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Just wanted to check on if I had missed something, but there wasn't an alternative for Darius 26 other than him wanting to be "best friends"? No outright boyfriend line right?

so, did you not get the sex scene at the end of the day?

I did, but it's Darius. Just eager for Darius to finally give in and be boyfriends.

I mean, there was that one text option where Darius made the comment "It's like you're my boyfriend or something," and you get to choose "yeah" or "not even."

If you choose "not even" Darius looks really sad while talking, while if you choose "yeah," he perks up a bit

There is no alternative, haha.  That's what he says on the best outcome ;3

I'm just hoping that something happens on day 27 of Darius where Eric or Darius just go for it with each other and they become closer than "best friends" since that's what he calls it.

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Will Richard ever be a dating interest?


this is weird

Ppft, ohmygod 😂


Don't judge him.

wow...just wow

s does this means he has a pussy now??? just kidding!!!


Hey Dyne, thank you for Your hard work on this title!
I was wondering what did You mean by "best" outcome after Harold's day 34 :S I mean, i got the first part of the "hint", but i am not sure about the second part (of the hint) are You able to elaborate on this in any fashion xP?
Preaty please??

I know it will be done someday(as you mentioned on FAQ), but I just want to hear when will be cursefmark's illust be displaced. After all chars' stories i guess??


they are slowly replacing them


Very slowly, haha.  I haven't done a housekeeping update in a while, but I plan on completely replacing all the assets in another route the next housekeeping I do (which will be soon).


this is the best of the best games i have been playing.. and playing this game makes me a little sad after knowing the back story of coach and chester.. i feel bad about them ... and i ..i think the character I've made is already me.. i can feel there every emotions like I'm there ... im glad that i found this game and there's so much moral lessons you could learn ... thank dynewulf!! for saving me from depression..and i wish you will continue to give ups every month im looking forward to it !! love you!


I'm really glad to hear that the project has been able to help you out and that you feel the way you do about it.  It's one of the most satisfying things about the project to me, knowing that it has helped some folks.  Thank you!

I have been playing for a while now just waiting to see what happens next. Updates can't get here any sooner I guess I'll have to wait

I have one issue so far, (only because this vn is wip) but I'm stuck on the Chester route and typing no doesn't work for me. I'm on Android


Im so I love with this game. I've played Spencer. Darius and coach and I'm really sad that the story's end. Do they have any updates? I would love to play more. Kinda sad because I want to go camping with Darius and then to Spencers brothers wedding. see them dance and have his brother say sorry about what he said about gay people; interspecies relationships. Make Spencer cry and hug his brother and have his brother hug both of us. Man I'm so sappy. I just don't want the story to end. I wish this would be ever expanding.

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Wish granted!

EA is under active development. It will be updated and expanded almost every month.

Thank you so much. This is the first game I've played of this interaction game style. Thank you for creating this amazing story.😍💙


Heh, the creator is DyneWulf, not me. I just stole one of his stickers. >_>

haha is that Maria?

i love the part when the main characters calls a nintendo switch an entendo swap


Haha, glad to hear it.  A handful of folks have been amused by this.


When you first try out pole dancing, in the Spencer route, there's no file for "Eric in a Leotard" so Eric gets undressed and then gets back into his clothes and I just think that's hilarious in my opinion.

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As Todd would say:

It just Works!

One day, I'll get that updated x3




Hey guys, a quick question. I know there was a guide for the game somewhere. It's outdated, I know but super useful to get things done the correct way until the more new stuff. I remember many of the answers but not fully. If you can share the link amazing.



I really enjoyed the Darius route, and I can't wait until it gets updated. Like I really enjoyed reading it, and I think I'm in love with him. Anyways, great VN, and I love it in its entirety. Would play again, and I hope I forget about this VN and it pops up in a vague past memory and I get to experience the same kind of love I have now for this VN

Haha, well thank you for that!

I had a problem tho* to the game i mean is there at a time Being Bug? Or erorr on the game  why is always like that .. like Chester Day 7 there's a problem And the other background on the game it seem's not to be found why?

It doesn't find backgrounds that don't exist yet.  There are still BGs that need art done for them.

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So far ive been enjoying the game and all (currently on day 20 dating coach)
But theres seem to be an error where the game said driving with coach file does not found during the event.Is there anyway to fix that?

Some backgrounds don't actually exist, or the code hasn't been updated to reflect the background existing now.


This is the best game I've played so far! It's not only the visuals that are great but also the deep history and psychology that are behind every single character!!! They all have a different background that will influence your relationship with them! This game is an amazing masterpiece!

Ahhh, thank you so much for the kind words!

Where is the Walk through??

There isn't an official one.

Dyne used to post one for patrons long ago, but it only covers the first week or so and will never be updated, as mentioned in the faq.

the first week is fine with me< do you know where i can get i

What would the next update be about?

Not sure, but if we look at the update log. Then I will assume around the 16 each month.

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What should I use to download the game on android?

Chrome? Firefox? It's just a browser link.

I mean what should I use to play it.

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Nothing.  It's an APK file, which *is* an app.  You download it, then install it directly, and it works like you got it from the Play store.

I found some directions here or you can just websearch for "android install APK"

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For me, it's usually a storage issue so I have to free up space and keep retrying and hope it works. It's taken me many tries to update before.

That error is because your phone isn't compatible with the game.

(2 edits)

I have problems downloading the game on android.

I already had the game in my phone, but I wanted to download the newer version. When I downloaded the apk and instal the game, it said "app not installed". I tried deleting the app and then instal it again but the same error kept occurring.

Having the same problem as well

Deleted 5 years ago

Hey everybody! I am stuck... When i write in the game it doesn't want to continue. 

I had the same problem, I discovered if I push the word on top, marked as a green "no" on your keyboard, then push enter, then it worked. At least on my phone. 


Thanks! That is helped!!😊

Hey, I'm stuck on the same problem, and I've tried using my Samsung keyboard and the Google keyboard by neither are working. Any advice or such? I'm on a Galaxy S8

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What to bring to the game convention with Chester. I have tried cards, playing cards, clothing, food ++ And just getting that's obvious, and why do I need that. 

Edit: Book was a good idea, but the history it did not advance further. 

Deleted 3 years ago

Thanks, but it vil not advance the story after, book, money and cards. Those give a this is smart or so message. But it still asks for more items to bring. 

I have tried to skip next choice, but no luck.

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As instructed right beforehand, you have to enter the word no when you're done to continue.

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Have tried to type no. It does not help.

Edit, it finally did help typing no. I'm on android phone, and the keyboard pops up over pictures / text box, so I had to write in the blind. 

try typing the names of the dateable characters. they have it too.


That Entendo and Entendo Swap just made my day! Love the update and can't wait for more of it!

Haha, glad to hear that.  Thank you!

hey so i was just wondering if there are any differences between the public version and the patreon version content wise?


Patreon is 2 content patches ahead at all times and gets updated the 1st and 16th while public is updated on the 16th

The next version of this game when will be published? 

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Probably some time today If you look at all the notes they are posted on the 16th of the month...

I expect Harold to be continued some and hopefully Darius he seems a bit behind the rest... I think they'll hold off on adding a Richard route until they complete Harold's. That's what they say in the FAQ.

So that people can manage expectations. This is roughly his update schedule and gets a month delayed update.

Why do I get a exceptional error  for Harold day 32?

I still need help oof ;-;

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It would let people figure out how to help you if you describe, in detail, what you attempted to do and the specific error that resulted.

Once it downloads it says unable to open folder 

help please the phone version of the game won't load ;-;


You did a great job when I play this game it hurt me to move on to the next character

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[Review after a few hours of gameplay expect a few Spoilers]
I have played 3 of the 5 routes in full and halfway through a fourth and started the fifth.

Harold (Coach): I have only started his route, I find his personality cute but not his looks and I don't feel drawn by him as much as the others, though I like what I have read of his book.

Spencer: Love the whole [present] story and the way everything is handled, especially the dancing, except maybe Harold remaining alone while everyone else is pairing off. I actually kind of want to set him up with Professor Tai I mean this is the only route he appears in, if I am remembering correctly.

Darius: I find him very enjoyable, though I personally miss the whole getting Spence and him to make up bit, especially since the first time through I was trying to make us a trio.

Dozer: My favorite of the stories, I just love the depth even if I am not normally a Bear hunter. Though I do have a question, will you be updating the forest scene to match the new sprite better? 

Chester: Have not completed his route though I find him very fun. I keep running into a glitch (I think) during his shower scene where I can't make it progress because I said no to during the second visit to the nipples. I just loops the tip and biceps after everything else tells me nope. I have tried just skipping it but it breaks my flow and I just lose interest, feeling like I am missing out.

Suggestions: I am highly interested in Richard, Azaghal, and somewhat by Archibald the Librarian. I would love if they were romantic interests. Also if it is not a thing could we get Spencer and Darius in a 3-way relationship in Darius's route.

Question: Were you planning to make the 3 way a thing?

If I were to rank which route/characters I like Best to Least I think: Dozer, Spencer, Darius, Chester, Harold. Also can I just say I love Maria I think she should be named a Saint.


Richard route won't be in development until Harold route is finished since his is the furthest along. 

which will happen in June 2020 if things stay according to update schedule as shown below.  

Tai, Azaghal and Archibald aren't the game creator's own characters so they don't below in them and will ever get their own romantic interest Route. This has been stated numerous times within the game page's FAQ

This is helpful, thanks. I am still putting more time into this then I probably should but It's SOOOO good. I figured out what was wrong in my Chester route. I am almost to the end of Harold's route too. I love this so much and wish I could help. I'm flat broke but when I get some money I'm totally putting a healthy amount in. At least I can let you know that Harold's last few days need some official proofreading, I think someone was tired or something because a "to" became a "yo", this is in day 27-28 while in Harold's bedroom in Harold's line.

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I've played Darius and Chester's routes and most of Spencer's (at least just the content that's been released yet).
Darius and Spencer are really interesting characters, I deeply invested in them emotionally because their issues are very realistic, but because of the knowledge I have of events in different routes (mainly a hint in Chester's route), I see that they should have ended up together. In either Darius's or Spencer's routes I feel like I am being an annoying obstacle between their happiness, these routes do a great job at touching the topic of jealousy.
This game is really messing with me...
I feel really bad...
Anyway great game, awesome writing, keep it up!

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I disagree with the getting in the way, though like yours it is just an opinion. In Spencer's route I think Darius is handled quite nicely leaving no room for anything painful I think, the I kind of wish Coach wasn't all alone. In Darius's route, Spence seems to have a thing for that hunky Tiger, though I have been trying my best to set up a 3some with Darius and Spencer especially after that kiss. I have not completed Chester's route because I keep running into that glitch in his shower scene and it skipping kills my flow. 

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Yeah, that's just how I feel, I don't think anyone else sees it like that


I love this game so much, I'm glad I disovered it now ! But I do see that there's some illustrations missing, always said by "image 'blbla' not found"is this normal 

I'm having trouble with entering stuff for the game like no for the packing of stuff for the trip with Chester to the convention

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FAQ, under "Android Concerns"

Alternately you could scroll down a bit, because someone asks this question here roughly every three weeks.

Hoping for a new scene for every character


I noticed that as you play, the sprites change. I can only assume that these are new sprites planned for future updates. I personally like the old sprites. Will there be an option to choose between the two? 


I’ve been wishing the same thing, the new ones are growing on my, but I still love the old art and would like the option to switch whenever I want.



The 3/4-facing sprites the game starts and ends with are the new ones. The forward-facing ones in the middle sections are old and gradually being replaced.

The old sprites were done by CursedMarked, who has irrevocably split from the project, and so no more art in that style can be acquired for EA.


Thank god. I LOVE the new ones! They have a lot more personality that brings the game to life.  Since I started on version 1.8.8 the new ones feel more realistic.

I have an issue putting in the birthday in the date with Harold. I do it but number. 10/18 even letters October eighteen and mix of both and is still doesn't let me proceed. I'm I doing something wrong?

It's the keyboard, download the go keyboard app

The one witt the green leaf?


Thank you. It help

(1 edit) (+1)

I am so blown away by this. The story with Harold is my favorite. I didn't want it to end.....It reminded me of what I have with my husband...thank u so much for that. You have no idea how much this story saved me almost exactly the way harold was saved by the text....I hope it continues

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Question, How do you unlock more of the gallery? Is it an unlock as you go or an unlock as it updates?

It should be the case that the gallery outfits unlock when you play to where that outfit shows up in the game.


richard on darius route best character 2019

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