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Uh so im sure you get asked this alot but is there a chance i can get this on my iphone?

Due to the hoops Apple makes you jump through to build and get it on iOS, I can't do that atm.

Shame I LOVE streaming it to my iPad. 


@dynewulf I HAVE AN IDEA!!! What if, with Richard's route not even started, what if during Richard's route you are able to bring Spencer and Darius together, since in Spencer's route you are able to squash the beef between them, then why not them have a second chance, after all, the saying is "three strikes you're out" not two


Plus, since Eric doesn't want his friends to find out he is homeless, it will be a distraction (at first,) and Eric will be able to hang out with both friends without any negativity, because (and i'm sure I am not the only one that feels this way, but) I seriously think that Spencer and Darius need to give it a second try, ESPECIALLY since they would have worked things out and are already weary into of Isaac's ways (of course, some of Darius' route would be intermingled in Richard's route, and I am not sure if that is more or less work on you since you already have that part of Darius' route programmed, or if it would be a completely different thing entirely.) Of course, they are gonna find out at some point, and then... whoa, sorry I just went in a trance there. But I really think that there should be a route where Darius and Spencer squash the beef between them and give their relationship a second chance, and I'm sure I am not the only one. And with Richard's route in the works(?), it would be the perfect chance!

(1 edit) (-5)

I was thinking that the Harold route should be cannon, and DyneWolf should makeit so on that route the MC is with Harold, Darius is with Spencer, Chester is with Dozer, and Richard is with Maria. Everyone's happy, right? That would take a bit of changing, but I think it would be really cool!

what i commented doesn't have anything to do with Harold's route, and you can already be with Harold. I don't understand the point of this comment, can you please explain it more so that I can understand it?


You said about getting Darius and Spence back together, and it gave me the idea of having a route in which everyone gets to be happy and in a couple.

Then that could be in Richard's route, considering that both Harold and Richard are not gay, but bi, so Maria could end up with Harold while the MC ends up with Richard

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

i agree with you sounds good like on Darius when your doing his route he can kiss spencer and you but spencer is passionate towards you and darius


I strongly agree


DyneWulf I love your game so much your so good at what you do just can't wait till its updated fully 😱😱😱😱


I love the game so much.... BUTTTTTT poor Spencer I cried on Darius's Route because i thought there would be a threesome but i wanna tell Spencer what we did with Darius its just so sad that part. But love the good work it's really amazing. Glad I came across your game 

OMG, that would be awesome if there was a threesome that was possible.

I KNOW RIGHT!!! I been thinking about it like it's the perfect threesome


I'm honestly astounded at how well written this VN is. I've never read/played one that has such deep characters. It's refreshing to see the relationships develop and not have them jump straight into sex.  I can actually relate to some of the things the characters are goung through, like Harold. Personally I think that's what makes this VN so incredible, the fact that it has actaul, deep characters that aren't all sexually driven (not counting Darius). It makes you want to empathize with what they're going through.

Thanks so much!  I definitely didn't want to go down the sex right away routes with them.  I wanted to take it slowly!  Glad you enjoy how I've written it too =3

You have no clue how I excited I am for the next update. If I was finacailly stable in any form I would gladly support this project on Patreon because it's that good. It's very rare for me to enjoy a VN as much as I have with this one, the writing is so good (if a bit formal) and I honestly can't wait for the next installment.


This is how I see the team right now,

Spencer is good boi

Dozer is HUGE BOI

Chester is weeb boi

Darius is sexy boi

Harold is BEST BOI

fight me


Spencer is annoying boi

Dozer is cute boi

Chester is dork boi

Darius is hot boi

Harold is your teacher, you weirdo. Jk, Harold is sensitive boi

i hear what you are saying yet i think something is wrong with what you put for spencer he is not annoying he is amazing but im not saying that you need to change anything im just saying that you may need to rethink about what you say when you judge someone elses work that they worked so long on and love what they created so just think about what you say before you come for my favorite characters bye have a nice day.

lol sorry, I wrote this as a joke, nothing personal.

me too im sorry bro


Harold is shy boi

Dozer is HUGE BOI

Chester is weeb boi

Dariusw is sleezy boi

Spencer is BEST BOI

Richard in Handy(man) boi

fight ME

Hello Dyunwolf Love the game  btw i just wanted to see if i downloaded the game here would the game update so i can see the updates

The game does not automatically update, you will have to redownload the files each time. However, your save files will carry over, so you can pick up where you left off. Dyne provides an update log of each public release here, that explains what has been changed or added.

(4 edits) (+1)

Hello, DyneWulf!

I have to admit, this game is absolutely amazing in all aspects! The art style is quite nice, the Soundtrack is quite charming, the characters are relatable, expressive and actually develop their personality over the course of the game; and, most importantly, the plot is really amazing. 

It's quite, quite easy to spend around 6hrs~ in any of the characters routes (without rushing) just reading how the plot will develop; I can't really state how much I love the attention to detail this game has (given that a single choice can completely modify how a scene plays out, either immediately or later, enhancing replayability and making your choices feel significant.)

Well... I think I've run out of words to describe how I feel about this lol. It has brightened my days a lot, and; even in its incomplete state, the game is absolutely marvelous. 

I hope I could get 10$ (or more) to donate once the game gets released ;-;, Dollars on Venezuela are pretty much a luxury, and it makes me feel bad not giving a lil' bit of financial support for the game.

P.S.: Oh gods, Maria is absolutely the best gurl. Seriously! 

P.S.2.: Everybody is really, really unfairly handsome. Except Isaac, perhaps. XD

I love Darius's route, It makes me feel enthusiastic and I don't really know why I like him, It's so weird.

Hi DyneWulf it appears that I'm having an issue where EA will start downloading then after awhile it just stops and says download failed. Do you by chance have any solution to this problem?

I have similar issues sometimes. The only 'solutions' i know of so far are to delete related files and retry. If that doesn't work then try to download and launch the game on another device/platform. If that doesn't work then I'd wait until the next release to play.

(1 edit)

hey I really love the game but I had some questions about the game and other things to (most questions already answers by the FAQ) but I was wondering if there is any other ("platform"/like PayPal) I can use to become a patron like ideal? , sorry if I'm being difficult 😅 but really enjoy the vn and would love to see more of it 

So I was wondering, will there will ever be a chance for some more risqué type stuff with the main characters? I know it’s not for everyone but I think it would add a whole lot of spice if you implemented situations where some “freaky” stuff happens if you choose the right  options.(e.g. a three way with Darius and Spencer, or catching Richard having “alone time”) I know you have a-lot on your plate but I just wanted to get this idea out of my head and into your screen.

PS: The work you’ve done so far is fantastic I’m glad you’re doing what you’re doing. <3

PPS: I’m not really sure what makes something “freaky shit” but I think you get the idea.

hey Dyewulff! A quick question, after reading through a few of the comments,  do you think you might make an sfw version, or the ability to not show explicit stuff? The game is amazing and very well written and I know the younger (teenage most likely) audience would definitly enjoy it as well. 

Hi, I have a bug in spencer’s route where the mc is stuck in his work clothes, just to let you know.

Deleted 3 years ago

Oh gosh, this is something I think about often, haha.  I really have to go back and add some more of that in.

Deleted 3 years ago

Hello, I love the coach path and i kinda want you to make more of it

i finished it today and i love it so much but i wish there were more

the coach path was full of all the right things for me to want more

so please consider making a game like the coach path please 

K, peace 


hi Dynewulff! I absolutly love your game and already planning on making fan art, however, what is your stand towards a crossover from one franchise with your characters?  (For example: Your characters as Smash Bros. Fighters)

Glad to hear you're enjoying it that much!  Cross over stuff like that sounds pretty awesome, so I don't mind anything along those lines at all.  When it comes to fan art, my only request is avoiding fetishy stuff, but it doesn't sound like that's something I have to worry about here ;3  

Deleted 3 years ago

Haha, thank you!


I know this game from my friend. I Know all route and all Characters, I like background stories of them and their personality developmet (Coach <3)...but I don't like furry ( I've try to see walkthrough on youtube but I don't like it, I'm so sorry...) Is  possibile have a mood with human characters?

I hope it wasn't offensive with my question and good job!

P.S Sorry for my english, I hope understand me ^_^" 

Unfortunately, I don't think that is possible because it is already taking a long time for the furry side of it, so a human side of it would take a lot longer. It might happen, but most probably not. :)

Oh don't worry! Thank for the reply :)  <3 

Good Work!

hey dyne can i send a picture or something?

I tried restarting the pc and other things but nothing seems to work

Little help would be appreciated 

If you're running an antivirus program, it's possible that it's killing the files, and you need to tell it to allow EA through.

Bro thanks so damn much

never mind its working now

I have the same problem

how do I fix it?

please help m

for some reason I cannot open the folder once I have downloaded it as it says the folder is empty? can anyone help?

(1 edit)

hey dynewulf.

great job creating the game its really cool

I just have one problem I cant figure out how to fix it

when I install the game.and open the file its says the file is corrupted and it doesent let me open it

any help please? (the new 1.77 update)

Hi DyneWulf, do you have some walkthrough about every route of the game 

He has but they aren't updated in a while I think 


sooo um... Dyne states that he dosnt want anyone ever using his characters in any art,

"Nobody has permission to use art assets from my projects for anything (fan-made or otherwise).  This is all content meant for nothing other than their intended projects."

would that mean that hed like for us to report any art using them? ive seen a lot tbh :/

i think Dyne means the sprites of the characters, the background and the music that come from the game must not be used for fan made projects and other stuff.

But fanart is good i guess

Ah, that makes since. alrighty, just wanted to be sure. thank you.

Yeah, Fanart is just fine!  (I'd just ask folks not to use them in fetish stuff x3).  My art and such in game aren't to be used elsewhere though, unless the person has my permission.

alright, again, i just wanted to make sure. fan art of this project is EVERYWHERE so if it wasnt i was going to be a bit concerned for your sanity lmao.

Is their a reason for the art style change mid way? if so is the one midway through the month gonna be the permanent one?

Started the art transition with a new artist last year.  Just haven't fully changed it in code

wait, @dynewulf there is update 1.78 on patreon but there is only 1.75 here, im confused.

Also, is Richard's path in the works, it's been awhile since I've had a laptop (it broke but i got a new one) so forgive me

Patrons get the new updates sooner than everyone else. And he's said before he wants to finish a route first before working on another route. But Richard should be coming around soon enough.

I only update the public version on the 16th, so when I do that update, it'll be 1.79 and 1.77.

making sure, cause again, I kinda broke my laptop and had to get a new one, so for 2+ weeks I had no idea what was going on with the development of this game

Just a short question... I wanna rate this game and I wanna rate it 5 stars. Where is the option to do so?


You must log in first and you can see the rating is on the up right corner of the screen. I hope it helps you.

Ahh well not on mobile. It's different there or what do you mean, because I don't see it.

Thanks for the reply

Dynewuff, is there any way I can install the game on my iPad? I've downloaded it but it still in the zip file and idk how to install it..

Unfortunately, there isn't a build that works on iPads.

Hi, is there a way to continue with the progress of the game on android when installing the new version of the game? Since to install the new version, I have to uninstall the previous one and I always miss the progress of the game  :/

And i'm sorry if something was wrong there, I'm from Brazil and English is not my native language.

I actually just found at that, at least for android, if you download a new build to the game, it'll update the build you currently have downloaded to the latest build that you're installing. As long as you don't delete the previous build beforehand, your save data will be kept intact

does anyone know where I go to download version 1.78 because I'm new to patron but I became a patron and I dont know where to go plz and thank u

If you're a Patron, you'll go to the "Posts" tabs on Patreon, go to post titled "Update 1.78" and read the post.  The download link is there.

thank you very much

Hello, Very good game ... Everything is great I loved it 10/10 but ..... When it comes out in Spanish? :'c

Deleted 3 years ago

does anyone know if it's possible to toggle the text box and icons off on android so i can just see the sprites and the background?

So far, I loved the game. I just wished it didn’t  have to end in day 26 with Spencer . When is the new update coming, I wanted to know!!

Dynewulff usually updates the public build on the 16th of every month

Deleted 3 years ago

I wish I could check out more of your work Dyne but since I  don't own a pc (yet) it wouldn't be easy at all, to say at least, to play your other games on our family computer. :/ 

I am 19 and I still don't have a Laptop or pc. Unbelievable... right?

Well I never felt the need to buy a pc, so...

just go to a local library but make sure you dont show anyone lol. (Download on an external hard drive from there

Umm, sure it would work that way. I could even do it at home, I don't know if it's everywhere in germany like this, but when you go to our city library (which is pretty huge) you can search on the computer for the library books, movies and stuff *only*.  Everything else is *blocked* from private usage. There's only one programm you can freely use. Smart isn't it? In germany a library isn't a place where you are able to browse the web like in an internet café.

Thanks for the reply anyway :)

ah. sorry im not very familiar with german laws these days


You don't have to know that do you? I don't know the American laws either and was only once in America anyway.

(1 edit)

I feel ashamed of myself not knowing this precious juwel was around here somwhere. I heared about it but didn't know they've had it here.

I have faced you're friends (he is, right...?) rival work recently and it was one of the best things that ever happend to me. Tennis Ace is really something that stucks in your mind and won't let go. (And I don't want let go anyways) so enough praising of TA let's see what you have to offer 😊

I thank you aswell for making this as I did with Basket's VN. I also supported you before going into it. What can I say when it comes to these VN genre games I can't hold back. I want to support you for doing the things noone even 'wastes' a thaught.

Sorry for my possible sloppy and chaotic English.

I'll update my review or write a new text once I am finished.

<3 from Germany 

Keep it up!

(Can you maybe tell me how I can support you on Patreon...? I don't really know how it works. I didn't find TA for example.)

Am I the only one that sees a popped out Darius that doesn't disappear from the end of the day #10?

Another idea: when Grifter asks you for your birthday, and you put that your birthday is the day that you are currently playing it, then maybe Grifter wishes you a happy birthday

(1 edit)

Heh, i think that's a great idea. And it also seems to me that it would be worth adding Eric's canon date of birth there too (just like with his canon name at the beginning of the game - just don't write any date and press "enter"). 

Actually, if you choose to not name the MC, his canon name and birthday are put in ;3

His birthday too? Wow, i didn't know about that. Thank you ^^


based off the interactions withing all the stories, I can say that I believe that Spencer is the cannon story.

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