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Does professor tai have a route? And how do I start Richards route?

No, and Richard's route is currently Patreon only.  It's not public yet.

Ah ok, thanks for the reply

Will Richard have a route?

This is already there.

How do I start his route?

His route is patreon only apparently, at least temporarily it looks like.

some of the backgrounds say they aren't found. Anything I can do to fix?

No.  They aren't found because they don't exist yet ;3

Hey dynewolf when will everyone else get to play Spencer's last day?

The next update on here 1.115


who is your favorite character so I think Coach Grifter is cool 😳😂🐻🐻🐻🎾


I think coach grifter is cool too!!!

Deleted post

are right chesters also pretty cool 😳😂🐮🐮


Im more into dad types so coach is my favorite. Spencers my second.

How do I use auto-forward? I see it settings but I can't figure out how to turn it on.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hm... Sometimes the MC annoys me in Harold's route as of how he keeps promising to tell the team what's going on but then he forgets about it. It feel like he occasionally prioritizes love over friendships. Not that's he's close with them to begin with, but I think that's the issue...

It's one thing that if he doesn't promise anything or nobody asks how the Coach is. He doesn't even bother remember to tell them if they are going to have practice or not until the day. Even after Spencer told him where the Coach's house is and how he drove him there. I don't know, I just don't like how he treats him teammates in Coach's route sometimes 🤔

(1 edit)

in my opinion, you do not treat your teammates badly, it is more that you support the coach to be invited to play role-playing games at his home, and  your team already knows that you and the coeach are boyfriends.

Вот и настал день когда к нам присоединится Ричард)

Я тоже очень рад этому!

1 Spencer  this route break me the most

2 harold.  I love his daddy vibe

3 Dozer  it contains a lot of sex scene

(1 edit) (+2)

don't forget that darius's story is very good and chester's too.

I agree with you on spencer

When you say "break me the most", does that mean Spencer's route contain tragedies and possibly issues between MC and Spencer ? I can't handle them breaking apart...

It's okay to spoil it for me, i'm currently waiting for the next update for a full Spencer route.

I believe every route has their bad endings, so it can be a possibility I'm guessing.

(1 edit)

Oh, you're right. I just don't usually play bad endings in a VN (especially if they can get touchy and emotional) cause guilt will haunt me for days on end lol. 


tengo una pregunta habra mas ruta para la historia con el entrenador grifter? me gusto mucho quisiera saber cuando seria esa actualizacion.


No, ese es el final de la ruta del autobús, lo siento. Ahora esperando la próxima actualización de Richard.

uhhh idk if i sound stupid but how do i update to 1.114? it’s not working for me aaaa 💔


Will there be more route days for Darius? cuz I can't wait to see his sister and more route days.

I can not download, it is giving error on my two androids.


I love Chester soooo much ,i waiting for more pics of him !

same the character development for him is so good omfg. hes so cute


I'm confused, how do you download the update? it keeps downloading it seperately.

a bug for dozers route day 12. If you head home it says Oscar instead of Maria.


I have to ask, would you try Maria’s route at some point? Or make it? Pleaseee? She’s soooo sweet! It’s so cute! 


I'm always happy when people like Maria so much, but she's too pure for us... Hahaha


awwwwe so that’s a no? DX but I understand xD

Jeez, after years of playing this and waiting excitedly for the next update, its coming to a close. I wonder what Dyne is gonna do after this.


You talk as if I don't have 3 more routes to finish (with one just now starting!) ;3

Haha, yeah. Its just a weird feeling.

I recently download the update but idk why but my mobile phone install a new application with the full name instead of updating the old version with the name EA. So the savestates aren't transferred. I have to do everything all over again. A little bit sad because it's for me already the third/fourth time to do this. Or does a another way exist to transfer the savestates?

You can transfer the save files. It worked for me. The folder with the save files has had its name changed but you can copy your saves into that folder and it works. Get a file explorer app and you can find the program folders inside the android/data folder. The new folder is named "extracurricular.activities". The old one is something generic like "" I think (sorry I already deleted it).  I just copied the entire contents of that folder over and it worked for me.

Ah, oki. I will try it. Thanks.😊


Soooo i don't know if it's intentionnal or not but there is an image and music gallery that comes with the update. Isn't it supposed to be for patrons only ?

I was just about to ask that as well. I got confused as to how on earth we all have an image AND music gallery when its supposed to be for Patrons only

Oops.  I had so much trouble with.... everything yesterday, I guess something went wrong there and some lucky folks get the galleries for that update x3

(1 edit) (-1)

Oh well it happens sometimes. On the other hand i happen to have unlocked all the CGs except one for Dozer. Comes with his update for day 30 apparently but i only got one of the 2

So i'm redoing Dozer's route to see if i missed anything :D

Edit : Ok nevermind i found it :p


Download button go brrrrrr


Huh, the files showed as being uploaded, but the files aren't there.  Looks like I have to reupload them.

MAC And PC are up.  Still having issues with android.  The builds are oddly large, and I can't upload them until Itch allows me to.

no download link cant download it and Chester is one of my favs in the game to i am into a lot of the same things he is so i can conect with him



how'd we misplace the download button???


Was the download button a hallucination this entire time?


where oh where has the download button gone oh where oh where can it beee

Yeah like the other guys I can't find a download link

(1 edit)

Umm where's the download button XD? It isn't anywhere in the site.

Android Version is still MIA, but MAC and PC versions are up.  Check the DevLog for more info~

No... working download link? Or am I missing something outside the Dropbox fiasco and migration to OneDrive file hosting?

(1 edit) (+7)

Hey guys, the update is... coming!  My computer did a full reset while I was getting stuff ready, so it's taking me a little extra time to get things posted.


No problem at all man, keep up the great work! Thanks for giving us this great game <3

we dont mind! take all the time you need! ^-^

hehehe update is cumming. Geez is it possible I'm too horny for the update. Anyway it's kind of you to give us a public update of this great game, we can wait longer. 

Take all the time you need! Besides, I got some errands to run anyway.

I wonder what time update will come out

looking forward to the update! 😳😬


Can someone let me know when the update is out

its out now!


im excited for tomorrow! chesters final day comes tomorrow! :3

I don't mean to burst your bubble but wasn't this month's update cancelled to make time for Richard's route prep? I'm not on twitter or patreon tho so correct me if i missed an announcement.

I believe the April 16th no update refers to the Patreon schedule, so the public will get an update tomorrow while Patreon won't. That's because Dyne is focusing this month to get Richard's route up and running. So May 16th the public build, I'm assuming, won't have an update but June 16th should be the much anticipated route of Richard's.

im pretty sure it updates today

since dyne replied to me 3 days ago saying its the 16th of this month

I really love this Vn its really good, but i only played spencers and chester's routes but cant wait for them to update and take your time no pressure

How many confidence is required to top Spencer? I want to see some cgs but I also want to go bot

Just be confident in all your responses to him.
No matter which way you go for the first time, he tops you later on.

is chesters final day out or is it coming out on the 16th? no one will tell me anything i swear


His final day will be added on the 16th this month.

alright thank you!

I notice that sometimes, when Andrew talks, his namecard shifts back and forth between white and green. Is it supposed to be so when he's offscreen and then green when he's on screen again?

Also, it would be nice when the side characters do have similar portraits like the main characters when they are offscreen but is still around the main characters

Is there a route for richard?


April 1st -Update 1.115 - Spencer's Day 35 update

April 16th - No update for Housekeeping / Richard Prep

May 1st - Update 1.116 - Richard Day 1   <------

May 16th - Update 1.117 - Darius Day 31

Ohhh... Ok thanks for the info, btw i wish the problem in this game novel is going to get well soon, because i really love it... 😻

hi, do you know why spencer's day 35 update doesn't appear? i only get the latest update wich is 1.114.

they give richard 1 day per update?


alright how do i get darius good route??? I was so surprised when i got his bad route

What constitutes the bad route? I've only had one route with him even when having to restart.

Hello, what is the darius bad route?? i got the good one where we become boyfriends and i meet my father-in-law haha.

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