I have to registered to leave a comment here and I have never done anything like that for any VN before.
I saw this game being recommended on reddit as a "favorite" from someone. I looked at the art and was not buying that recommendation (one of my biggest mistake of judging a book by its cover). I appologize for that. The art initially was just a little bit cartoonish for me and I thought this was a short game with quick typical sex story. I was absolutely wrong.
This game has so many styles/gameplay/story that it makes me feel like it's a five different games in one. Each route has a totally different story, yet they are still relavent to each other. You are living in a five paralell universe. One of the plus sign of this game for me is that once you date someone, the story is about you and that character mostly. So your emotion won't be wreck when you already completed someone's else story (you don't feel guilty of cheating basically lol).
The writing is excellent, you make it so personal, I can believe that it is me that is in the story, and that's really rare for me. I saw my jaw drop in Darius's route due to unexpected discovery, I felt my blood boil in Coach's route after seeing the unexpected event at school. The story is so real because it's not just about sex, it's how you get to know each character, you have so many good friends to back you up.
The only suggestion I have is that I know in every route, everyone has their own problem. And I feel I want to help all of them (but with the parallel universe theory, things could have been resolved by itself if the main character was not involved with them lol). If that's the case, one sentence of mentioning that their issue was resolved would make me happy. If not, I think a secret route in which Eric doesn't have a love interest, but just want to help everyone with their problem. And maybe in the end, everyone thanks him and .... an orgy happen? I kid, I kid. But yeah, I would like to see everone's problem was resolved because the story is so real and it just dwells on me.
Goodness, what a comment. It's so great to see that you came around and really enjoyed the project and what is done so far. I'm glad that my writing can cause such a range of emotions too, haha. That must mean I'm doing something right!
In regards to problems, one thing to keep in mind is that some problems might not occur in other routes. Like Coach's relapse into a heavy depression. It doesn't occur without the MC, so it's not something I could say was resolved, since it doesn't happen without the MC on his route. It's a tricky thing to play with!
I love this game! Just finished Harold's route and got so attached to him I don't think I can do another route anytime soon. I do have a question tho:
Okay so we learned that Harold's ex is a bitch and at one point nearly pushed him to suicide, MC's text popped up and made him rethink his choice. So if i do somebody else' route, will Harold be okay? I hope he is because my god i don't think i can see him hurt like that :'(
Somer spoilers if you haven't gotten this far in the game:
In one part of Harold's route he tells you he was actually doing well with his depression, until he started getting involved with the Main Character. Not so much to blame him but that the MC got him to open up again and it made him vunerable to his ex-wife's manipulations and getting severly depressed again.
If you do not do Harolds route there is a point in one of the others (Dozer or Darius I think) where the coach has to play at practice and the team noticed he is not moving as well as usual. Harold says he's a bit "sore" and someone suggests he have Dozer look at it since he's into Physio Therapy. Harold, a bit embaressed, declines. This is all suggestive that Harold bottomed for someone the night before but nothing more is actually mentioned. Personally I think Coach Massimo is involved (if you go to the gym to work out alone he shows up to help spot you and really puts you through your paces. Afterwords he said he was going to mention to Harold he was doing a great job keeping his guys on the tennis team in shape, so they probably met up.)
I love love love this game! So far I've played through Harold and Spencer's routes, and I'm so impressed. The writing really does having me feel a certain way, like I seriously get butterflies reading through the dialogue. Art is fantastic, characters are hot, the different interactive scenes are entertaining, so much to enjoy!
-small spoilers-
Harold's story is super rivoting. I love the slow burn of getting to know him, and I think his past with his ex really makes good conflict and develops his character. You also get to really be connected to living in the shelter.
Spencer's story really has me falling in love. I guess he's what I would say my ideal man would be haha. Having a crush on your perfect straight-passing best friend is extremely relatable and hot. I especially love all the scenes in the strip club!
And of course my favorite side character has to be Darius! Honestly he's so funny and if I were MC I would be eating up all the pervy comments haha. I love when you get to play along and be naughty!!
Thank you for all your hard work creating this lovely game! I can only imagine how much time it takes to write, draw, and code those interactive scenes. You're very talented and I'm looking forward for more!
What a treat to play this game while stuck at home!
Darius is a top (based on all the dialog he provides) but day 27 is his way of showing how much he loves the Main Character by bottoming (even though technically he was physically on top). Considering Darius tops all of his casual sex partners, bottoming shows he does NOT consider the MC to be casual and is "proof" that he's not just lying about how he feels just to have sex with the MC.
Hey, for some reason Harold's day 34 isn't working. The game just keeps going back to the main menu after some random dialogue. Is this normal or do I got some bug ? I remade the route just in case, but Nothing changes. Help ?
when we will have the texts available in portuguese, will we have the chance to do this on our own? because it is very annoying to have to keep translating all the weaknesses in the game and not being able to keep the translations, I ask you to make the files available for the community to be able to translate and add to the game or do this for us please; -;
I just played Darius' important part of the update with Dream's Awakening in the background and it became more magical and more sentimental than it already was 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I wanted to ask a question regaurding Harold on day 27, on the mobile version i tried answering one of the questions where you type something out and it never accepts it. I press send over and over yet it never acts like i pressed it, is there something i need to do to progress?
Hey, love this game! Been playing it for awhile. When it is finished, wich I know is gonna be a bit. Is it gonna be free? Or will it be paid? Love the art btw!
How can you get the couch scene with Coach? And i cant seem to get that one scene with Chester where the MC bottoms. Is it through choices in the route or... ) 0.o
Is there a way to bottem all the the way during Spencer's Route or no
**SPOILER** (idk '-') l
Like When spencer gives you a blowjob can the roles switch or no '-' Or is it back and forth? I know at the beginning you can bottem but then it changes and to me im the top later on. That collar looks pretty enticing I must say .♡ So far Great work with the game and All the updates so far . ^_^
As far as I know there is not. Dyne doesn’t write most sex scenes two ways just because that doubles his work. That first one with Spencer is the main exception to that rule.
That said, there are some choices that might lead to it later on? I’m not sure what he has planned for Spence. Though probably it involves collars and more brushing. >_>
It depends on how confident the main character is. my first play through, he topped me, and then the second time around I didn't realize i was choosing all confident answers and it switched.
So when will i see coach resign since people been talking about it but i dont see anything happening on day 34, is it supposed to be on day 35? Because i got the little "fun" after breakfast on day 34 i thought it will be the best ending for me.
I got the resign scene (Coach tells the MC he has submitted his resigation) on day 34. If you didn't get it maybe you didn't praise and encourage his writing enough during the play through (including the porn he wrote for fun based on the LnL characters)? Maybe you got the neutral ending instead? It sounded like in the discussion he feels he could use the time well for focusing on his writing instead and be successful at it.
I'm new and very interested in your games here, but I can't seem to download it for my phone. When it's downloading almost to the end, it stopped and said forbidden. I'm not very good with tech and phones. Anybody who can help me with this?
Yes I am using Huawei P20 pro. Actually I have figured it out, my chrome app was too packed woth many sites and cookies for it to download properly. So after clearing my cache, it's able to download
Just finished Spencer's route so far - I loved it so far! I read through the FAQs and I didn't see anything so I thought I'd ask - are there going to be updates to his story?
Also at the end the message was something about hinting to tell Spencer you loved him and that you shouldn't miss the chance to say it to him? I thought I did say that to him... because...throughout the entire game the characters were constantly saying I love you to each other... Anyway, I still loved their story, it felt the most natural of the two routes that I played.
That text is just Dyne’s sign-off message. It shows up regardless of anything you’ve done.
Spencer’s route is not finished and will continue to be updated with a new day every couple months. The patron version has one more day of him done, in fact.
ah thanks for that clarification. Yeah when I completed harolds route, the message was different. It was like “clearly you’re doing something right because you got..xyz to happen. “ and then he said something about how his route will probably end on day 35 or something?
so I should basically be a patreon if I want more ;-) Which I’m totally fine with. These stories are all so heart wrenching. Blast!
The sign-off messages are just the way to let you know it’s the farthest that route has been written. Sometimes they do change depending on what you do that day, but most of the time not, and that specific Spencer one is constant as far as I can tell.
And yes you should definitely become a patron. >_>
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Could we have a point and click of Darius like the others characters?
I have to registered to leave a comment here and I have never done anything like that for any VN before.
I saw this game being recommended on reddit as a "favorite" from someone. I looked at the art and was not buying that recommendation (one of my biggest mistake of judging a book by its cover). I appologize for that. The art initially was just a little bit cartoonish for me and I thought this was a short game with quick typical sex story. I was absolutely wrong.
This game has so many styles/gameplay/story that it makes me feel like it's a five different games in one. Each route has a totally different story, yet they are still relavent to each other. You are living in a five paralell universe. One of the plus sign of this game for me is that once you date someone, the story is about you and that character mostly. So your emotion won't be wreck when you already completed someone's else story (you don't feel guilty of cheating basically lol).
The writing is excellent, you make it so personal, I can believe that it is me that is in the story, and that's really rare for me. I saw my jaw drop in Darius's route due to unexpected discovery, I felt my blood boil in Coach's route after seeing the unexpected event at school. The story is so real because it's not just about sex, it's how you get to know each character, you have so many good friends to back you up.
The only suggestion I have is that I know in every route, everyone has their own problem. And I feel I want to help all of them (but with the parallel universe theory, things could have been resolved by itself if the main character was not involved with them lol). If that's the case, one sentence of mentioning that their issue was resolved would make me happy. If not, I think a secret route in which Eric doesn't have a love interest, but just want to help everyone with their problem. And maybe in the end, everyone thanks him and .... an orgy happen? I kid, I kid. But yeah, I would like to see everone's problem was resolved because the story is so real and it just dwells on me.
Thank you for making such a great game.
Goodness, what a comment. It's so great to see that you came around and really enjoyed the project and what is done so far. I'm glad that my writing can cause such a range of emotions too, haha. That must mean I'm doing something right!
In regards to problems, one thing to keep in mind is that some problems might not occur in other routes. Like Coach's relapse into a heavy depression. It doesn't occur without the MC, so it's not something I could say was resolved, since it doesn't happen without the MC on his route. It's a tricky thing to play with!
Can you do a routine with Richard too? Please
I love this game! Just finished Harold's route and got so attached to him I don't think I can do another route anytime soon. I do have a question tho:
Okay so we learned that Harold's ex is a bitch and at one point nearly pushed him to suicide, MC's text popped up and made him rethink his choice. So if i do somebody else' route, will Harold be okay? I hope he is because my god i don't think i can see him hurt like that :'(
Somer spoilers if you haven't gotten this far in the game:
In one part of Harold's route he tells you he was actually doing well with his depression, until he started getting involved with the Main Character. Not so much to blame him but that the MC got him to open up again and it made him vunerable to his ex-wife's manipulations and getting severly depressed again.
If you do not do Harolds route there is a point in one of the others (Dozer or Darius I think) where the coach has to play at practice and the team noticed he is not moving as well as usual. Harold says he's a bit "sore" and someone suggests he have Dozer look at it since he's into Physio Therapy. Harold, a bit embaressed, declines. This is all suggestive that Harold bottomed for someone the night before but nothing more is actually mentioned. Personally I think Coach Massimo is involved (if you go to the gym to work out alone he shows up to help spot you and really puts you through your paces. Afterwords he said he was going to mention to Harold he was doing a great job keeping his guys on the tennis team in shape, so they probably met up.)
Got it, thank you!
I love love love this game! So far I've played through Harold and Spencer's routes, and I'm so impressed. The writing really does having me feel a certain way, like I seriously get butterflies reading through the dialogue. Art is fantastic, characters are hot, the different interactive scenes are entertaining, so much to enjoy!
-small spoilers-
Harold's story is super rivoting. I love the slow burn of getting to know him, and I think his past with his ex really makes good conflict and develops his character. You also get to really be connected to living in the shelter.
Spencer's story really has me falling in love. I guess he's what I would say my ideal man would be haha. Having a crush on your perfect straight-passing best friend is extremely relatable and hot. I especially love all the scenes in the strip club!
And of course my favorite side character has to be Darius! Honestly he's so funny and if I were MC I would be eating up all the pervy comments haha. I love when you get to play along and be naughty!!
Thank you for all your hard work creating this lovely game! I can only imagine how much time it takes to write, draw, and code those interactive scenes. You're very talented and I'm looking forward for more!
What a treat to play this game while stuck at home!
i dont want spencers route to end before he takes everything off on stage.
ahh i can't wait for an actual scene with Richard! Talk about a tease..
nononononononononononononononoo is there a way to get dar to be a top on day 27 aaaaaaa noooooo ;-;
oh no, my mental image of what I think darius should be has been ruined!
i honestly thought he was gonna be a top too ;-; i was so excited sdwdfreg56ujyed
how??? he said he never been topped before ;-; ugh i really thought he was a top T^T
Almost all of his dialogue that I’ve seen indicates exactly the opposite. This is pretty clearly an unusual event just for MC.
Darius is a top. That doesn't mean he's not willing to give other things a shot.
I see... versatile when it comes to the MC .
Darius is a top (based on all the dialog he provides) but day 27 is his way of showing how much he loves the Main Character by bottoming (even though technically he was physically on top). Considering Darius tops all of his casual sex partners, bottoming shows he does NOT consider the MC to be casual and is "proof" that he's not just lying about how he feels just to have sex with the MC.
Ohhh , i understand now
I can't seem to find the update on day 7... help...!!!???
oh i know. it makes me have all the feelings. q_q
loved the table top rpg part as I have played that type of game in the past
Darius' route was the best hope to see him more in the next updates!!!
Hi I have a question? How much sex scene is there in the 5 routes?
If you ever feel you are useless
Just remember your bed in Spencer's house
Hey, for some reason Harold's day 34 isn't working. The game just keeps going back to the main menu after some random dialogue. Is this normal or do I got some bug ? I remade the route just in case, but Nothing changes. Help ?
Yup, happening for me too. Freezes shortly after the day starting then boots you out to the title screen.
when we will have the texts available in portuguese, will we have the chance to do this on our own? because it is very annoying to have to keep translating all the weaknesses in the game and not being able to keep the translations, I ask you to make the files available for the community to be able to translate and add to the game or do this for us please; -;
I just played Darius' important part of the update with Dream's Awakening in the background and it became more magical and more sentimental than it already was 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
loving the new update so far
Hi, this is happening on Harold route. Every time our favorite rhino appears the game's kinda broke...
I'm using the Android version
Why I dont see a download button? O.o
I hear that this is a temporary condition while an update is happening.
ohhhhhhh thank you!
I wanted to ask a question regaurding Harold on day 27, on the mobile version i tried answering one of the questions where you type something out and it never accepts it. I press send over and over yet it never acts like i pressed it, is there something i need to do to progress?
FAQ, “Android Concerns”
its almost 17 and i dont see any update, is there any problem? hope not, take care guys.
This update will be delayed.
Hey, love this game! Been playing it for awhile. When it is finished, wich I know is gonna be a bit. Is it gonna be free? Or will it be paid? Love the art btw!
How can you get the couch scene with Coach? And i cant seem to get that one scene with Chester where the MC bottoms. Is it through choices in the route or... ) 0.o
What do you mean by couch scene? During which day?
Day 19 I think
For Chester, you need to express eagernes to do that in a couple ways. Try taking Darius up on his offer.
Thanks alot ill try it out!
Will there be an LnL session on Harold's Day 35???
The first session was actually enjoyable that i even played it five times to see mostof the MC's classes for his character.
Also when will the next update come??? I'm very excited
Is there a way to bottem all the the way during Spencer's Route or no
**SPOILER** (idk '-') l
Like When spencer gives you a blowjob can the roles switch or no '-' Or is it back and forth? I know at the beginning you can bottem but then it changes and to me im the top later on. That collar looks pretty enticing I must say .♡ So far Great work with the game and All the updates so far . ^_^
As far as I know there is not. Dyne doesn’t write most sex scenes two ways just because that doubles his work. That first one with Spencer is the main exception to that rule.
That said, there are some choices that might lead to it later on? I’m not sure what he has planned for Spence. Though probably it involves collars and more brushing. >_>
It depends on how confident the main character is. my first play through, he topped me, and then the second time around I didn't realize i was choosing all confident answers and it switched.
So far luv this game but what routes can I be the bottom? Don't taunt me with a big meat and not let me enjoy it in full
I agree wholeheartedly ♡w♡
Chester is probably the route you want, or maybe Dozer. Spencer is possible to get to go that way too on occasion.
So when will i see coach resign since people been talking about it but i dont see anything happening on day 34, is it supposed to be on day 35?
Because i got the little "fun" after breakfast on day 34 i thought it will be the best ending for me.
i had some "fun" with my couch on day 28
I got the resign scene (Coach tells the MC he has submitted his resigation) on day 34. If you didn't get it maybe you didn't praise and encourage his writing enough during the play through (including the porn he wrote for fun based on the LnL characters)? Maybe you got the neutral ending instead? It sounded like in the discussion he feels he could use the time well for focusing on his writing instead and be successful at it.
OMG ●_●. My heart was racing on Harold's route. Can't wait for Day35!!! ♡ Nice Work. :3
RIGHT? I have to give myself a break from playing this game. It had me so worked up emotionally for the routes i've played so far.
I'm new and very interested in your games here, but I can't seem to download it for my phone. When it's downloading almost to the end, it stopped and said forbidden. I'm not very good with tech and phones. Anybody who can help me with this?
You do have an Android phone right?
Yes I am using Huawei P20 pro. Actually I have figured it out, my chrome app was too packed woth many sites and cookies for it to download properly. So after clearing my cache, it's able to download
Just finished Spencer's route so far - I loved it so far! I read through the FAQs and I didn't see anything so I thought I'd ask - are there going to be updates to his story?
Also at the end the message was something about hinting to tell Spencer you loved him and that you shouldn't miss the chance to say it to him? I thought I did say that to him... because...throughout the entire game the characters were constantly saying I love you to each other... Anyway, I still loved their story, it felt the most natural of the two routes that I played.
That text is just Dyne’s sign-off message. It shows up regardless of anything you’ve done.
Spencer’s route is not finished and will continue to be updated with a new day every couple months. The patron version has one more day of him done, in fact.
ah thanks for that clarification. Yeah when I completed harolds route, the message was different. It was like “clearly you’re doing something right because you got..xyz to happen. “ and then he said something about how his route will probably end on day 35 or something?
so I should basically be a patreon if I want more ;-) Which I’m totally fine with. These stories are all so heart wrenching. Blast!
The sign-off messages are just the way to let you know it’s the farthest that route has been written. Sometimes they do change depending on what you do that day, but most of the time not, and that specific Spencer one is constant as far as I can tell.
And yes you should definitely become a patron. >_>
Given the amount of work that goes into this game, I definitely will :)
double supported! ;)
Hahahaha omg are we taking over here as well?
okay so funny glitch//bug that you might be aware of idk, sometimes the mc will just not have a dick on his sprite lmao
yeah i saw that in the coach's route. kinda shocking.
i have played the hell out of this it is soo good! keep up the good work uwu