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there was no public update this month? if it has i cant donwload it


There's a message about that at the top of the main page.


thank you for showing me up i didn`t notice

(1 edit) (+2)

guys i found a Easter egg in super taco crew its our lovable Harold the bear also this  ik is gonna be a goo visual novel


For the interested in extremely hidden and pointless messages on games, here you have the meaning of the glyphs on the fake error message that you get on Chester's route.


Even I had forgotten what it was, haha

I don't think those are glyphs, those are one of the 4 forms of wingdings

Is that Gaster's language?

Also will Bam ever be a route ? Im lowkey interested in him lmao.

Same here but probably not

I'm afraid not~

bark bark!! totally seconded :3

Wait is every character a verse besides Dozer? Cause the first scene with Spencer made it seem like he was a top then later on he seemed like a bottom so is he a verse?


Sup Snowflakea...ive completed every route so far and I can state that every dateable character is verse....even Doser

So you can get Darius to top?

Unfortunately no....Darius will bottom but will probably top later in his route...idk

Yes, he will.


That's super sucky, dang. Kinda deflates interest


From what dyne said below (u might have to scroll for a hot minute), every character is verse, especially Dozer and Harold.


Hi mate, it depends on your confident. Less confident he will top you, but more confident, he'll be bottom.

I tried this and it didn't work.


so i´m on Darius route now and i need to know if we are just friends or more than that??? pls i need to know


It will depends of your choices :)

so there are 2 different "endings" one is that u become his boysfriend and one is that u just be friends? am i right?  ps: srry for my english




One way to tell (at least in my opinion) is if you make the right choices then he starts to refer to himself as "your lion" to the MC without ever seeming to notice that he's doing it.

Tbh, I'm thankful that I had to redo my saves because I've been currently rearranging my saves for eachroute, leaving 1 1/2 save page for each route

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+1)

Moooooo? Moo!

Deleted post

Is there a way to rollback on the Android version? My uncoordinated fingers end up hitting the wrong choices every now and then which is  annoying


If you click "Load game" and go to the auto-save section, the game saves at each choice marker, simply pick the most recent one and you can choose again :)

Yus! Thank you!

Now is there a button to just go to Spencer no matter the route ;p

Nope, as great as that would've been


In case anyone didn't read the public post on the patron, DyneWulf is working on a separate project for the month of october and will not be posting an update in October but will post an update of this game Nov. 16. I know a lot of people will flood in today so just so you know.


oh, thanks


thanks for the info.




Thanks for the notice


thank you dude n.n


thanks for telling cuz i almost waited and didnt sleep the entire day if u didnt say it


shame you cant pin comments here (at least to my knowledge). i mean you just know that they will still be alot of people asking cause they dont scroll down here in the comments.


i am so scared, i will need to redo harold route, because old saves got corrupted.. and i had really hard time making it best route

Just whatever you do, don't reject or upset him in any way possible and you'll get it.

i think there was problem that he needed to be jealous

Actually yes

Where can i buy the full game? and how much $?


full game isnt out, it is still updated regularly


There isn't a full game yet, so there's nowhere, and its free

Hi!! I cant wait for Richards route!!! I hope you dont mind me asking but how would we choose Richards route? Would we have to go back to the shelter instead of the gym/library when we talk to Coach?

Sorry if I'm being too curious but I think Richards route is gonna be LIT AF....and hella cute

That would be the most likely choice to be added in the first days from probably Day 1-2

I agree...but I still cant wait! Richard is a pretty complex dude...very pervy and compassionate....very thoughtful but still rough around the edges. 

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Couldn't have said it better myself, altho this would mean he's bi cuz he likes Maria too. Not that there's a prob with it tho

I get it complaints here. I just hate that we have to wait for the new update a while longer tho...

Me too, like i literally marked my calendar for it, it was my bday at the time I was waiting


Can't wait for the update today! Hope it updates Spencer's route (fav)

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Sorry for my weird question ,the menu is different than other vn , how do I hide text to so I can see the character sprite, I could have sworn it was an option in earlier builds

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If you are not on android, press H.

If you are on android, I think you can’t do it right now.


I wish they put a 'Hide' button like the other VNs too

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I really want to see some pictures when darius wakes up in the middle of the night then rub your head or other things like that spencers route when he kisses you on the cheek or something like that I hope it's a good suggestion and sorry if I don't make sence


Hi Nice to meet you again, I wanna ask something. 

  1. is it every updates of this game we lost our saved data before updates? even Darius and Coach Harold ?
  2. Updates the game please, I cant wait for their end story. i wanna see spencer on suit
  3. Big thanks to you and answer please , ASAP

Hello, not the Dev but I've been following this novel for a while and I think that updates where we are forced to reinstall and reset the game are mostly for Major update routes or if certain routes are causing to much troubles, we can't do anything about than just FF and re-save certain favorites or paths, which is a bit of a pain but yeah :/ That's RenPy for you

Second, Please be patient :T

Mr. Dyne has other projects to attend this month and tons of other responsabilities, rushing a work its certainly a bad choice, (and some people may get offended by it, even if you didnt mean any harm with it) so lets just wait for the update patiently can we? Just gonna say that


Saves do not stop working every update, only a couple of the recent ones. The last time we needed to recreate saves was over a year before that.

The game updates most months on the 16th, except that in October the creator does a side project instead.

I see. Thanks a lot man for your replies and explanation. Yeah i know i sound rushing but i like this game a lot dude. so sorry

Wait, so no update today?

Hello, I have an issue with the android version in coach route, during the ID escene, it says that ID coach image is missing, so we can't really type in the id code and can't progress in the game

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I'm curious how long this game is going to be in total. You guys have been working on it for years :O


I want to date richard but i dont know how to


You can't do that at the moment, they still haven't add Richard's route yet

That isn't really any option that dates Richard yet, since the route hasn't even started.

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Spencer's route is something that connects with me so bad, i swear..... hes too cute and quirky and wholesomeee :(
Also sexy but shh small dets


Does this have nsfw??just asking..



Thanks :3

Deleted 4 years ago

Tai will not be a dateable character, the only side character that will be dateable is Richard.

Well....not a side character persay but yeah

ok I'm not very good with computer can someone tell me how I can open the game it just isn't working for me

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For the PC version: first - download the Zip file from the page. Second - You must have instaled Winrar o equivalent program to open the Zip file. Third - grab the folder named "Extracurricular Activities V1.106" and put in your files. Final - Open the .exe file in the new folder and start to play n.n

Sorry for my bad english n.n

thx I'm sure itll work


So far I have only played coach and Spencers routes and I thought they were both really amazing. I can't wait to see what's to come before the full game is done. I wish that the routes were just a bit longer but other than that I have no complaints. Even tho its free to play now I would definitely pay 60$ for the full game like any other game I buy. its really well done and I'm excited for whatever comes net. 

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I am so excited about Dozer's route, during the time in the mountains. The mess-up, while tubing, was really realistic; I had a similar incident, while skiing, when I was younger; I hit something in the snow, because I usually like skiing as fast as I can, and literally flipped, leaving my skis to slide down another 30-40 feet. After I realized what had happened, I could not stop laughing, making my older sister laugh when she reached me, and it's just such a happy memory of mine, from when I lived near a ski mountain. Glad to see Dozer's being careful, but I'm really glad to see the MC laughing it off in such a way; it connects with my emotions.

And huckleberries and honeysuckles in Darius's route?! It's almost like this game was made for me. I mean, when Darius jokes about poisonous berries, I immediately thought of those bright red berries that I could never seem to find the name of, but that always seem to grow in the exact same places as huckleberries.

Deleted 3 years ago

Oh yeah

i just finished griften rout for the 3 time last night aaaaand again i cant stop crying...
WHY??? WHY he's rout had to come to the end like this??? so soooon ;w;


Coach's route has bad, neutral, and good endings. If you are getting the bad ending try making better choices. If you still cannot figure out the good ending, I suggest becoming a $5 Patron member for this project and get access to his route guide.

What ending you got? Bad or Good?

Deleted 3 years ago

Can some one here help me?
I dont know how to have Richard's route

or he dont have a route?

pls help me ;w;

i really wanna play with him

They just started developing Richard's route and it is not available just yet. Hopefully soon!

thank you so much for your help haha
I was reaaaally confused XD


im mad i want to see Spencer brothers wedding

meee toooo ;w;

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I know just how you feel, I just finished Spenser, it real...I felt so close to him.  Getting to interact with everyone in his route just has me giggling and constantly smiling.  I play these games and use my name to enjoy a life better than mine, a life I'd love to have, it makes me sad when I end up remembering it's not real.  But it brings happiness to my life that I really need.  This game is beautiful and I can't wait for it's release XD

I know how you feel because I feel exactly the dame feeling about those world with anthro animales so beautifuls , its so hard and sad none if them could be real in another world. Its simply my dream and platonic life

It's a beautiful thought, I still dream of a life after death being like an isekai anime, and how cool it would be.  Dreams are a great thing to have, it gives you such amazing thoughts, I don't think I'll ever grow out of dreaming...they'll just be more grown-up dreams 😘

I feel so too. I see in your nickname 2 of awesome visual novels too. i love them too, all they have awesome and lovely characters, I fell in love a lot of them in each VN

Yeah, the two best games that defined me, Morenatsu introducing me into this world and Housamo being the driving force into it.  I owe everything to them both 🥰🤗🥰

I really like your game, hope you will release more interesting content in the future, sorry my English is a bit bad so I can't show you how I like it.Các bác sĩ cho biết: =3


Hey! Thanks for the update, I just wanted to report a bug—on Dozer's day 14, the route randomly switches to Chester's day 15 and then ends with the 'that's all for now' message at the end of the day, thus effectively locking the rest of Dozer's route. 

Im encountering a problem. Spoiler alert but on day 24 of chester's route when vernon tries to rape mc and mc goes to chester's house, when he is explaining what happened to him his and chester's expressions dont change at all, I know they have angry or sad expressions because I've seen them before but they just remain smiling even though mc is telling a story of how he was sexually assaulted, if it wasn't such an important moment I wouldn't care but it was really immersion breaking and I wasn't as sympathetic as I could have been if their expressions actually changed to show anger when chester is yelling or sadness when mc is telling the story.


Is there any complete guide of harold's route?

What you missing?


There is one the Patron web site for this project for each route. But you may need to be a paying member to get access to them.


Yeah, there are guides available to $5+/month patrons.

it would be great if it was in Spanish or Portuguese, I have to be translating to play


So in 18,9,2020 I become 18 i have been a good boy for whole my life i think and now 22,9,2020 as an adult i want to do 1 last bad boy thing to say goodbye to my teenage so here you go.

Welp i found this when searching for your EA background music dyne so please don't be mad at me lol.


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Anyone else having trouble with the new update on Chester's route day 26? Since the new update and having to replay the route, on day 26 when you are playing tennis and have to press the letters on the keyboard, no matter what I do the game crashes and automatically returns to the title screen :( (Playing on pc as well)

I got the same crashes when hitting the keys during tennis, but it seemed to be more that I hit the key a fraction of a second too late. When I back tracked through the screens and was ready this time I didn't seem to have a problem. Also, I just clicked the Ignore option on the error screen and things proceeded normally.

Yeah see I don't even get the error screen. The game literally crashes and goes straight back to the title screen. I know which letters to press but it doesn't help no matter how fast i press it and NOT pressing letters also crashes and goes straight back to title screen.

Welp there is other problems in that same situation but in android version, if you press that letter button it will skip one sentence and you need to use back button or use the history button to read that skiped sentence. It's not a big deal for now since there is not much that letter button in this vn anyway.

Man wish it had a 3some route but that is just me being selfish XD 

Thank you for the amazing game, the couch story is really heart touching <3

not really sure but the closest one to that is Richard, but he doesnt have a route yet.

i noticed the 'couch' typo too.


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