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wtfurry is this

(2 edits)

dyne it would be nice if in darius route when you have a chance to say if your a romance guy or not if you say no you would have fun with darius and then he (in due time)would tell you about some guys how darius had fun with so I could to . Like match make but with some more on the side depending on the choises you make in the date with the guys

when would the next update? Can't wait on the next day on darius and chesters route ... so excited 

(1 edit)

hey dyne can you tell when are you going to update the guides. Oh and btw what caracters can I have some fun with (if you know what I mean )?😉

Coach, Spencer and Chester, as of this last update.

As for the guides, I can't say, since I'm not sure when I'll update them again.

ok thanks

Deleted 6 years ago

I have a lot more music now than when I started, so I really just need to go back to previous days and start adding in music, little at a time.

Harolds book is another one of those areas I have to work in too.  It's in serious need of an update, but I've been more focused on progressing the character's stories.

The gallery is not in the android version, and probably won't be until final builds.  It's only something ro the higher tier Patrons right now.  As for scrolling in the credits, I didn't know about that.  Thanks for pointing it out!  I'll have to see what I can do about that.

I'm not sure I get what you mean about the saving.  You can save whenever you want, and I think it even autosaves before a choice is made (I recall someone saying that before).

Thank you for all the feedback :D

Is Harvey on Dozer's path going to get a sprite?

Hmmm, he might, if he appears~  We'll have to see how that goes!

(1 edit)

I was looking for bara games or apps to play and your's kept popping up as highly recommended.  I see why now.  I've played through the whole Coach route in the demo and have to say it was very sweet and hot.  I will be supporting you on the 10/month pledge shortly.  Keep up the good work and PLEASE make Harold a bottom!

(1 edit)

I feel like it would be better if he was versatile like Chester, but if they had the same thing as Spencer's route where the choices you make determine whether you top or bottom, because then you could choose if you want to top or bottom, just food for thought!!

yeah, but I think that should be an option for all characters so it gives variety in what you're able to do in the game, but seeing Harold as a bottom would be really hot too!!!

Ahaha, well thank you for checking it out.  I'm glad you've enjoyed it!  We'll just have to wait and see what Coach wnats to do, when that time comes ;3

(1 edit)

Hey, I love what you have been doing with this game, If you don't mind but i have been infatuated with Spencer and how the game has progressed with him. I love the thinking behind it and if I found anyone like Spencer, I would marry him in a heartbeat. Great job on the game!

Aww, well thank you!  Spencer is totally a great guy <3

If you ever do consider it, make like a shirt that is SFW but it relates to Spencer. I personally (and others :3) would love and instantly buy it. But for me I would love something like this and is SFW. Thx ^.^

(1 edit)

Great work with this game, I am loving it so much! I haven't played all the routes yet but I'm loving what i've seen so far. Also one thing I don't know if its just on my computer but on Chester's route after I get home from the con it says "what should I do now" and goes blank and theres no options or anything so i have to exit the game.

Thank you!

That's poor design on my part x3  You can click on places like the bed or computer, but I don't give any kind of indication on that (something to fix!)

I Just gotta say Dyne, you do quality work and hardly if ever lag behind, I look forward to all that you will bring to the table and relish every peice! Keep up the good work!


Thank you so much :)

its well deserved :3

Is Richard going to have his own path?

I'm really hoping that he does!!!

He will!  I just gotta finish up one of the other guys before I start on his~

Is Chester versatile?

That he is.

This is an incredible game DyneWulf, had to get an account just to talk to you about it, realistic storytelling and progression and awesome artwork. 
I was just wondering whether you had any plans to cater to the GROWTH fans among us in the storyline? You have three characters that would easily lend themselves: Dozer for muscle growth, Chester for cock growth, and coach for belly growth!

On my first run through with Coach i missed some scenes, and was so gutted when I ended up going with him to buy bigger shirts, before he popped a button after all the talk about it. Then on replaying his route, I got that scene and it was very hot. But I crave to see him outgrow his new shirts.

And I would love to see you augment what Dozer and Chester already bring to the table. And as for the others, perhaps are werewolfy route for Spencer, and I dunno what for Darius, maybe some other kinky fetish, as he's probably be into that. 

Anyway, I understand if you are grounding these characters in realism of some sort, transformations, and cock growth might not work. But muscle and belly growth are plausible, and would certainly be appreciated by this reader. 

Just a thought, nevertheless whatever direction you choose, I am sure I will enjoy!

Yo también quiero ser patrocinador, lo que pasa es que no le entiendo para pagar por pay pal u.u lastima que no hay otras opciones como Oxxo por ejemplo o Bancomer seria mas fácil pagar por ahí, pero hoy iré a ver si venden tarjetas  de paypal en walmart para comprar y >.< suscribirme me muero por apoyarlo mas y ver todas las actualizaciones xD!!! No puedo esperar!!! XD


si seré bruto xD!! ya le entendí a lo del pago para ser patrocinador :3 solo estoy esperando me llegue el correo de confirmación de que llego el deposito a mi cuenta paypal =) y a disfrutar jojojo 

There won't be any type of growth beyond what would normally occur with a person feeling bulkier after an intense workout or feeling a bit bloated/fuller after eating a huge meal. ;3  It's not a direction I plan on going.

Many thanks to getting back to me, it's an honour to hear from the creator of such a beautiful creation! I completely understand, the fact that the storylines are so realistic is probably what helps makes the characters so relatable. Moreover, the way you've written the pumped/bulkier and bloated/fuller scenes in the past has been hot enough anyway. Nevertheless, if you slip a few clothes ripping scenes from an intense workout or a bicep flex, or another button popping scene, I'm sure it will be appreciated! Good luck with the rest of it. :)

Deleted 7 years ago

Thanks so much ;3  All the support I get is welcome, no matter what kind it is!  It helps me so much, and I appreciate it :)  I think everyone will be super excited for the next chester update to his public too!  That should be... 16th of next month!

hello guys im new here (projects from dynewulf )and I realy like it but I cant suport you because of some difficulties in my live just know that in my eyes theres nothing better or even equal to you work I cant give you money but I can give you my eternal suport. if you dont mind can you give me the names of you projects that I can download in my phone  It will realy help me out... By the way in Chester route when you go to you computer and can look for porn whats the best word to put and if you have any guides please tell me about it

Well thank you!  Monetary support isn't everything to me.  Any kind of support is totally appreciated.

There is not "best" search at this moment.  I haven't actually made any of that relevant to the story yet.

As for guides, you can find them here >


thanks realy love this game

can you tell when are you going to update the guides


gosh the feels on darius route, tears me out

He's finally making people feel something!

yep he is, so excited and sad on what's gonna happens next

Deleted 6 years ago

Ahaha, the friend that sketched out the BG just threw that poster on the wall for fun (I forgot to erase it until at least AFTER the con).

The cooking stuff should work via taps with my last update, but if it's not working, I'll have to check it out and try to figure out why that is.

Thank you!

Actually decided to test the Darius stuff on my phone, and it works just fine on my phone (for the newest updates I've done), so it should be working just fine when I update again!

(2 edits)

Do you know what can I bring to the convencion with chester.

And can I have some fun with him because I cant seem to get there 

Deleted 6 years ago
(1 edit)

here can I find the dyne's guides I could realy get some help can you please tell me 

And what kind of words I try dildo condoms and pênis but I dindt take them

Deleted 6 years ago

thanks alot but I thought I could take some thing with me to push me (or just ) to have some fun in the end because chester as the wet dream in the end and I thought that I did some thing wrong but if you know anything please let me know 

When you get home after the convension you can look for ponr in you computer . Whats the best word or any word that I can chose 

Deleted 6 years ago

does bum And azaghal will have a route too? I just wonder :"3

Hey there! It's the first time I came here... And is for give you congratulations for the update... I finished the Darius' route now and I'm so sad I can't make myself stop crying...
I really love how the plot go in the stories and ya have a way to mess with my feelings.
I'm actually in the 1.41 update, so I don't know what happen next, so I guess I have to wait and see.
(I really want to became a Patron, but I live in Brazil, so if I start paying, It will be always a tier superior than I'm actuating paying... [I blame the govern!], so, for now, I will stay just where I am).
Keep doing this amazing job! See ya.

ps: where do I report a game crash?

Which story lines can we see Richard? I haven't been able to see him at all!

A Richard lo ves en la ruta de Chester en el día 19, se ve bien pero mi ruta favorita es de Harold :3 ese maldito oso sexy!

His sprite only appears on Chester's route currently.  I have yet to go back and fill in places where he should appear.

hi sorry but do you have guides and if you do can you sent me there link

Deleted 7 years ago

hello guys im new here (projects from dynewulf )and I realy like it but I cant suport you because of some difficulties in my live just know that in my eyes theres nothing better or even equal to you work I cant give you money but I can give you my eternal suport. if you dont mind can you give me the names of you projects that I can download in my phone  It will realy help me out... By the way in Chester route when you go to you computer and can look for porn whats the best word to put

I really enjoyed this update a lot. After Darius's accident, he's really started to grow on me and I can't wait for more of him. Also, I was very happy with Chester's path and how he's starting to become more confident sexually and more aggressive when he began grinding, it was a nice surprise. Great job with the plot on all characters so far, they are all very well developed and I enjoyed playing each path. Keep up the good work!!

Awesome stuff all around!  Thank you so much :)

Pensé que había actualización hasta la versión 1.42 xD

Haha, and the next one should be 1.43 ;3

Eres el mejor Dyne!!!!! Haces un excelente trabajo!!!! Me encanta el juego, nunca cambies :3

Muchas gracias!  :D

Is each update usually only a day added on to each character ? 


a day added on two characters usually


Hehehe, glad you enjoyed it!


Yass! The Update! Thanks DyneWulf. Can't wait to get into it

how did you get the update and what device? 

(1 edit)

I had to redownload the whole game and its on PC for me. Just click the download icon

You're welcome!  And thank you too ;3


>.< Terminen con mi agonía y suban las actualizaciones por favorr :3

(2 edits)

dynewulf we are waiting and happyest for the updated!!!!!

I cant wait! What time will it be updated?

(1 edit)

im so hyped for the update today! My favorite part was the convention with chester! Awesome art btw!

best name eva

also this game is amazing but one request during the maria steak cooking it tells you to click W or something. But on android you can't hope u can fix that

when will this game update?


The Update is today and i's so stoked! I will be in class, yet I can't not think of it. This project has basically taken over my life and made me focus on the digital characters life. It's so funny and amazing!

Si yo también me muero por que suban ya la actualización u.u...gracias DyneWulf por tu arduo trabajo =) I love you!

i love every thing about the  game I hope you never stop making uptades and thanks for all of you hard work you have my full suport . Im só happy and sad because the wait is so long

(1 edit)

Im sorry to complain but Darius route on the Android is impossible because of the cooking part, not matter how hard I press it won't count it and and I don't want to disappoint Darius or Maria :(

Any way to do this?

Mmmm, Hopefully that isn't the case with the next update.  I thought I had that fixed for the most recent build I put up, but I might have messed it up.  You're supposed to be able to just tap the screen (like how you progress the dialogue).

yeah that's what I thought too:(

I want to support you so much, but i can't. Because i don't have a credit card... that means i can't also pay with PayPal because you need to have a credit card connected. I absolutely love this game. The story line is so good. It made me slowly fall in love with every single character. I'll search a way to support you. Your art is incredible!

(2 edits)

I think for the characters for you can just, you know, in addition to more expressions, you could also give them other poses. They look kinda static with only their facial expression that changes

I'm looking forward for more Dozer though. I also think he could use a little bit more or less drama or conflict :3

(1 edit)

Hey Dyne what day do you plan on stopping for coach's path?

And once the game is fully complete, like everything is done will the full thing be available for free download?

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