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Android Version is still MIA, but MAC and PC versions are up.  Check the DevLog for more info~

No... working download link? Or am I missing something outside the Dropbox fiasco and migration to OneDrive file hosting?

(1 edit) (+7)

Hey guys, the update is... coming!  My computer did a full reset while I was getting stuff ready, so it's taking me a little extra time to get things posted.


No problem at all man, keep up the great work! Thanks for giving us this great game <3

we dont mind! take all the time you need! ^-^

hehehe update is cumming. Geez is it possible I'm too horny for the update. Anyway it's kind of you to give us a public update of this great game, we can wait longer. 

Take all the time you need! Besides, I got some errands to run anyway.

I wonder what time update will come out

looking forward to the update! 😳😬


Can someone let me know when the update is out

its out now!


im excited for tomorrow! chesters final day comes tomorrow! :3

I don't mean to burst your bubble but wasn't this month's update cancelled to make time for Richard's route prep? I'm not on twitter or patreon tho so correct me if i missed an announcement.

I believe the April 16th no update refers to the Patreon schedule, so the public will get an update tomorrow while Patreon won't. That's because Dyne is focusing this month to get Richard's route up and running. So May 16th the public build, I'm assuming, won't have an update but June 16th should be the much anticipated route of Richard's.

im pretty sure it updates today

since dyne replied to me 3 days ago saying its the 16th of this month

I really love this Vn its really good, but i only played spencers and chester's routes but cant wait for them to update and take your time no pressure

How many confidence is required to top Spencer? I want to see some cgs but I also want to go bot

Just be confident in all your responses to him.
No matter which way you go for the first time, he tops you later on.

is chesters final day out or is it coming out on the 16th? no one will tell me anything i swear


His final day will be added on the 16th this month.

alright thank you!

I notice that sometimes, when Andrew talks, his namecard shifts back and forth between white and green. Is it supposed to be so when he's offscreen and then green when he's on screen again?

Also, it would be nice when the side characters do have similar portraits like the main characters when they are offscreen but is still around the main characters

Is there a route for richard?


April 1st -Update 1.115 - Spencer's Day 35 update

April 16th - No update for Housekeeping / Richard Prep

May 1st - Update 1.116 - Richard Day 1   <------

May 16th - Update 1.117 - Darius Day 31

Ohhh... Ok thanks for the info, btw i wish the problem in this game novel is going to get well soon, because i really love it... 😻

hi, do you know why spencer's day 35 update doesn't appear? i only get the latest update wich is 1.114.

they give richard 1 day per update?


alright how do i get darius good route??? I was so surprised when i got his bad route

What constitutes the bad route? I've only had one route with him even when having to restart.

Hello, what is the darius bad route?? i got the good one where we become boyfriends and i meet my father-in-law haha.

So um I lost all saves, is there a way to get them back?

Podrian hace que valga cambiar de idioma xfa ya que el juego me encanta, ahora estoy en la ruta de Darius xfa hagan que valga cambiar al idioma español


Dudo que lo pongan en español aun, el juego sigue estando en fase beta, para que lo traduzcan debe estar terminado el producto.

Ok Guys...

No spoil I swear...

Just played the end of Spencer's route and...





(Patreon's monthly submission WORTH if.)

Do you get to have a 3some with Darius when he gets the private show from Spencer?

Love Spencer and his route I hope I see a whole lot more of his story 


I think Azaghal should be a dateable character he is so adorable 

Bruh. I also think about it. 😳

But unfortunately, he cant be a romanceable character, hes a cameo character so dyne doesnt have the rights to do that



This is just a random thought but I feel like this game would set up for a sequel or dlc very well like I know it not finish yet but it sets up characters pretty well for more thing to happen after there routes. But anyway keep up the great work.


Update today?


That what the schedule says anyway


The schedule I posted in the dev log says that, at that time, that was my -Patreon- schedule, not my public schedule.  Public updates are still 16th.


I understand. Thanks.


Oh alright


I'm excited that the next update comes out today

is there a bam rout?? 

(2 edits)

No...unfortunately not... but we're waiting on Richards route Day 1 that is due in May.


Oddly enough, despite me stumbling across this game for porn purposes, I actually kept playing it because it was fun to learn about all of the characters interests! So much so, that I myself have thought about getting my own Bonsai trees!


Same. This ended up in my "unexpectedly wholesome" folder.


This game has to be one of the best ones on here. I mean seriously, Spencer, Darius, and Chester are just amazing even with all of their flaws. Hell if anything, that makes them better!.


Not so long ago I thought Darius rout was better but now to think abot it I liked Spencer's a little bit more 




Thos are the best routes in my opinion I did like the others too but these ones just stood out to me they hit different than the others.


In my opinion playing through all the routes spencer truly is the best but in this order for me 

1, spencer

2, darius

3, coach grifter 

4, Chester

5, dozer 

In my opinion dozer story just made me feel all kinds of cringe


1. Coach Bear


3. Dozer

   ^ ^

I have't played in a while a few months at less when I tried to load my Doze save Im getting a error ignoring it causes the game to restart to day 1 and rolling back causes a crash. it took forever for me to get the time to play gain I don't want to spend it replaying.

Is Dozer going to use his tail in a fun way, if there is another dozer scene?

Please....I've tried 6 times...I just can't get passed Darius day 29...I just wanna love him, I've tried so many different do I keep f'ing up ╥﹏╥


Honestly, I'm surprised you are still having trouble. I got it my first time. Below are comments from other people having difficultly and suggestion on how to improve. If all else fails, just become a $5 Patron member for a month and you will have access to all the route guides.

Are they up to date? 

(1 edit)

Should be, although the newest days might be missing.Still Darius's guide should be up to date enough to get him to be your boyfriend.

Trust me, he's worth the effort.


Has a soundtrack for this game been released yet? If so, where do we go to purchase it?

I'm also hoping for this. "You Saved Me" really appeals to me, especially.


i havent been here in a while, soooooo is Richard a route yet???


"For those that don't know or haven't seen, my Patreon schedule is looking like this right now (keep in mind, public updates are 2 behind Patreon).

April 1st -Update 1.115 - Spencer's Day 35 update

April 16th - No update for Housekeeping / Richard Prep

May 1st - Update 1.116 - Richard Day 1

May 16th - Update 1.117 - Darius Day 31

That should give you guys an idea of when to expect some of that content."

Dude check development log


Played this years ago and I'm so glad Grifter hasnt changed one bit


so glad

How to fix this?

wait.. what scene is that??? i dont remmember o0

It's when you go to the bathroom and Darius follows you. If you resist his attempts this happens.


You don't.  I have to fix that, since it's just a missing background.


Great novel, honestly love Spencer and Darius' route the most and I can't wait to see the final versions and future ones to come!


OMG!F Finally Richard will be available! 😫💕

That man really need some love considering how playful, sweet, and caring he is. Can't wait for the update! 💕

Still crying because of Harold's route and Spencer's. 😭

me too... this is too much!!! i caaaaant stop crying ;0;

Bro once Harold's route REALLY got started it definitely left me flabbergasted!


I can't believe that Richard is finally arriving !! ❤️❤️

The text keep freaking out from time to time and just now i lost all my saves for the Darius route :(


I understand your reason but damn...I was looking forward to see some's cool tho. You created one hell of a VN and we can wait....I guess. Still pumped about Spencers last day and Richard's 1st tho!!!


R I C H A R D ! ! !

is chesters final day out yet? i havent seen the update in the development log for it or is it coming next month? 


Just read the latest log, OMGGG Richard is comingggg!!! <3 <3 <3 <3

Will there be an update this March on public?

I think it was postponed for April.

Since public is always 2 updates behind Patreon I think not.

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