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Dwayne is a sexy man and really a funny guy i want to see more of it he's really curious i wonder what his kinks the main characters said there was a little bit of leather strap and a leopard loincloth that means he's into....OMG NO WHY !? now it's getting really interesting great job for making this. i hope you create more of it it's getting it is more update please let me know i really need to know what happens next to all of the characters including.....the new character....i hope you and i going to include another handsome lion in the your visual novel if you do i swear to god i'm going to have another heart attack a seizure and i'm going to have another nose breed i'm not referring the other lion and prefer a different lion character if you know what i mean. sorry to make so many of questions and sometimes i get really carried away coz i feel the thrills and chills what will happen next or even the main character we get married for real this time i really don't know 'm really i'm sorry i'm your biggest fan and i really want to know what happens next


question, how do we unlock Dwayne's route? and how can we find him


"You know those last couple of housekeeping updates where I mentioned updating Coach's Day 2?  Check it out!"  end qoute.

Which update is that which version?

Loved the most recent update! But I am curious, does Dwayne act as some kind of secret character? and if so, are there gonna be more?

not really as secret character - the creator said before that he will propably add some minor character routes when he is done more with story (most of routes are done, so we got Richard and Dwayne)

OOHHH, thanks for the exsplination! i was kinda confused about that :D


I am curious, is this game going out for steam or something? like, once it's complete? 

Actualmente la ruta de Richard está acabada? 

Actualmente no, por ahora solo esta en el dia 7 de unos 35 por lo que recuerdo. pero todos los demas tienen sus rutas acabadas

I just started, which routes are done and wich ones aren't?

Right now I'm really loving Harold and Richard..


As far as I know, Chester, Dozer, Harold, Darius and Spencer's routes are finished, but Richard and Dwayne's aren't yet

Ah ok! Thnx for answering. I take it all routes are evenly long? Then I'll probably wait a bit longer for Richard's to finish :)


Yes, all full routes are planned for 35 days (5 weeks).

Eu queria saber se vai ter mais atualizações do jogo para o público 👍👍👍👍

Sempre tem uma atualização pública todo mês

Mais o que eu soube o jogo já terminou todas as rotas . Vai ter algo a mais?

Além de um epílogo pra cada rota, ainda tem duas rotas sendo trabalhadas como a do Richard e a do Dwayne

when will the spencer epilogue be out?

Harold's would probably be first since it was the first finished route.

i finished spencer route. i love this game


How will I know that I’ve completed a character’s perfect route?

I have seen a new Character called Dwayne? How cain I play his route?


You can only play the route that this amazing creator have given us

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, maybe try not to sound like a preacher. Who is Dwayne and will his route (if he has one) be added to the game?

(Edit) After some looking (on TikTok), I found someone said Dwayne is on a recent patreon build. That means he’ll come out to the public soon, I can’t wait to meet him! Along with any more characters Dyne adds!

This is not completely true, Coach's route has more than one ending, a good, bad, and neutral ending.  That may have been an experiment or specific choice of the creator's.  I have not played around with some of the other routes as I tend to do without thinking about it is the good route.


Is there a way to download older versions of the game?

Is there a way to check the game version ingame? Im on mobile an have to use an APK launcher to install and im not sure if its updating when i download the latest version.

I would like to point out that in the latest build, Chester's yakuta in day 13 is now gone again


i love this game...qeep up the good work!10/10

(1 edit) (+1)(-6)

I don't want to sound picky or offend the people working on the game , but Is there a way to use the old sprites from years ago? the ones by cursedmarked with the charcters facing the reader, I saw them on an old YouTube video and they are one of the reasons I wanted to try the game. 

I encountered an exception glitch that prevented me from finishing Chester's route, Day 20 the shower scene. It said object widtho and object heighto in place of certain texts. I downloaded it November 5th 2021 not the November 16th one. I read that one of the updates fixed this, just in case, I'm typing this out. If need be I can post the exception glitch traceback text.


I love the journey that dyne wolf went with this game and hope he gets all the support he can check out his Twitter and Patreon for extra content and make sure to be glad he update monthly


Also gorilla man :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Wow, does this mean that we will get more routes with love interests? I've just found out about Dwayne, an anthropomorphic gorilla teacher, and he's really hot and he seems like a cool man:) Another DILF is really appreciated ^^

does this VN have a discord?

(1 edit)

I didnt know there was an option to look at the characters bios, thats neat. I wish it was on the android version as well but maybe its limited

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

I'm still on version 1.13.2 (I think... Or maybe 1.13.0) on Android and there's an issue with the Spencer storyline where after finishing the second day of work at the Cafe the rain noise continues even in the dance studio. 

Besides that I'm loving every part of these stories; and especially liked the scene on stage with officer Charlie 🔥. I just wish I could've gotten a Coach Harold plush, but only found out about the novel because I learned of the plush after it had sold out while looking at the page of another stories plush. 

Edit: More and more I wish that it was possible to get into a 3-way with some of the characters (Like Harold and Spencer or Harold and Richard) if not a giant orgy between the whole team+Richard; although technically it's not an orgy as it is 1 person short, but that's w/e... Maybe the bartender from the geyser or the librarian could join the fun ;). Part of it is because it would be super hot, but the other part is that I kind of hate how when I go down the various paths I am left wondering what happens to the other end of the relationship that character would've been in and if they end up finding someone else.

Ps. Whoever did the artwork on Harolds psycho ex did a really great job... Especially showing just how deranged she looked during the break in. She gave off total Karren vibes with how she was drawn. In general they did a great job with all the artwork and all the various characters making them look super hot, but literally as soon as I saw her I even shuddered with fear even though I wasn't actually in danger like the main character. Seriously great job in showing her as the deranged psychopath she is


Finally finished Harold's route, but I can't help being a bit disappointed about where it left off... It's a great amazing story that was extremely well written evoking many intense emotions along with the amazingly well written sonnet, but it just leaves so much unanswered. Do the main character move in with Harold? Do they get married in the end? Do they end up happily ever after? I get that it would be super boring having a story continue for a few months of them constantly longing for one another as they finished the semester until they could finally be together, but it would be nice if the story did something like skipping ahead to the end of the semester with them discussing how difficult it's been and all the things they're looking forward to, maybe having Harold ask the main charecter to move in, or even with Harold proposing as the main charecter says yes if not skipping straight to the wedding and ending the story right after they say "I Do" as they give their final kiss. It would just be so much more satisfying to have closure along with the artwork that could be made for either a wedding or a proposal (imagine the proposal happening on the romantic overlook with the city in the background). I would draw it myself if I had the artistic talent, but Harold probably draws better then I do ::/

Even without the closure though I think it was an excellent story and I look forward to finishing the other routes. Great job with everything that is there though! 


DyneWulf said that every datable character will have an epilogue at some point. The Harold route ended without showing the real conclusion, which leads us to see that conclusion in his epilogue.


Is richard's route complete? Am kinda confused



I tried installing last version on android but it doesn't work 


So Richard's route continuation when?~ Ehe

(1 edit) (+2)

So dynewulf does this mean the only ongoing route is Richard or are you planing to add some in the near future, if so tell the librarian will be dateable cause DAMMM look at that man he fine as hell.

No I am totally not simping

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Ah... UwU it's sooo bittersweet for all the main routes to be done! Q.Q EA has been such a consistent for years, something to look forward to every month... But what a satisfying ride it has been! :'D and the ride still isn't over! >_</


how many routes are complete in this vn?


Eu sempre vou dizer que aminha rota favorito e o Harold grifter ❤️❤️❤️ essa cena fez eu 😭😭😭😭😭


Pra mim a do spencer é insuperável, mas essa parte na rota do harold me quebrou.


wow darius ended...seeing that 'final day' for a darius update hit me. been playing this since the release and it did nothing but exceed my expectations . love it and darius was always my favorite right after chester. i havent played the update yet because if i do that means its the end. gonna wait it out till im ready lol. 

also i hope bam get a route by some miracle, im interested in his...'knot' lol


Darius route is one of the best if not the best, he really exeeded my expectationes


Beautiful game ! You did a great work , it's the best novel visuel i have play! 

So sad every routes are Finish, i cry, but i'm so happy to play this game 😭 maybe in the Futur, more content will be appear after day 35 at every characters. It would be pretty cool to discover a new story of each character in the winter season. It would be much more romantic. 


"Darius Day 25" Im crying, hes my favorite character and now i can finally see the end, i dont know how to feel, a mix with joy and sadness ♥ thanx Dyne for ur hard work and of course thanx to Gearbear for the artwork ♥ keep the excelent work n.n


I cryed at his ending, it was so good, i loved it. He's the best charecter in my opinion

(1 edit) (+1)

Those new additions to the extras page will be limited to the Patreon version or will they be seen by anyone currently? Knowing if I reached the best ending would be nice, but I understand if it stays Patreon only for now.

Anyway, I love this game, keep up the great work. I can't download new versions right now, as it would be too tempting a distraction from studying for exams, but hopefully in summer I'll be able to see all that I've been missing out since my last download. Don't pressure yourself and keep at your own pace, we'll love the end product no matter how long it takes, so stay healthy and positive!

What extra pages, i need context please


I want to play with richard more from day 7 please update him


I love how far this game has come. Currently, I'm replaying all the routes due to me losing save data, but I loved that surprise with the introduction of another route after Richard. I had expected it to be either the dragon from the library or Hal based on the sprite line-up on the main page here, but the math teacher works just as well. So I can't wait to see what other kinds of routes that could be put into the possible future updates. There could be a route where we fall in love with one of the rival tennis players like the tiger or the bear that we play off against at the beginning of the game. Even if the final game does not have any more additional routes after the math teacher, I'll still be happy because this game has already exceeded my expectations for the three years that I played. So keep up the awesome work DyneWulf!


wait what? there is route with math teacher? isnt that that black jaguar? or that is in subbed version for now? i just hope that the bull get route too.. i am sucker for bodybuilders:D


no, the math teacher is the gorilla. you can go on an unofficial date with him in the prologue before you meet with the Bara Godmother. The black jaguar is just a side character that teaches astrology. Chester (the bull) does have a route, so if you love big-bodied guys, you can give his route or Dozer (the Komodo dragon) a try.


i know about main routes - i meant the bull on end of dozer route - the owner of gym:D wait.. there is gorilla character? how i can meet him?

(1 edit)

I think he was a cameo of a character from Stories from the House of Beef Gym, but we will have to wait and see in future updates. You basically stay in the classroom with the coach on day 2 I believe and then just head home, you should be able to encounter him after that. I just encountered him while replaying the coach's route, so I didn't really know what I was doing while playing through that part since it was new to me.

met him now, didnt know about him at all:D looks quite hot


When I played, Dozer's Garden 2 couldn't be found. Are you still working on that image

If you ever plan on getting voice actors, HIT. ME. UP.

Happy to play this awsome game🥰 best game, beautiful work, every characters are interesting, coach grifter my favorite 😍. So sad every route are finish, execpt one or two😭. I wait to play Richard story later. In future update, have you plan to mix story of every characters ? Play with coach grifter to romance Richard or dozer have romance with chester ect....? 

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