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Am I the only one notice the "touching minigame" have diffirent background like the bedroom,bathroom and the park(why in public)?. I wonder where would Darius, Grifter and Richard would be?

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Harolds is on the couch, forgot what triggered the event however. 

[EDIT: You have to let darius make Harold jealous!]

If you get access to his PC you're on the right track!

will the new characters will have their own route?

The only character I know of that will get their own side route would be Richard. However Dyne said he has plans for more.


I can't wait for the next update for Chester and Harold's Route.And I cried when Harold brokes down in the closet.You did a great job giving each character a personality and problems that they deal in their own respective routes.So good job and keep it up!!

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dyne you will create more characters?  by the way your game is cool


Yup!  There will be more, once I finish up some of what I'm working on already.

And can u also make a sex scene for Darius pls. Darius is one my favourite routes. I would much appreciate it.

is there a way you can get nudes from Darius? Asking for a friend :')

Nothing like that yet~

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Dynewulf, is there another link to download the latest version? I saw a comment saying that the 1.58 version is out but this says it it the 1.56 version. Also ended up doing a $3 pledge for you. If I can afford it later I will do more because I like this visual novel so much. 

1.59 is out on PAtreon, if you're a Patron now :)

1.58 will be out for the public and posted here on the 16th.

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Is it possible that you might find a way to get this content downlowndable for chrome book? All I can find with the series is vids on youtube, and as youtube is overrun by puritans, alot of the vids have edited parts or have been deleted. If it isn't possible, I understand.

ChromeBook uses its own OS, it seems, and I don't have any options to build for it.  

Alright, Thanks anyways! Most downloadable games usually are not able to be downloaded on chromebook, so I expected as much.

Hello there Dynewulf, ever since I played this game I’ve always wanted you to add my character into the game, I could send you an image of what he looks like, he can be a bear or bunny :3

I'll be sure to make an announcement when I offer cameo slots for people to purchase!

thank you

hey DyneWulf been playing this game on and off since I found the game last month. I absolutely love it, I love the Darius and Spencer. there my fav and I'm glad u went down the patron rote too looking forward to see we're things go asppaerly when I feel there could a three way type relationship with Spencer and Darius my guy keep up the great work. 

i cant play day 27 on the coach line, why?????


Because it's not in the most recent public update.

Came across your visual novel by chance a few days ago, found the demo, and absolutely fell in love with it! Practically played it for like 4 days straight(after work). Almost done with the entire thing too! I finally became a patron and I can't wait to play through the game/VN once it's finished. I'll happily continue to pledge until then!

Haha, well thank you!  Glad that you could put so much time in it and enjoy it.

There seems to be a glitch in the 1.56 route where you're giving Spencer a massage. Everything you click has you instead rubbing his thighs so you can't continue.


Ah I had that same problem but with Dozer instead it’s like that for all the sex scenes Dyne said that  he forgot to include this in his notes but all the sex scenes are messed up because of the resize and that lots of things have to be clicked to the left of their spots so I’m the next update he might have to include a feature where you skip those scenes until they get fixed.

hey saw the coach grifter 3d mousepad on was hoping to see a spencer mousepad If at all possible. Thank you.


Can whe all agree, that whe need a scene where the MC makes food for Darius, and he ask hem what does he want and he says:

MC: what you wana eat?

Darius:  whats on the menu?

MC: Pizza, pasta or..... [ you get inches apart from darius ] Me~~

Can whe pls make it happen XD maybe after they do it once and Darius is trying to hold back hes urges to not have the MC get mad if he ask for it to much [if thats what hes goin for].

I'm making a few mods for practice using the Renpy engine.  I might make that a scene so THANK YOU fr the inspiration!

Happy i can help =P, the guy bellow you said more or less the same think i did, see what fits better in the grammer script you come on with.  All i wana see is the pervy loin "prowling" on our MC wink,wink.

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The mod I'm making is in practice of the renpy engine and features a ddlc esc story. Me and a friend wanted to know, if there was a self aware character, It would be Maria. Currently I'm adding a few Easter eggs and last minute changes to the story. Dyne thought it was a good idea with the story so I'm expanding it alot. Hope to see some of you enjoy it as much I enjoyed putting it together!

I would appreciate it however for you all to support Dyne's project over mine. Mine is simply a fan mod built for a friend.


Finished the fangame. to access that scene. Use "Sketch" as your name ;)

Deleted 190 days ago
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o wow thats like allmost 100% what i said... hu.. well i cant Beat the PRO'S of Perv's. 

PS: In the middle of my reply, rule 34 pop in my mind XD like make it rule 35: if you think about it Japan perv it better =P.

How do you get the coach special scene in the day 20? i replayed his route and i couldn't get it :(

I just got it. You have to give in to Darius when he tries to get Coach Gritter to be jealous. I gave in both times to be sure but saw a different comment saying that you only had to when he pins you to the restroom wall.


So I did look at the FAQ just to make sure if this question was in there, but it wasn't. I was wondering if you have a planned price for the game when it is fully finished. Also is there any way it would be possible to get it bought before it is fully finished that will make the finished version accessible with prepurchasing it?

By the way the game is REALLY good. I have been on it a lot the last few days. It is with a very interesting plotline to the character storylines. It really caught my attention.

1.Darius tiene escena ya??

Aun no

No. Con suerte, llegará

What are the names of the  songs that Darius plays at the piano ? 

One of them is Gymnopedie No 3 from >>
Another is Piano Moment >>
And the last one was custom composed by StoffertheWolf, just for Darius.

hey Dyne quick question! First love this game so much! I was wondering can I get the full game download if I can support one single payment? And if so where is the link I can do that from? Thanks in advance keep up the amazing work 

The full game isn't completed yet, so there is no link for that currently. 

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hey I am I the only one that’s having a weird problem on dozers day 17 when you get to click on him that it’s acting kinda weird like when I click on certain parts of him it says a different part of his body for example when I clicked on his arm it says that I clicked on his chest or if I click on his dick it says I clicked on his thighs that’s really weird and I didn’t know what’s was going on am I the only one experiencing this problem? Or Dyne if you could explain to me what happened I’d like to know why as well thanks  keep up the amazing work on your game I’m loving every second of it and will continue to stick around ❤️😊🤗

Ahh, I forgot to include this in my notes.  THe sex scenes are jacked up at the moment, due to the resize.  A lot of things have to be clicked to the left of their click spots, due to this.  In the next update, I actually have a feature included to skip those, until I can fix them.

just going to say good work in the game have for a long time wanted to get this but not known where. got it some houers ago and CaptainGerBear art is so nice can't wait for the game to be fully finnished and i glady buy it again  then :)

Thanks a lot!

Hey I’m not sure if this question is asked  a lot or if there’s  an answer somewhere and I just haven’t seen it but I was wondering if it was possible to download/play this on a iOS device

Not yet.  I have to use a MAC to build for iOS, so I havne't been able to do that just yet.

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stupid question but is it possible to get the "songs" darius played on the piano as mp3 ? :3

i really enjoy it to listen to them and coudln't find anything on Youtube 

and btw could u update the guids ? playing darius atm and i dont know which choices are right x)

You can get two of them online.  One was custom made for Darius, and it's not available as an MP3 right now.

One of them is Gymnopedie No 3 from >>
Another is Piano Moment >>

And I won't update the guides until I've caught up with all the art swaps, at least x3


I will miss spencers handsome smile

how long do we must wait for all art swaps ? wanna know if its right to tell him that darius should keep the beard ect or if i should watch at his messages ect :/

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nice update there but i wonder there is no loger added at version 1.56 like galleries anymore?


yea, dune only had the gallery for you guys as kinda like a throwback, and to see the old art style. But now if you want the gallery than you have to be a 10$ paetron, which includes the gallery and the Legacy Gallery, the Legacy one has all the old art style from CM, and the Normal gallery has CGB. Hope this helps!

ah okay then thankyou for the answer

Hello, first of all I would like to say how much I love this game, the writing is amazing and all the characters are well fleshed out in my opinion. One thing I wanted to ask was if it was possible to download older versions of the game or have two versions of the game on the same device. I want to keep updating the game as more things get added, but, (and I hope this doesn't sound rude because I really like CaptaiGerBear's art), I would like to have the option of switching between the old and new art styles. I apologize if this is an annoying question, you probably get a lot about the art style change. I read the FAQ and saw that you would include a legacy gallery with old art, but any insight on this would be much appreciated :). Best of luck with finishing the game and I can't wait to see more!

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HONEY I just played through the new Dozer Day 19 update and oh my god i can't believe you are going to do this to me i'm so intrigued for where the story is going

Just FYI though, in the first interactive scene with Dozer (on PC) all of the areas that trigger text to come up appear to be shifted to the left or don't seem to exist at all (ex. to trigger the nipple dialogue, I would need to click on a specific tree that was about an inch or so of my screen to the left from where you would normally expect to click). 

Otherwise, the new art/game style is really growing on me, and I love the new action-based art and minigames that came in this new update! 100% looking forward to seeing more of this content!

(On that note, I'm going to go play Chester Day 24 and likely also love it)

In Spencers rute at the first bed scene I can't touch him.  help

for all touch actions move your cursor to the left (about 1 cm) and a small amount up 

i guess its a problem with the resolution have the same problem 

i finished it with button smashing and the points where u can touch him a a bit further away from the "normal" spot u can see him so try it a bit more on the left or right side.

Sorry i dont know how to describe it but i hope u can understand it 

thanks both of you the info I try

Was wondering how to set up and start the game from downloading it. I did that from this website and had all the files, but don't know how to actually play the game. Would really appreciate it if anyone could help. I use a Dell laptop Inspiron 13, 5000 series.

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Have you tried going to ExtraCurricularActivies.exe and extracting all the files? After you do this an icon should appear next to the same file and you should be able to run the game from there


Hello Dyne

I just wanted to say that you and all the people that work on the game are doing such a great work, I've never tried NSFW game and your game made me take the first step to a brand new world, the background are great (even if sometime I see a white blackground with the name of the blackground but is it because it isn't finished if I'm right)the character artwork of CaptainGerBear are awesome.

I just can't wait to the game to be done even if it is in 5 years the wait It's gonna be worth the cost

I just hope that you and the people you work together are having a great time on that project and don't work too much on it

Bye and keep working hard but not too much


:o What! I, didn't expect this. I checked this out because Coach Griffer looked hot but, i have like feelings now! like, relationships are real beautiful things , and sex isn't the most important thing. I had such a twisted idea of what love had to be like, from the stuff I've read and my personal experience in life, but now,  I want  an honest to god, text you goodnight, concern for each other, genuine affection in my life. I was so blown away by this. Going to become a pateron when I get my check this Friday. Harold-main charecter is relationship goal. I was stunned by how much meaning it had with no sex yet. Just, like, feelings. Damn. Damn! 

P.S. Cavilers guide to matrimony and homicide had me honest to god cracking up for a solid 5 minutes xD xD xD Ggtlm is so good best reference ever


DyneWulf would it be alright if I made a discord server for Extracurricular Activities and of course DyneWulf i'll make you owner of the server


A discord server already exists for EA, but I have nothing to do with it.


oh I like much your game dyne, but I have a question, what is happen with harold if I did not choose your route? he will die?? sorry for my english, is realy hard to me write in english

You have to think, Harold's depression is basically triggered by the MC coming to him.  Without the MC there, these things don't happen.

Huh, I actually feel a little bad for going for him now...I love him and all but if it causes him so much pain and depression than I feel very conflicted and guilty!

In the end, he ends up happier though!  Unless you string him along....


You're right, Dyne. But i think the MC is not capable string Harold along. He seems like a person you can trust and very good guy in general)

I feel much better now, thanks


I really love the games and I think the new art is really good, the only thing that bother me a lot in this new update is the presence of the mc. I dont really like the design but that is not the main problem, the main problem is that it makes the game a lot less inmersive. I know there is people who likes  but i dont know, it would be nice to have an option to   keep it hidden or somtething. that is the only thing, the rest of the games is wonderful :D

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There will be character customization and option of hide him in the future! This was said a hundred times already by Dyne. For now, i advise you to enjoy the mc's sprite, give it a chance.

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the art talked  finaly stop and I actually like the new art but the expressions still need some work P.S Im still hoping for the double date with Dozer  and Chest  and this is the best furry YAOI game  ever my 2nd fav is Blackgate :) <3


It's Bara game, not yaoi:)


Wanted to ask before I did anything out of respect  but I have a huge crush on spencer and would like to get a commission done for him I can post copy write to you.


Sure thing, just be sure to credit me and share the image with me too, if you do it! ;3


So how many gay and bisexual population is in this universe like I barely seen a straight character (still love the game,the story and the characters) (-¿_-)


Haha, they exist!  Hal and Maria are just two examples that you get to see x3


does the lack of his name mean that Richard also likes guys? #truefantheories #wecanonlyhope 


Honestly, since the MC and Coach Grifter discuss that topic in his route...

I would absolutely die if there was an extra (non-canon... maybe) scene where everyone on the team got outed/outed themselves in some Darius-induced conversation, just to see everything hit the fan at once. 


i will really miss the older art but i will like the story no matter what, besides the story and the way it is set is actually great! Though the visual aspect is renewed, we don't have a choice but to support them because they are the ones who made it possible. It's just the circumstance that  dyne and cursedmarked parted ways we can't change it and in the long run the choice is still in the dev.


I would like to know if someone knows with which characters u can have anal sex :v and when will the new are will be included in the free version. Ty

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