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First time playing. I followed my intuition and chose Spencer. I've just finished your route, and there's nothing to explain what I feel in my heart... just too many... too many tears of joy and emotion. I didn't expect it to touch my heart in such a way. A simply beautiful story, and I just don't feel the need to try other routes after reading what I read. Now we can only wait to see the outcome of our good boy's story. He deserves the world and much, much more. To everyone involved in the creation of his and others history, just thank you, thank you and thank you.


I felt the exact same after I chose Harold for my first route. I legitimately didn't play for a month or two after that because I just loved it so much and felt so sad the time was up. I was hesitant of playing the other routes but I don't regret choosing to do so.

While it hurts to see the other guys whose stories you have seen be sidelined, it's worth it for the great bits you get with every guy. Darius is still probably my least fave, but the difference went from noticeable to barely any at all, and Spence easily became nearly tied with Harold for me.

Definitely not saying that you sticking to Spence only is wrong, he's incredible and I can't blame you for not wanting to go through other routes, but I promise you that you will find lots to love if you do, especially with Spencer in certain routes.


I understand. thanks for the report. maybe it's just momentary, having just finished the route. When "love" passes, I must follow new routes. but at the moment it will be difficult heh...


Again, I feel yah there. Same exact thing happened to me with Harold. Do things at your own pace, and if you feel like sticking with Spence only that's valid too. Either way, we should thank the creator for giving us such loveable dorks whose stories we can enjoy


Same boat here, I really loved Spencer's route. It's the first I played, and after finishing Harold and Chester's route, Spencer's still my absolute favorite. He's really just the best boy and all his lines are my kind of sap. He's amazing, and replaying his route over and over never gets tiring for me. I love him way too much to ever get tired. In this world, or the next, longer and brighter than any star in the universe, he'll always be the best~!

(minor spoilers) If it's any consolation for you to try out the other routes, for Harold and Chester's, Spencer still has that "I love you so much, but I'm too shy / scared" vibe going on between you two. He's always so supportive and loving, it makes playing the other routes worth it just to see how Spencer reacts. Even playing a doubles match with you, it's the only time you see his happier face sprite that entire route. He's best boy no matter what route! <3

Lovely! Thanks for the tips.


I don't know how to properly spoiler but I'll try.


And Chester's and Harold's routes are far less overt about Spencer's feelings than Dozer's and Darius', where it far more pronounced in both, especially Darius', which makes sense considering he's the only one that had ample time to fall for MC as proven in his route.

(1 edit)

I just realized that the officer that comes to file the report in Harold's route is the same one that gets with Harold when you're on Spencer's route. I really appreciate that they both get with people, since I kind of feel bad knowing the burdens they carry (especially Grifter) if they are alone. It also makes the world more dynamic, after all life goes on with or without you.

Is that only on the last day or did I miss something in previous days?

Tengo una pregunta como se logra algo con Dozer y uno de los grandes ando en un ciclo sin fin con Richard 

No sé exactamente qué estás preguntando. Pero puedo ayudar y decir que el camino de Richards no está terminado. Seguro que tienes una pregunta sobre la ruta de Dozier. ¡Entonces, responderé la pregunta que tienes!

Lo que decía exactamente que como logras una ruta con dozer o otros personajes

En teoría la ruta de Dozer no es tan difícil, eso si al inicio es un tanto tediosa ya que tendrás que intentar que el se abra contigo durante la primera semana de la ruta, ya después de las primeras batallas de tenis se pondrá mas afectuoso n.n en cuanto a Richard su ruta aun esta en producción por lo que solo tiene muy pocos días u,u

Tenés que dejar de ayudar a Richard en el jardín

muchas gracias esque no podía evitar ayudarlo 


This game gives me serotonin Passionately. Darius was annoying to do but so WORTH IT!!!!

does anyone know what day Darius starts to refer to himself as "your lion" to the MC without noticing it? pls I need help🤯



thank you so much babes <3 muah


Actually I think it starts in the mid-teens somewhere. Its been a while but I believe he first mentions it some time when he's driving somewhere with you.

(1 edit)

yeah it was day 21 when he actually called the MC ´´your lion``

I'm curious... What supposed to be changed in Las update for dozer route if you finished Chester's route or not. I did go through day 33 just before finishing Chester route and then after... Did not noticed anything different


Love coach harold 🥰😘😍..heem...maybe next...spencer or darius or richard?..dunno 😂🤣😅

Spencer's run is over.

Darius is still ongoing, same for Richard.

ah i see...yes...spencer and coach harold happy ending hehe...okeey can't wait your next update 🥰😘😍


This might be a stupid question, but how do you access the Gallery?

As of right now there is no gallery, he hasn't said if he will add one. Just press S button when you get to a image it save a picture of the scene in the game files. And you can view it with any photo program



When will we get Richards full path?

(2 edits)

Up to 2 years from now depending on how the updates schedule gets handled. This is a very long project and Richard's only begun. Granted, i'm only going by how consistently we got updates, i can't speak for DyneWulf on that.


Thanks for responding! I can't to see what Richards Path has in store. I will defiantly keep track of the updates! This is one of my favorite Dating Sim/Visual Novel I have ever Played!

Isn’t the jizz margarita thing literally illegal…? Like I know it’s character development but I wasn’t expecting that🥴


i think it's illegal to sell? you can't exactly forbid people from including their bodily fluids to the food on their own home

Ok yeah that makes more sense🥴

I think it be illegal to give someone it and not tell them. But nothing stopping anyone from doing it at home with consent. As far as I know


Yeah that's what I was thinking...I was just wondering because he only told us after the fact, but I suppose if you've had sex with them before then boundaries like that are kinda crossed already

i keep on  getting different scenes then what i play before an on Daris 

On Darius' day 26 if you decide to have him get rid of the beard he magically regrows it for 2 of the day's CGs. (Plus he has it in the texting picture as well)


I’d honestly think he’s just meant to have it at that point lmao


Honestly, he looked d4mn good with a full mane. That's how I want my lion.



He does look better with it, i was just doing a second playthrough changing it up and the inconsistency threw off the mood of the scenes a bit.

He looks like his dad in the CG's tho. But i am not complain to handsome lions at once!

Me waiting for the coach from the track, i need sum more beef.

Honestly yeah


Happy birthday Harold, our favorite bear.


Did the 1.125 update get delayed?


probably just a little bit behind it will probably be up in a bit :3 


I hope so I'm excited to see more on the Richard route



happy birthday harold!!!!


Was replaying Harold's route recently, it was 2 days ago that I realized his birthday was today xD Happy Birthday Papa Bear!




…y’all really out here committed to this man…must be nice :(


I love how organic the relationships in this story feel! At least in regard to Darius and Spencer haha


richards route is very.. different. in good ways tho! the way he flirts and interacts with mc is very.. on character with him. he isint the type to dance around things. if he is interested he will show it. ( maybe not to maria tho.. he is way too flustered with her to do something like that lol ) and the change of pace is honestly a happy change! i love the show pace with the other characters and the bonding time. but richard is a change of pace. a happily accepted one at that! :3

Deleted post

who else is excited for the update today?!?! :D


the question is who isn´t ?! /same

(1 edit)

Android version doesn't download the game 😓😭

Anyone knows when richard is getting more days to his route?

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

Richard is getting more for the next patreon update I believe on the 16th this month, I don't know about the public build, sorry

Dont know of someone mentiones this already but in Chester's route when they are at the onsen when its time to change to the yukata the MC changes right but Chester changes to his regular clothes. 


Some of the things you say in your page here is kinda rude as you know what I mean some people are new to I mean I know I didn't know what Patreon was or what to look for or anything so maybe you should be a little more patient and understanding to the people who are funding your game etc.


Instead of making comments like that websites like this excist for people to ask questions and get feed back that's the whole point in funding and making your dream come true with this yeah maybe some people that you have already told many times should get that but not everyone like you put it.


I have no idea what you're going on about x3 

Itch doesn't fund this project.  Patreon does. 

People can donate VIA itch, which I always appreciate, but my project is literally free for folks here to play.  If people like it enough to donate some $$ to it, <3<3<3, if not, then that's just fine too!  I appreciate them checking it out nonetheless.  

Is me giving a straightforward answer what you consider to be rude?  I answer a handful of questions by getting straight to the point.  -Most- of the time, the answers to questions asked are even on the main page of this project's page (I even have an FAQ there). 

Anyway, hope that clears up some things for you!


PLZZZZ im confused how do i download this on samsung


Download and install -_-

(Say S9 Note user ;D)

Normally just download it, extract the APK files, install and play.  If you have an old version and are having issues, uninstall that one first or make sure your device allows unknown APKs to be installed.


I love playing this game please make more updates

Haha, of course!  More are definitely on the way x3


hi dynewulf, i love all your stories and the new updates that you have put, they are amazing, i have a question, have you considered putting different languages? for example Spanish? For those followers who don't know English and if you add the Spanish option it would be of great help. uwu.

Thank you!

Other languages is something I've considered.  I just want the routes to be 100% done in regards to the writing before they get translated.


Played this game for the first time last month and absolutely loved every bit of it

But well, I'm faced with a dilemma here

You see, in the game called Dragon Age Inquisition, you can date characters throughout the story. One of these characters is called Iron Bull, and he's peak husbando material. Actually, he's so husbando material that I can't push myself to date anyone else each time I replay this game

And I'm in the same situation with Extracurricular Activities

I only did Harold's route so far, because he's so precious and adorable I really can't think of trying another route (even though they seem really interesting, I know)

The author did a remarkable job with Harold's route, he's by far the most relatable and touching character I've ever seen

(that's why he instantly became my number one husbando btw, sorry Iron Bull)

Deleted 97 days ago

Dorian is loveable and hilarious, such a great character (well, all the important characters in DiA are great. But they don't have Dorian's sass, flamboyance and mustache)


wait when you read the route of spencer and darius, you will be delighted, more in the history of spencer.


Bahaha, well thank you!  I'm glad you've enjoyed it.

I've had a handful of people come up with similar issues about not wanting to play other routes after playing a certain one.  If it helps, Coach ends up being happy on all the other routes too ;3  So feel free to explore the other guys too!  (You'll even find a parody to Iron Bull in another route!  He was the whole reason I played DA:I)


I'll sure explore every route since all the characters are loveable, but I'm glad Harold ends up being happy in every route, he truly deserves it

I'm eager to find that Iron  Bull reference, guess I'll have to pay attention to everything ! (glad to meet another Iron Bull enjoyer as well, who doesn't love beefy dudes telling dad jokes ?)

Maybe I'm just crazy. But I'm having trouble getting the auto-forward-time feature to work. Has anyone else had any issues with that? Thanks for the help and I'm thoroughly enjoying this game so far! 

It's not there.  Seems like it's something I might need to add back, haha.

Thank you too!

Hello, is there a CG for this game?

If so then can you guys lens m


There are lots of CGs in the game.

I meant Choice Guides. 😅

I saw it yesterday, and it seems that I have to pay. I guess that's fair, considering the game is public.

you can go back on choices that you don’t like. 

is there a way to see how much affection you have done to them?

Love & Like


Deleted 2 years ago

It shouldn’t really be hard to be nice to your route partner…that’s kinda all there is to it

richard and an option or not

Someone actually mentioned this just a few comments down.

Deleted 1 year ago

$5 patrons get guides on my Patreon.

Deleted 1 year ago

Oh... oh no...


NGL, I didn't even know that was there, lmao



It's been a year since I've not read this VN properly.

It's time to revisit the story yet again. 😁


Lots changed in a year, that's for sure!


The sad part of you starting to add the Richard route.. I WANT MORE lol keep it up


Haha, that's good to hear for me!  Richar'ds update is next on Patreon~

(1 edit)

Hey guys and gals I need some help, I am playing on android and it's Chester's day 20 and I am guessing the shower scene whould have followed after but this keeps popping up, I have no idea how to fix this is anyone here able to help me I'll drop my discord on the bottom. I have tried saying ignore but nothing happens the pop up stays there and I have deleted and reinstalled the game. 


Will be fixed with the next update.


Thank you so much, Dyne, I love your work! And hope to see even more after ExCa <3

(1 edit)

Na rota do Chester no dia 20 está dando erro pq?🙏


Will be fixed with the next update.

obrigado pela resposta 👍👍👍

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