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(1 edit) (+2)

update today! so excited!


Please make new update of 1.130

Update 1.30 isn't even done yet as of this post x3  It'll be done later today for Patreon.

ok 🙂

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

don’t know what everyone else thinks but if there are routes planned in the future for Grant, Charlie, and Bam I would be god dam obsessed! Really hot characters. 

(1 edit) (+4)

Unfortunately I believe all those character rights belong to different artists. As such, unless he gets permission he cannot use them beyond what he already has. Professor Tai is in the same boat (and I'd like a route with him, but oh well).

That’s a shame, really like the characters but think I’m to greedy. Will look forward to more to a coach update thou.

In the FAQ it's explained that he won't be doing routes for side characters. You can read his reasoning in there.

This game was so sweet. I can't wait to play more of Richard's route.

I am not quite sure if only me have this issue but on version 1.129 I chose the Darius route but it always turn out the Spencer route. Is that a problem?


If i'm not wrong, you have to go to the gym and get spotted by Darius and not Chester or Dozer and after vthat go to the Sauna along Darius

Don't go to the library. Go to the gym, darius next.

Also I have a question, do you ever plan on adding more days to the characters once you think you don't wanna add any more and once every single one is finished, or do you just plan on continuously making more characters?

there will be epilogues for the already finished routes, we just don't know when

Oh alright, thanks!

Do the characters relate to their zodiac signs?

Like Chester being born on July 7 would make him a Cancer, and Harold being born November 16 would make him a Scorpio.

(I saw this on their school IDs)

(1 edit)

hellooo, just started playing a couple of days ago and got Harold’s route. Brilliant! Got me teary. But I was wondering will other routes be developed with Ted, the cop, Liberian, and the panther? Just starting Spencer’s route but i didn’t want to miss out on the others. As all the characters you introduce are unbelievably appealing! Great job on this. 

(3 edits)

I don't think they'll be adding any new characters soon, since some of the characters don't have their story fully completed, and Richard's story has just about begun. But I am looking forward to a story with Ted, and maybe the cop bear, but I don't think that might happen, but due to spoiler reasons I can't say why. And I also agree with you on the Harold story, I really enjoyed it and had me in a mix of emotions a lot of the time, since it was a rocky story, I really hope that more people support this VN and it's creator!

Yea I'm back again and I wasn't able to continue back when I told you it was fine, it was fine for a little bit but after a few lines the same text appeared and it kept repeating, is it fine if I send a picture or do I just tell you the text, just to not spoil anything for anyone still reading Harold's part.

Just in case you respond and I don't see the response for a while the text that repeats is as follows: "It was hard for you to resist shaking his stomach around, but you found yourself drawn to it. All he did was chuckle and growl every time you did it."

I don't even know what's going on anymore... I shut off and on my PC again and it works again, but just for a few lines again and then it doesn't work anymore.. Any suggestions to what might be the problem even though I don't think you have any. 


Ah, I see.  That's during one of the clicking scenes.  It'll repeat dialog if there's nothing else to say for clicking on that spot.  You can click on other stuff, like his/your crotch and such to progress to the point that it'll go past that.


OHHHHH I never knew..... Damn I feel so dumb right now.... And a bit embarrassed.. Thank you so much!!

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

At exactly what point is the text repeating?  I haven't heard of this happening to anyone in a long while, so I'll need to look at the code and see what might be causing it.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

No worries!  I'm glad it's working suddenly, haha.  It's not the first time I've heard of things breaking and fixing like that, so... it's all good!

Deleted 1 year ago

Richard is only left in the game

No, we still have Dozer and Darius's last day.

He's just about to be!

I know but we also want to read richard full story


I just finished Spencer's route and I just gotta say... I WANT TO CRY OMG!!

I don't think i'll be able to do any other route lol


Same thing here! it seems that the focus of the game really is the Spencer, and the other routes are a bonus. I love him so much that it pains me to break our good boy's heart by following the other routes, but it's worth the experience, because the others are also full of emotions. Think to myself, even following the other routes, our boy will be there waiting for us.

yeah uwu

I just downloaded and open the game from android how to fix this??

Rotate your phone first then open the game. Works perfectly fine for me


Thank you it work!


After waiting for nearly an hour for the Android version to download onto my phone, I tried to install it only for it to abruptly stop, saying "App not installed" & any attempt to install results in said message. Haven't had this problem with other games/visual novels I've played so I can only assume this to be a ripoff. Highly disappointed as I had been looking forward to playing this.

Make sure you have enough free space on your phone, and sometimes APK files need special permissions from your phone to install.  It certainly works just fine on android.

I gave it another chance & was able to install and play it this time, so I'm amending my previous comment. I originally was interested in pursuing Coach Harold, however my first playthrough I unknowingly started Richard's route by helping him each time it asked. Gotta say how surprised i was to see he's not just hard-working but has a twisted sense of humor like I do. Can't wait for more of his route.


as a bisexual I want the option to date maria, she is just lovely

Haha, a lot of folks would enjoy something like that, but Maria is just so pure...

Richard would be so Jealous

(2 edits) (+4)

I promised myself that I would never fall in love with a fictional character. 

"I know spencer"

- F**k!


He's just so charming, it's hard not to!


So far, I'm loving the chemistry between the MC and Richard.  I can only hope that things will continue to get more intense for them.  Beautiful job, truly beautiful job.

Me too


Literally just made an account just to say that I loved what I have played so far. I am looking forward to finishing the rest as the updates come out, but am going to be so sad when it does come to an end. Haha 

How do you get the handcuff scene with Darius? I fell like I've tried everything

Me too idk how to even do it

I managed to do it, but no idea how. Maybe talking about Spencer or interest in playing around with other guys??

Maybe it depends on how you respond during the look around the sex shop?

Hey dynewolf how many days are left for darius and dozer to be updated


Got a problem. Day 18, thursday. Eric is gonna say his haiku and..the game collapses. Could anybody help me? Thank you.

Deleted 2 years ago

Fully suport him, and dont make jealous in him


Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee make Richards full story .I want to read his story sir 😔😔😔

yessssssssssss mee toooo lol

(1 edit)

Now Richard is only left in the game that we didn't have seen his story . So we want full story of him pleaseeeeeeeeee.

(1 edit) (+7)

The problem with Spencer existing...


Are you interested in doing extra scenes of the couples that form between routes?
 Dozer x chester 
richard x harold 
spencer x darius

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"


Yes yes!!!

Just curious but will Richard be getting both a top and bottom scene? I believe all the other character routes have the potential to do either, so I'm assuming Richard would be the same as well.

in some future update we may have a relationship with characters from the library who appear on Spencer's route, think he's so cute it's a shame he doesn't show up much.

(1 edit)

You may want to check out "See no evil" it's an old text adventure game from Captain Gerbear. (Note: that game is also NSFW)

You think you can put a link please? :) for research purposes obviously

The official like is HERE. Because it is an old game I think it only work on window. 

is it the full game or is it still in development? 

Is there any problem that could arise if I delete older versions of the game? They don't seem to replace older ones when I download newer ones, and the saves seem to carry over though, so I wonder what would happen if I deleted the previous ones.

i've deleted past iterations and each time i download the newer one, my saves seem to carry over. 

Thanks for the reply, that leaves me at ease knowing I don't have to worry about any repercussions

You can delete the old ones!  Saves are stored in APPDATA folders, so it won't be bothered by deleting old versions of the game.


Thanks for the answer, and for this whole game.

It has been one of the most wonderful reads in a long time, and all routes have been able to pull a lot of emotions from me, Spencer in Darius' route for example made both want to slap him with the might of Zeus and just hug him till the heat death of the universe. Your writing really can pull at ones heart, with positive or negative emotions, in just the right way, so I can't wait to keep seeing how this game grows.

How do you get richards route

In the first couple of days you just need to help him out around the shelter. You can also spread your attention among the other characters so you aren't spending too much time with one other person.

(2 edits)

It's like 5 times I try all the possible dialogues i love it, When you take the time to read every things you can see thats a good game, and I don't know why but Darius ad of shame make me think about Orangina french furry add XD.Honestly my favorite are Dozer and Darius and i cant wait for Richard part 😁. I don think it will never existe but a trouple Darius and Spencer will be 🤌.

Ps;I can not help giving money but i speak italian and French if you whant a free trad for more public 😄

DyneWulf, I have to give you credit. This is one of the only visual novels I have played where each route is better than the last. I always find at least one of the routes I play solely for completionist sake, but each character in Extracurricular has proven to be both unique in their outlook and personality, and generally pretty damn hot as well. I honestly couldn't pick a favourite, they are all great in their own way. I look forward to future updates to see where Richard goes. I'm not a Patron user but I'll definitely support here on Itch.

yo how do i access the gallery in the game? or is it not in this build?


Patreon only until final release

Patreon only, bro

damn :(

(1 edit) (-2)

Just finished Darius's newest public update, and... I'll tell it plain and take the downvotes, if that's what's coming to me: for a brief moment there, I was reminded of Vernon.

I enjoy the occasional bit of light bondage, and while I was leery at the thought of being cuffed without a safe-word, I trusted Darius because he keeps talking about always playing safe... but the fact that he was willing to leave me cuffed when we were done, even as a joke, shows a level of disrespect that frankly scares me. I've heard too many stories of bondage gone bad, to consider a stunt like that as anything other than crossing the line.

Darius was my favorite up until now, but had I been there in person, I would've broken up with him right around that last fade-to-black. If that moment hasn't already been rewritten, I'll need it to be before I consider continuing his route.


It's unfortunate that it made you feel that way, but I'm not rewriting it.  Darius is just being Darius, and I read the scene with a completely different feeling than how you do.  I don't expect everyone to always see eye to eye with what I write.  Isn't the firs timet, probably won't be the last time, but I'm fine with that.

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago
(4 edits)

After further reflection, I've decided to ask: What feeling do you get from that scene?

Darius has just done the same thing to MC that Vernon once did to Chester. It's no secret I'm not the most observant person on the planet, but it's plainly obvious even to me that Vernon was written as an unrepentant asshole... so what am I not seeing here, that's meant to make Darius look any different?

I haven't played the new scene yet, but I would just point out that bondage play doesn't always need a safe word. Safe words are really only neccesary if you are exploring non-con roleplay. For regular bondage play the safe word should always just be stop, or no, or let me out.

(1 edit)

Okay, having now played the new scene, I can see how you could possibly interpret it poorly, but I think you have to be looking at it through a very critical lens to begin with. The scene fades to black very quickly and there is no real description of how far it goes. Darius turning his back and pretending to be about to walk away is very in keeping with his character and there is no indication that he is actually planning on leaving the MC like that. Is it best practice for safe bondage play? No, not really. But does it further reinforce Darius' character and fit well with what we already know of him? It definitely does.

The fact that Darius didn't acquiesce on the first 'let me out' is a large part of what has me concerned. I can think of three possible reasons in that context as to why Darius would be grinning alongside his boyfriend's quite obvious anger, and if I know Darius as well as I think I do, what I would consider least forgivable of the three... that Darius was deliberately provoking MC's anger for his own amusement... is also probably the most likely.

I agree with you on one point, there's no indication that Darius was planning on leaving MC there... and it could be you're right about me, too, now that I think on it; maybe I am being over-critical... but there's also no indication of how far Darius was planning to go with this before releasing MC, and even if the scene hadn't ended on that note, I ain't the sort as can trust someone who's willing to piss off their SO for a laugh; there's always part of me that wonders how much worse they might get in the future.

This a really good game and I'm hoping that in the future they would add a gallery so you can revisit the CG scenes from each time you completed a route.

Gallery version is for PAtrons and will be in the -final- product ;3

Good to know and cant wait for the final product :D

(1 edit)

I would be cool an alternative history with the same characters but like on a fantasy world, like in LnL of Harold's rute

I just thought about it when I was about to sleep lol

Haha, yeah, that would be something fun to explore!

im playing on PC but when i click the executable it doesnt do anything.

Maybe sure the file is extracted from the ZIP.  IF that fails, delete and redownload.


One note, at one point it says "two little angles", when it should be "two little angels" and now I can't get Calculus questions out of my head.


Caught that error right after I posted the update to Patreon, hah

I can't download the new update

Something on your end or Itch's that I don't have control over unfortunately x3

I got it fixed. Thank you tho

Is there a discord?

No.  I don't have time to moderate one.

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