smile that Chester and Dozer have for Spencer/Darius/Grifter?

I would like this also!

Will there be a Richard Route soon??

Once he is done with one of the routes he'll start another if I remember correctly


Dyne i want to hug you for a couple of reasons

1. I love your Art & VN's they are really relatable but also gives you that twist feeling when something goes awfully right

2. You are an amazing person even though we haven't met i can just tell because your work gives off a vibe of who you are in a way. I guess the characters take a little bit of your characteristics.

3. This may sound weird but I'm just the type of person that loves giving hugs to make people have a good day ^w^  keep up you're amazing project and ill keep cheering you on in the background.

                    Stay floofy,


When I tried playing it on android, I couldn't continue on from the create save screen, It wouldn't let me enter. 


Character customization is looking great so far! Any shot we could get to choose how thin our character is tho?

Has anyone had that problem?

It's Harold route, day 28, when I chose hot shower.

I haven't tried to solve it choosing something else yet.

U gotta ignore it

(1 edit)

I've been playing on Android for a while and planning to play on Windows soon. my question here is, if there's new update, after downloading the new file, what do i do so i can just continue from where i left off instead of replay from day 1?

Thanks in advance 

it will update itself, just keep the previous file when downloading

so,  after downloading the new file and extract them (assuming they're in zip file), do i copy the new file over the old file, or just play from the new file? Need some info on this part

U gotta start over again once u go on windows but once u do u can just start playing on the new save when u downloaded it. No need to extract or copy onto other files


Will there be any possibilities for threesomes between the pc and the guys. Like pc, darius and richard for example. thank you. love the game, just finished all routes. 

(1 edit)

Any one else having a problem on day 11 of Darius route? I have an image of Darius stuck on my screen and he won't go away when I advance to the next scene.  

Is Spencer supposed to look like that, I thought the artwork was changed?


Will there be Richard romance route?


Please? I want it too...

I also find the librarian guy very interesting too!


Richard's route would be available once one of the current route ends, so whose ever route Dybewulf feels like  he can already end after tying loose ebd, he'll end them and Richard's route will begin once the other character has gotten theur updates 


Can we all just agree that Maria is an amazing person? I'm so glad she's included in every route, because without her, the game wouldn't be the same T^T


YES! I'm glad someone else thinks about her, she's so sweet and motherly, and yet sometimes naughty and playful. Makes me want a Maria route, even though i know it's not possible on a gay dating game...

this is very educational because i am learning tennis techniques that i can use at school thank u

it sya that it was updated one day ago, but who was updated

I didn't update any game files.  I only updated some text on the home page.

oh, okie


I don't even know how many times I played Harold's route... I don't really like furry but this VN was recommended so many times I just had to give a shot and fell in love right away with your story telling... it made me look past the visual aspect and just get emerged in the story  you're doing an amazing job Dyne. <3


Why are there so many comments pushing for the game to literally be scrapped and completely rewritten? editing the story so "everyone is happy" will force the rest of the stories to be changed too. if dyne dose make a Richard route, i really think that it will be hard enough for him to make that, never mind him trying to intertwine everyone else into it. lets all calm TF down and let him work out this richer idea first, THEN let him take ideas IF and only if he chooses to.remember that if your playing the demo and are unable to pay him anything, he owes yall nothing. and even if you donate what you can, coding isnt easy, nor is writing scores of text. if we really support him we really need to empathize with him, not demand he do more... js :/

Hi there!

I just wanted to say this visual novel is really amazing! I've already completed Spencer route and I'm looking forward to meet him more in the future. VN is exactly the best I've ever played. Text is a masterpiece cause of many emotions in it. I felt like thousands them at once! It was amazing experience! I really want to support You and Your amazing work but i can't because of my own problems/reasons. I hope in the future i will be able to :/ 

I'm waiting for more updates and thank you very much DyneWulf for these emotions <3


I wonder, did you decide on set amount of days for each route? Just asking, since I NEED that Richard route, for ... science... reasons... Yeah, let's leave it at that. :D

lol, is that what they call masturbation 


CAN you Make Hybrid from fortnite please?


What does that even mean?


It's the newest playable character. It's a lizard man thing. Some pics of the Hybrid


so, basically that's a fat no on everyone else's part?

I guess?

wtf dude


The VN is still in development but it's already a masterpiece!! It's so well written, the story made me cry a few times as well as made me laugh. That's really unusual since VNs rarely affect me besides giving me a boner.  I've just finished playing the Harold route on the demo and I loved it so much. I wish I could support via patreon so I could follow the game's development, but they only accept credit card. That won't stop me from donating via PayPal tho. I'm looking forward to playing the final version.


Well thank you so much!  Really, any support is perfectly wonderful, so thank you!  I'm happy to know you've enjoyed everything so much :)


I was thinking that the Harold route should be cannon, and DyneWolf should makeit so on that route the MC is with Harold, Darius is with Spencer, Chester is with Dozer, and Richard is with Maria. Everyone's happy, right? That would take a bit of changing, but I think it would really cool!


No, because Dyne has already made the route for Harold. And also, think about it this way. You only interact with Harold either during his route, or during anytime involving tennis. Spencer, on the other hand, Spencer is in every route more than he should be. and during each route the hint is dropped that Spencer is gay and likes you. If we were to go off how involved the character is with the MC, to me, it is clear that Spencer is the cannon story and Harold is the default story.


Also, if you play each story the way they are, then it becomes clear that the story lines don't overlap, so that would only be a separate storyline. and let's not forget that the only male characters that are not gay are Richard and Harold, so if there is a route with Harold where Maria ends up with Richard, then, to me, it would make sense that there is a route with Richard where Maria ends up with Harold.


lol the next public comes out on the 23rd I think. If that's right, it will come out right on my birthday



My update schedule is posted on the main page...  It's been the same for quite a long time now.

wait, hold up, what do you mean by "lol" are you telling someone this or what? who asked when the updates come out for the public/patreon?


is it just me or does wet Darius with the beard look like Jesus Christ? Like fr. 

Uh so im sure you get asked this alot but is there a chance i can get this on my iphone?

Due to the hoops Apple makes you jump through to build and get it on iOS, I can't do that atm.

Shame I LOVE streaming it to my iPad. 


@dynewulf I HAVE AN IDEA!!! What if, with Richard's route not even started, what if during Richard's route you are able to bring Spencer and Darius together, since in Spencer's route you are able to squash the beef between them, then why not them have a second chance, after all, the saying is "three strikes you're out" not two


Plus, since Eric doesn't want his friends to find out he is homeless, it will be a distraction (at first,) and Eric will be able to hang out with both friends without any negativity, because (and i'm sure I am not the only one that feels this way, but) I seriously think that Spencer and Darius need to give it a second try, ESPECIALLY since they would have worked things out and are already weary into of Isaac's ways (of course, some of Darius' route would be intermingled in Richard's route, and I am not sure if that is more or less work on you since you already have that part of Darius' route programmed, or if it would be a completely different thing entirely.) Of course, they are gonna find out at some point, and then... whoa, sorry I just went in a trance there. But I really think that there should be a route where Darius and Spencer squash the beef between them and give their relationship a second chance, and I'm sure I am not the only one. And with Richard's route in the works(?), it would be the perfect chance!

(1 edit) (-5)

I was thinking that the Harold route should be cannon, and DyneWolf should makeit so on that route the MC is with Harold, Darius is with Spencer, Chester is with Dozer, and Richard is with Maria. Everyone's happy, right? That would take a bit of changing, but I think it would be really cool!

what i commented doesn't have anything to do with Harold's route, and you can already be with Harold. I don't understand the point of this comment, can you please explain it more so that I can understand it?


You said about getting Darius and Spence back together, and it gave me the idea of having a route in which everyone gets to be happy and in a couple.

Then that could be in Richard's route, considering that both Harold and Richard are not gay, but bi, so Maria could end up with Harold while the MC ends up with Richard

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

i agree with you sounds good like on Darius when your doing his route he can kiss spencer and you but spencer is passionate towards you and darius


I strongly agree


DyneWulf I love your game so much your so good at what you do just can't wait till its updated fully 😱😱😱😱


I love the game so much.... BUTTTTTT poor Spencer I cried on Darius's Route because i thought there would be a threesome but i wanna tell Spencer what we did with Darius its just so sad that part. But love the good work it's really amazing. Glad I came across your game 

OMG, that would be awesome if there was a threesome that was possible.

I KNOW RIGHT!!! I been thinking about it like it's the perfect threesome

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