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Ive finished everyone so im waiting on the new update but is everyones limit 35 days when its fully updated

Yes, the plan is to end everyone's routes on day 35. Not sure if additional routes (like Richard) will go that far, but the main five do.

is there a sfw version comig out??

Is there some sort of a guide like a pdf of right choices?

Support the Patreon to get access to guides! Check the game desc above for the link <3

I have a question. Will the limit be 35 days for every character since im finding this game really interesting and id like to have more days with the characters

Once all the updates are done anyway.

(1 edit)

I have another question. Where can I find the sheet music for darius' piano pieces. Would it be ok for me to figure them out as long as I credit the original composer? Thanks!

Edit: I found the song but no sheet music. Would it be ok if I were to learn it by ear for myself and give credit if anyone asks? Thanks again. I'm in love with that so g

(1 edit) (+4)

Is it just me or are you guys also sad that the Visual Novel is almost done? I have really grown attached to them all and I don't just want to leave it ya know? I wonder if Dynewulf will make like a number 2 or an expansion. What dk you guys think? 

P. S Dynewulf if you ever see this, I really love your work thank you for giving us the VN even when your in tough situations you always come through for us I really love your work and thank you yet again (he's probably never going to see this anyway) 


It's preferable if that's the case, but isn't that a bit exhausting?
maybe after a break dyne will work on another
who knows...

It won't let me download on android anyone know why?

(1 edit)

This might be a bit of an obvious question, but how do I choose whose route to take? specifically darius?


just pick him for your partner to practice with and avoid all his sexual advances! later on he gets more into it emotionally but doesint admit it. 

( spoiler ahead ) 

if you got it right he will take you on a camping trip and that is where he confesses his feelings if done right ^-^

thanks. I found out last night and I ended up going to the camping then stopped. I'll have to continue today. 


(1 edit)

Is Richard dating Coach Griffer in dozer route ? 

well the hints are there and basically every date able characters dated other characters so he possibility is there.

(1 edit)

Actually he is. Richard showing up at the school but not willing to tell them who is one hint, but the strongest one takes place on Day 28 of Dozer's route when Maria complains that Richard went to a friends house with a pool (coach Grifter is the only person we know who has that) and didn't invite her along.

I guess Richard and Grifter got together after Richard and Maria went to cheer on the Tennis team that one time.

Is there a roadmap for the game? I just want to know when we can expect Richard's route!

Looks like Richard will be available to patrons on May 1st, which means the public release will get access starting June 16th(ish)

(1 edit)

Just wanted to say so glad Darius got an update! He is my favourite and I look forward to whatever you have planned for him! Also wondering what you mean with something Darius related we can look forward to in the update message.

Yes! Darius is by far my favourite. He's got everything I love; piano, style, taste in food, and knows tons of people.

Is the android version still bugged out??

Bugged how?

(1 edit)

certain days have error codes, for example, day 24 of dozer crashes cus something about an expression isn't defined. could just be me though

Do you have a discord I can add you on and I'll show you

Texas maybe? I know whether has caused a major black out there. Hope your doing ok. Don't worry if things are late just stay safe.

(1 edit) (+1)

I hope DyneWulf is doing OK. I just recently discovered this game, and I'm already in love with it. I hope they're safe! Heath/Safety should always be prioritized over game development. Hope Dyne's holding up well!


All is well with us!  Thanks for checking in =3  Power is on, water is on, and the sun is out in full force!

That's such a relief! I live in Oklahoma, which is pretty much Texas's hat. We didn't get it as bad as Texas did, but God bless! I'm overjoyed y'all are alright. I've been following the development of this game for awhile, and seeing its evolution is unfold is something to behold. Glad you're OK, Dyne! Keep being amazing, and God bless you! :3

That's such a relief! I live in Oklahoma, which is pretty much Texas's hat. We didn't get it as bad as Texas did, but God bless! I'm overjoyed y'all are alright. I've been following the development of this game for awhile, and seeing its evolution is unfold is something to behold. Glad you're OK, Dyne! Keep being amazing, and God bless you! :3

That's such a relief! I live in Oklahoma, which is pretty much Texas's hat. We didn't get it as bad as Texas did, but God bless! I'm overjoyed y'all are alright. I've been following the development of this game for awhile, and seeing its evolution is unfold is something to behold. Glad you're OK, Dyne! Keep being amazing, and God bless you! :3

After downloading the latest update, I tried loading my last Darius save to continue from there, but when I tried to continue it just told me I was on Darius' bad route and took me back to the title screen, leading me to have 2 questions:

1. Does the latest update only provide new content for Darius' good route

2. How do you actually get on Darius's good route? I've tried a few different attempts, but all of them end up with his bad route.

(1 edit)

1. Probably yes, since last time I checked, nothing updated in the bad

2. In order to get in Darius' good route, do NOT let him get what he wants at the beginning, and tell him about your feelings for him too. You MUST be there with him at the times he need you most like during the motorcycle accident and in the hospital. Also best you do the stuff he asks you to do that seems nice and hang out with him as much as you can. (Compliments do a plus too.)

Can you please elaborate on what you mean "at the beginning"?


Is update 1.112 just Darius?


So what's the new total to Darius days

(1 edit)

Day 30 for Dardar (5 days left)

(1 edit)

Is the gallery for computer version only?

The gallery isnt available to the public version, only to the Patreon version(doesnt matter which platform you're on)

In a couple old versions it was public to demo what patrons got, but it is accessible to every platform.

is there a way to download the old version of the game?

FAQ says no, so probably not

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While loading <'MatrixColor' <'Image' u'art/character/spe/Spencer_Pissing/00_EricSkin.png'> (0.91, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.86, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.83, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 1)>:
IOError: Couldn't find file 'art/character/spe/Spencer_Pissing/00_EricSkin.png'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "Day32_Spencer.rpyc", line 1437, in script
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\", line 1389, in execute
    renpy.exports.with_statement(trans, paired)
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\", line 1601, in with_statement
    return, paired, clear=clear)
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 2251, in do_with
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 2702, in interact
    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 3194, in interact_core
    self.draw_screen(root_widget, fullscreen_video, (not fullscreen_video) or video_frame_drawn)
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 2094, in draw_screen
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 490, in renpy.display.render.render_screen (gen\renpy.display.render.c:6805)
    rv = render(root, width, height, st, st)
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
    rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at)
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:4075)
    cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at):
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
    rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at)
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 361, in render
    top = render(self.new_widget, width, height, st, at)
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:4075)
    cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at):
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
    rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at)
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:4075)
    cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at):
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
    rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at)
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:4075)
    cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at):
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
    rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at)
  File "accelerator.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.accelerator.transform_render
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
    rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at)
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 500, in render
    return wrap_render(, width, height, st, at)
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 306, in wrap_render
    rend = render(child, w, h, st, at)
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:4075)
    cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at):
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
    rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at)
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 1871, in render
    cr = renpy.display.render.render(self.child, width, height, st, at)
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:4075)
    cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at):
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
    rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at)
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:4075)
    cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at):
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
    rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at)
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 336, in render
    surf = render(self.child, width, height, st, at)
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:4075)
    cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at):
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
    rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at)
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 1285, in render
    return renpy.display.render.render(self.child, w, h, st, at)
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:4075)
    cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at):
  File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
    rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at)
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 583, in render
    return cache.get(self, render=True)
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 266, in get
    surf = image.load()
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 1259, in load
    surf = cache.get(self.image)
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 266, in get
    surf = image.load()
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\display\", line 628, in load
    surf = renpy.display.pgrender.load_image(renpy.loader.load(self.filename), self.filename)
  File "C:\Users\Rac\Desktop\Five Nights of Fangames\FNaFB Stuff\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\ExtracurricularActivities-1.111-pc\renpy\", line 576, in load
    raise IOError("Couldn't find file '%s'." % name)
IOError: Couldn't find file 'art/character/spe/Spencer_Pissing/00_EricSkin.png'.

Extracurricular Activities 0.0
Wed Feb 17 22:07:52 2021

I can't seem to download it, I was able to before now I can't. Anyways to fix this?

How many days does each have? 

(2 edits) (+2)

At the time of writing this comment, the public version has:
Coach - 35 Days (Route Is Complete)
Chester - 34 Days (One Day Left)
Spencer - 34 Days (One Day Left)
Dozer - 29 Days (6 Days Left)
Darius - 29 Days (6 Days Left)

First of all I just want to say thank you for Wolfbite for giving us this vn I love it so very much and will continue loving it, the fact that the vn is going to come to an end is sad cuase i have grown so attached to these characters. We can only hope for more in the future

Do coach Griffin Darius and Spencer have an interactive CG like Chester and Dozer I havent found them. I have no access to gallery so I have no idea what Im missing

Coach and Spencer has yeah! And they are super good, but they are a bit later on their routes especially coach 


Coach grifter route is the sex scene still there. You know lick his ding dong? Or something like that

Deleted 2 years ago

Does EA have Discord? Also when's the next update again?


the update wouldve been today but right now Dynewulf is having some issues at home via weather so most likely tomorrow we just gotta be patient

Oh, thanks for telling me! Altho, the first question still stands, does EA have discord?


Just to help spread the word to everyone that didn’t get the email.


Oh no! I hope he's ok, crazy stuff out there right now. Hope you all affected by the storm are doing well too!

Thanks so much for sharing this here!  I was dreading coming back to see a slew of "Did he forget the update?!" messages.  This saved me a lot of trouble, so thank you~

dying for chester's update :)

Gonna give some of my first thoughts: I'm gonna TRY to keep my thoughts spoiler-free. There may be minor spoilers though. If I accidentally spoil something, I'm sorry. :( (Note: I've only completed Chester's route, and I'm half-way through Spencer's.) Very bluntly will I state that in some areas, I get DDLC vibes. Such as that... Moment in Chester's route. Yeah. THAT one... Since there's no route for Maria, and she's low-key one of my favorite characters... I would joke that she would pull a Monika at the end of a route, and delete the files for the other characters. Of course it wouldn't happen, since this game isn't... As meta as DDLC. Chef's kiss to CaptainGerBear, and Gavel. There may not be art for every area yet, but the background blends nicely with CaptainGerBear's beautiful, hot and wonderful character designs. As an aspiring writer, the writing is on-point. It's detailed, imaginative, and really helps immerse me into the world. The writing + character designs + background art can just suck me into this wild world! Question for the writer: Did some of Chester's route have some inspiration from the Toreador song? It could be a coincidence, but I could be right! Let me break it down: The Toreador mentions the bullfighter, the dark eye that watches him, and the love that awaits him. Replace bullfighter with a bull, and you got Chester. The dark eye that watches the bull(fighter) is Vernon. And the love that awaits him is you, the MC. (There's also the fact he says "love, love!" before a serve. Another possible reference.) Whelp, these were my unorganized ramblings. I'll probably have more clear thoughts after I beat all the routes. :)

In tennis "love/love" means both sides have zero points.

Not saying you're wrong, mind, just that it's not a strange thing to say in context.

I forgot to mention that! Thanks for reminding me! I accidentally left that detail out because I didn't wanna make my post too long and drawn out. Thank you very much!

I think tomorrow will be the update I think

how come im missing 2 pictures I followed the guide or did I miss something

Are there different endings to Darius's route currently? I know that the route is not completed yet, but I got the "bad ending" for what it is right now. I just wanted to know if there were more endings. Also, Happy Valentine's day!

Yes there is a "good" ending. I know because I got it the first time through. Darius asked me to be his boy friend, and other things, but I don't want to list any spoilers.

:( I thought I was playing so good; I guess not. I'm going to have to replay his route and try to get it right even though it will be a drag. 

Well if you are a paying patron member you can get the guide for his and the others routes.

Thankfully I got the good ending after replaying the route and tweaking some of my answers. :)

Little hint, he likes the challenge of being teased, something he said right at the beginning, you'll know you got the good ending by Day 28 I think.
Good luck!

Thank you, I replayed his route and got the good ending. It was so worth it going back and restarting.

Just don't say that his grandparents arent proud of him. If you say that forget the good ending

Got it. I've replayed his route and got the good ending. So worth it, thank you for the advice.


You welcome. Darius really grows on you I really liked Chester but seeing someone like Darius who had that lonely personality to grow like that really makes you heart melt. And his art is beautiful too. 


Happy Valentine's day everyone!

La acabo de descargar en ni celular y después de poner mi nombre no me deja avanzar

I tried several words but it always goes wrong any hint of a word that works

Try one of the two they provide: bondage  or   leather

I used leather I think, and Darius bought a leather jockstrap later on.

type in a sigle-word search tag here.example- bondage,leather etc ,chester

I didn't find a tag

You are supposed to type in a word like that. Thats what that means

Are you putting a route for Richard I that I saw a post for it I could rong but I want to know if is true or not.

Richard is getting a route, it's in the schedule on Patron. But we probably won't see it until closer to the middle of the year since we still have other routes to finish.

do i need to find a search word to continue the chester part?

If you are referring to the part in his route where you are trying to decide what to pack for the convention, then type: Money   and then    Cards


Okay. Is there a Spencer update coming soon cuz I need more of Spencer. Is that the end of his story or is there more coming. 34 days is nothing. I finished that in one hour. Come on. I want more Spencer. I'm legit crying cuz there is no more on his rn

How were you even able to complete each day in less than 2 minutes? Are you skipping all text? :o(


i can read 1,000 words a minute. That's how. I was also playing for about 4 hours when going to bed. I would go to bed and play until like 12 or 1 in the morning. Then when I got home from work. I'd play for a couple hours. Then I'd play at bedtime again.

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