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I have a question, see if you completely finish your game Extracurricular Activities will your game appear later in steam 


I do plan on putting it on Steam when it's complete or close to completion :)


wait, wait, wait. Is Coaches route over? I thought there was going to be at least some more to it. The routs very well plotted out and done to peak perfection. (Spencers in my fav as of the resent update to his route). Also is there a specific date for the next update or is it un-known for now. Kinda eager for more juicy lore. Hehe. Good game 5 🌟s in my book. 💌😘💕

(1 edit)

Nvm it will be updated on the 16th some time. Sill need info on if coaches rout is done or not tho. 🐶🐶 

Dont scroll if you dont like spoilers. I finished all the routes.

(this was an edit) idk if the conversation at the end of spencers route was a teaser in some way. But if that was damn i cant wait for that. Man if Spencer and the M.C get married ill cry my self to sleep from happiness. 🐺+👦+💍=💕. #spencerisbestboi

Sorry but coach's route is done now. But that means they can now start on Richard's route.

I know what you mean though, I kinda wish all the routes would just keep going on like a TV soap opera or such.

(1 edit)

I know right. Still kinda sad about coaches route being over😱😩, reading this VN makes me feel like im watching a Greys Anatomy episode or something lol. 🙊😂


day 19,spencer route, did he win his single match or not this is of a  kinda dumb to say

He actually did if you read between the lines


I just finished coach's route and I'm not ready to start another one 😭😭 screw u for making such a good game

Deleted post

Thought I was the only one who noticedXD

(1 edit) (+1)

I noticed it back on Dozer day 28 when  Maria complained that Richard went over to a friends house that had a pool and he didn't invite her along. 

Deleted 3 years ago





I'm just wondering; am I the only one who has it where there are background images missing? I keep seeing a black screen with red text saying that the file for the image wasn't found. I'm on Spencer's route and as of day 9 there are already 5 different missing backgrounds.

Not the only one. The VN is not finish yet, so this is bound to happen.


There are a lot of scenes without any background, but missing-file errors specifically might be left over from when Dyne shifted background artists or might be typos, and should get fixed eventually (assuming patrons are reporting errors enough).


it's possible date Richard? i think he's the sexiest guy, and when he told about virginity i got kinda excited for it

It's coming, since Harold's route is over now and a couple of the others are winding up, Richard's route is supposed to be next.

Yes, it will. Waiting for the update.

Check in around June


Hey there. Just wanna ask who's update is next for this month.


My guess is Spencer and Chester their stories are almost done, though I might be wrong and He goes with Darius and Dozer to get their stories moving along.

Chester's ending will be released at the March update while Spencer's will be at April. Richard's route will start around June if I'm correct

The update will contain Spencer's Day 34 and Darius' Day 30 as said on the Tentative Schedule


Been streaming this game for MONTHS now on Plexstorm. My viewers and I love it to pieces. There's something so special about each romantic route, it hard to choose a favorite.

finished Harolds route and I love it so much. Will there be more to his route? 


Alas, it is complete.

I was hesitant to play a game like this, it's my first one. Honestly, I love it. Consider me a supporter.. and tell me more about how to do that??.. You made it not just fun but everyone is easy to care about and I love it I really do. Awesome job, I'm a fan of you for life I think haha.

(1 edit)

and tell me more about how to do that??



Done and done :D Tho I'm not sure how to get the gallery. Seems like a cool feature!

Unfortunately the gallery is the $10 level reward on Patreon.

Oh, that's no problem! I really enjoyed it so that's what I signed up for but there's no guide or link.

Dyne makes a patron-only post twice a month with the link and password. If you’re at $10 then you should see two: one for the non-gallery version and one for the with-gallery version.

The most recent one is here:


I am in the middle of Harold's route on PC and Spencer's on a phone and I can tell already that this game is really something and will be even more, because I see you are constantly working on it, it's always great to see that. I love it, characters are amazing and story around them is interesting, I really hope you will have more fun with it in the future! 

Guys how can I go on after I put my save file , I cant find the "ok" button or something else like that so I can't go on to my name . Android

is the scene with coach on day 20 still in the game?

What do you mean by Coach on Day 20?

Deleted 2 years ago

Based on how flirty fun he is in the other routes, I think things could get interesting. Of course, if they have any difficulties they are stuck living under the same roof.

Not yet, but eventually.

I hope they live under same roof and Richard secretly have sex with mc in the middle of night...

Hi. Is there any way to unlock the music and art gallery?. Thx

Those are accessible to $10 Patreon+ supporters.


Merry Christmas everyone 😁


Oh man, Azaghal is sooo hot and good guy, he's a big surprised to me in Darius' route. I love that guy, it's too bad that there's no his route.

(1 edit)

There is not, but if you’re a fan you can get more Azaghal content from the actual guy:


Chester loses all his facial expresions after the 10th day?

What do you mean?


I've been playing Chester's story and when I reached day 11 he and MC lose their facial expressions. Even tho they are angry or whatever, they keep smiling. I don't know if this is a bug, or an issue with my cellphone or my Android version.

Deleted 4 years ago

for giggles i did chesters bad route and.....jesus im kinda horrified please tell me that itll end up being some kinda fakeout mr wulf

Yes...his big brother..I think he killed Vernon...hopefully


god i hope NOT Andrew being a murderer would break my heart AND Chester's innocent heart


It's always the quite ones you need to watch out for.

I hope so cause even his little brother Chester also scare of his big brother when he's serious.

I wasn't able to find a report bug here so i'll share what i found:

So there has been a glitch i had even before the Update. It's in Chester's Route: Day 26

The QTE of "Play the unexpected" is endless so i can only fail. The QTE of "Lob over Rodriguez" instantly put me to the title screen. Before you ask, it IS a new savefile.

Now for this version, there is a glitch that can happen if you use an old savefile of Dozer's Route and continue onto the last day: At the court, there is a bug report that if you ignore enough, you can see Coach naked in the tennis courts XD (The other glitches in this route is the game cannot set their expression in the dialog boxes)


Is there a way to hide the texts on mobile version? Thanks. 


Imagine spencer and the mc In a wunzee  

Is there any walkthrough for Harold's route? I was told there was a best ending, but no matter what different choices I do to please my bear, I always get the same ending. I know about having to make him jealous with Darius, but I don't know if there are more key choices I didn't see. 

OK, I found a old walkthrough and it seems that I got the best ending every time. Sorry for the inconveniences.

Is there a schedule on spencer route updates? When spencer's route update is? 1 month every character apart?

i wish this game could be a anime or something

Me too, it'll be awesome!!!!


I only recently saw the wolfstar sins and paradise reference in the cafeteria.


I believe Chester has a poster for it in his room at home.

True true but seriously Wolfstar Sins kinda hard to play too~~~

I dont understand. One of new things un this last update was about the 29th day Dozers route but It continue yo 28th day. And I cant find Richard new expresion either.

Dozer's Day 29 is right after that and the expressions are there too on certain days, just not all yet

Really? I go check it out cause I also cannot find Richard new expression too

Yes, I found his expressions. So damn cute~~~

Tomorrow will be the day of the update. I cannot wait!!!

im trying to get dozers route? does anyone have the google docs thing for his route? not all of it of course but id like a little help with the early stuff if anyone can help? im so helpless XD


me ha encantado la ruta de Spencer y he pensado si a futuro la harías mas larga quisiera ver un final donde lleguen a casarse realmente me gusto como transcurrió su historia juntos \-(^w^)-/

I wanna see spencer or the mc to get proposed to get married

Do you still sell the extracurricular masks? I dont see it in the merchandise link

Hi Dyne, i got a huge question for you.

How many days do you plan for each route and if you plan to do a epilogue to each maybe, i've been wondering since each route got a lot of content i only did spencer route atm and since i love this character so much i wanted to know the wholesome moment with him might end ^w^

how do u get it on IOS I don’t know how to do it

(2 edits) (+1)

You cannot. There is no iOS version because Dyne can’t jump through all the hoops Apple requires to make one.

RIP ios users that's why I prefer android

Yeah, basically. Just hearing about Apple’s total lock on what apps you can install annoyed me so much that I’ve never even considered getting an iPhone.


Just finished playing through all the available routes, and you've really given so much life to the cast.

You even made me care about the characters I dislike. Just wonderful writing full of humor and depth.

On that note, I would litterally kill for Maria. I would commit felonies. Please give us more ways to support and repay this absolute gem of a woman in the routes. Like how the fuck did you make a VN character I'm not romancing make me feel loved. Rude.


IKR!! we need more maria screen time and just giving her more love. she's such a wonderful person!! it's like that whole thing when everyone wanted a ross or rachel or joey in their lives haha

Love this game but is this still a work in progress

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