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Who the hell is Isaac


Darius co-worke, a Sissy Zebra

please give me a link to download this game i use window

Hit the DOWNLOAD NOW button.....?


I'm currently having an issue with Harold's day 32, there's a reoccurring error when Richard has a dialogue. I just keep clicking ignore and tried to keep playing. It kept on like that the whole time he drove me to Harold's house. I hope this can be fixed.


The same error happened on Chester's day 30, when i went to get the trophy for Richard... most of these errors occur whenever Richard is around.

Might be a sprite error, post the error in a screencap and i can look at it. If its a aprite error its nothing to worry about. Either redownload the game or wait till the mext update for those paths.

(2 edits)
This is from Coach's day 32, it goes on for a while...

(1 edit) (+1)

This one is from Chester's

Same issue here in coach day 32, it went on for like 2 minutes before switching back to the actual scenes. 

You can see what goes wrong under the 'while running game code' section. For example, in Chester's route, the problem is in the coding to change Chester's expression.

So, I'm replaying Darius' route, and the old artwork is back, is that supposed to be or naw?

Correction, it's from Day 11-Day 14 before they go out of his hospital room

Wait, no, it happens more

Odds are good it never left. There's a big section in the middle of all routes that's still not updated.

is the a way for Spencer to be on top

yes it gives a way i had bouh way ^^

Redo some scenes, make him more confident

Deleted post

When is the public update going to be released? It's been a while since the last time it was updated, I can't help but worry about it...


It's the 16th of every month, except last month, which was announced.

(1 edit)

How do you top Chester? I've tried to do different choices but I can't seem to figure it out. What choices should be made differently? I thought it was a possibility now if I'm not mistaken

(1 edit) (+1)

Chester is the best. He cannot be topped.




Are you sure about that buddy id say Spencer would best Chester anyday (I still love my big moo tho)

Answer things confidently, you're trying to be nice too much.

How so? Which things

Wait, are you talking about Chester or Spencer? Spencer is the only one who can topped or bottomed, and Chester's route doesn't even have any anal sex whatsoever at the moment.

There is a Chester anal scene tho. He tops you. I was wondering if there was a way to make the scene different for him to be on bottom.

Chester is the bull. Spencer is the husky. I have played through Chester's route multiple times, and the all that's ever happened was a blowjob in the shower and some frottage. Chester has also stated that he is going to be bottom since he is too big for the protagonist. Spencer has had full anal sex in his route, with either him topping or bottoming depending on certain choices throughout his route.

I love this game, it's really Awsome¡¡¡ and Captain GerBear Art was the best option for it. Did Richard or Azaghal going to have their own routes?

Richard yes, Azaghal no.

(1 edit)

Great¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Talking about Richard... it's he really bi, or only a perv?¡¡¡¡¡


Lets just say he's bi and a playful perv

i dont mean it  like that i just dont like his route as a person 

I don't either! I actually spend half my time wanting to deck him.

But he is very popular with others and I hear he develops attractive features eventually.

There's a lot more to Darius than meets the eye, but he's scared of getting too close to someone and having an actual relationship. He tried before and it ended badly for him (and the other guy) over a misunderstanding. Most of his attitude is overcompensation for lack of real intimacy, and it takes a lot of patience to break through his barriers (he has a route about the same length as everyone else, but has yet to have an actual sex scene).

Yeah, Darius, it's the most different of all routes, and the most complex behavior... I think that he learn from his parents that hi dosent deserved to be loved and that he is IS the black sheep. So, he try to be what his parents think of him a: a big  dissapoiment but deap inside he want and need to be loved but he dosen't know how to reach it.

I really love this game played it every time love everyone well except one I don't know why but I just can't get into Darius route maybe that just me XD

First of all you have to choose him as a training partner in tennis practice on day 1, then on day 2 you have to choose "go to the gym" to talk to Chester and Dozzer, accept the invitation to stay at the gym to train For a while, you'll have to go to the loockers and that's where you'll meet Darius and you're ready to start the great story behind one of my favorite characters, I hope you enjoy it.

sorry for the bad English

(1 edit) (+3)

I really appreciate all the work you put into this magnificent project, from the first time I played it I felt it was a unique experience to another type of game, I started with Harold's story (by accident) and then tried the history of Spencer (one of my favorites without a doubt and I must admit that I get angry at not being able to advance more xD) but the one that undoubtedly takes all my respect is the story of Darius, from the beginning I knew it would be a story without equal and friend let me tell you that it was (I also got angry at not being able to continue after the 26th day) every detail of that story is so well accomplished that every twist of the plot surprised me and I admit that every time Darius plays the piano I keep listening to the song 3 times (I know that in the credits you put the source of the songs but the last song that Darius plays I can not find anywhere, if it was not bother you could tell me the title of the song and artist) once again I congratulate you for so great project and although at the moment I can not support you in patreon since I find myself literally as the main character (unemployed) I am sure that when I find one you will be the only artist who will support without hesitation. Thanks again for such a great experience and sorry for bad English, I'm from Mexico and I don't have much knowledge of the language yet.

This game is pretty awesome!can't waiting to play the full game so i will always be supported. go go go!!!


I dunno if you’ll actually ever see this, but can I just say that this game is beautiful? Not just the art or music or anything, cause, those are too. But these characters are so well written that I almost feel like I’m not just playing a dating sim/nsfw game. I’m so interested in characters like Chester, Coach, Darius and even the Main Character, that I was completely immersed the entire time and genuinely feel kinda empty that I’m done with their routes (so far). 😅😅

Long rant short here, please keep the game and characters this well written. It’s amazing and deserves so much love. 


So I was playing through Chester's route recently and ran into a weird bug. The day after MC was jumped by Vernon, he told Richard about what happened, but then on day 29 they have the conversation again like it never happened?

I figure there's supposed to be some other conversation with Richard here if they had it earlier in the route? I haven't seen anyone mention this (though I might just be late on the uptake since I haven't kept up with the updates for a while) so I figured I'd bring it up.

I guess not talking to Richard about it earlier was the default choice.

If this is a bug report (haven't read because of spoilers), please read the FAQ, as DyneWulf has stated time and time again to NOT post bug reports on this page as he already has them fixed on the Patreon version (which is 2 version ahead of the ones posted here).

If this is, in fact, not a bug report. Disregard this message.


hi, i love this game! harold's story is very cute and hot! so beautiful. I hope there will be more romances with new coach's and other people like Richard or the police officer bear in a future update. 

have waited for the continuation with impatience, good luck. Have a nice day!

(1 edit)

Hi, for now (and maybe definitely), there will only be Richard added. (see FAQ)
For my part, I think that the story of the character should be reviewed, see rectified on some thing, but hey, the game is under development, so there's still a little hope.

Deleted 5 years ago

That doesn't make the game complete faster, it just makes certain routes complete faster.  If it's a route for a character you like then that's good for you; if it's one for a character you dislike then it's worse.  Doing them all in parallel is more fair to the fans of each character.

Deleted 5 years ago
(2 edits) (+2)

I have no idea what you mean.

If it takes six months in total to finish one route, and there are five routes, the game will take thirty months to finish regardless of what order you do the work in.

That's highly simplified, of course. There's common work like Maria, and you might get a small concentration boost from doing one at a time for as long as you can before having to take a break, and there are external artists to coordinate schedules with, all of which might put constraints on the schedule.  But it's not obvious that running each route to completion will result in the entire project finishing faster.  If you think this is true, I would appreciate an explanation.

So pretend Dyne does work one entire route at a time, and the only route I like is Chester, and Chester is last. I would be much happier and stay more interested if I get a day every couple months like I do now, than I would be getting *nothing* for years, during which time I'd probably forget the project entirely.

And yes, it's a patreon project. No one has incentive to pay unless a character they like is being worked on.


Completing one story at a time will not speed up the process at which the final game is completed.  I'd still work at the same rate as I do now.


How do I acces gallery on Android?


The gallery is only available on the patreon release (10$+)


When will the new update come out? It was supposed to come out a week ago



Seriously people, read the post.

Thank you for reminding the blind people them


Any updates yet?




Can anyone tell me how many sex scenes are there with each character ?

Deleted 5 years ago

Fear not.  The art at the beginning (and what you see in the title screen) is the new art, and its wave of replacement has just not reached certain parts of the story yet.  If you keep playing Dozer it will flip back to the art it had at the beginning.

Here's a big OOF and an F, as requested.


All that wall of text for nothing. Oooof

Now I can crawl into a coffin and die OwO

(2 edits)

It's true that it was long xd. The thing is that at the image level, do not forget that the game is imcomplete. So more than wait for the "official" exit.

The artist's name is captaingerbear! For the latest versions cursedmarked was the old artist before something happened idk I just hope there all still friends!

DyneWulf said it was for personal reasons, so I highly doubt that.


i really like some routes, but i hope we get to date someday either rhino/abigal(tiger), the dog from strip club or that panter...

Deleted 5 years ago

So you like richard/azagal and bam? There should be a chance for Richard but maybe there could a special event during darius' route where you guys all bang if you did become f buddies (and friends cause he rocks) however bam would be difficult since your really close to Spencer and suddenly dating his co-worker might affect him. Or it lead to a bad ending.

Richard will be receiving a route...Azagal, bam or the professor won't cos they're not Dyne's characters, moreso cameos from friends and supporters of the project

oh wait the really buff teacher who you see at the strip club once and at school of you went there? We don't see enough of him so I think he'll be being used as a plot device.

(6 edits) (-3)

(Warning Spoil !!)

My conclusion after completing the current content:

It's a good game, but the storyline does not please me at all.
What good is it, to put Datable characters, if they intended for someone else?

That he's been together, already while the two spend their time in this bickering, to reconcile, and Spencer who doubts your relationship and thinks of Darius ... in your private moment especially, lol, really ?!

The main character seems to be a clown ... Yourboyfriend wants to go out with his ex-boyfriend who is dragging in front of you..but you do everything to put them together ...

The romance Spencer and Darius, I am against personally, it is my opinion, I find that it makes the action to do to one or the other useless, given their link. What good is it to go out with one or the other .. except you are of the "free" kind ...
Thanks again for doing it.

Sorry for my bad english ;)

(1 edit) (+2)

I kinda agree. I feel really bad going out with the characters knowing that there's another perfect match for them, and if you date someone, someone else is getting shafted really badly. I wish there was some really good guy outside the team who the characters getting shafted could date if you're on a route with someone.

Alternatively, if the MC could help the other characters outside their route with their problems that'd be okay too. Knowing that [redacted] is going through [redacted] breaks my heart when I'm on another route.

(4 edits) (-3)

I totally agree. More than hoped that DyneWulf take into account the opinions of all on this subject. But ,I do not think it will change anything, too bad I liked this game.

Bon sa suffit les hater avec vos -1, vous pouvez pas accepter l’opinion des autre ,merde ?!


I never thought of it as we're taking there match away..... And the only time you don't take anyone's match is dating Harold however if you date literally anyone else BOOM harolds still a single depressed pringle WHO I WANNA HUG ALL THE TIME


False, in the last update there's a easter egg that proves that Harold is dating someone in a certain route

Not gonna say where is it (find it yourself) just that it was added in the last update


Really?? Welp I gotta redo that, he was the one I was most sad about. Thank god. Does that only happen in one specific route? 

(3 edits)

When you get back to doing EA, for Darius's Route will you be doing a point and click for his first sex scene? Like you have done for all of the other characters, each of their routes had for there first sex scene was a point and click mini-game, which in my mind ....for will be quite enjoyable to have the option to tease him back, mess with him, his piercings, tail and...stuff like that >//w//> soooo....yea, i totally want to tease him back soooooo hard

If you hadn't guessed i'm rooting for Team Darius~ Tho i did try all of the routes and i enjoy them all for what they are but Darius charmed his way into my heart... ( u w u) ty

Also one more Question...When will we be seeing more of that Librarian Archibald or the Professor Tai will their character's be abit more distinguished, by that i mean will they have more presence in the game instead of being a 1 time used side character. Unlike Issac and Dianna I do wish to see more of those other two as well as Richard but we know he's getting his own Route so i digress hope to hear a reply soon at your earliest convenience ^_^ ty

(5 edits) (+2)(-2)

Yes Darius is the best x)
I like Spencer, hmm..After his routes, I like him less ...

(1 edit) (-1)

i agree XD tho having Darius and Spencer be friends again brings a smile to my face. I hope we get to see Darius's Dad lets see what Papa Darius looks like 


yes :)

I think there are 3 side route scenes with Tai and I think you can unlock then in thr coach routr

Archibald not so much. only 1


I hope that in Darius' sex scene, he'll bottom to prove that he truly cares for the MC, not hanging with him to be another conquest.

(1 edit)

Okay so im on android and i dont know if this is just part of the sprite update process or not, but im seeing eric with a towel from day 2 around his waist and its constantly used through day 3 in darius's route UPDATE- It appears it only happens after you choose not to shower with darius

Oh. I've had wardrobe malfunctions with all the characters and paths I've chosen.

I think it also happens when you click through stuff too quickly (i.e. auto scrolling to get through to the new stuff). Because I've had it happen in other routes.

yea i tend to fly through those. i read too quick lol


A good idea for the chester story should be having the deciding what to take scene should have the multiple choice option. I know it would. Be a lit of recording. But it would make it more effective.

Whats the name of that song that we hear when we have sex with Spencer?

Late reply, but you can use BeatFinder on Android to find tunes that you don't know.


Also, the main character's back story to how he ended up homeless mirrors my life rn. Thankfully my parents haven't kicked me out. But my job shut down a few months ago and no one is hiring. And playing this game, and going down the spencer story already makes me appreciate my friends who are like maria. Not gonna lie, I cried a bit when I loved out in the story.

(1 edit)

I would have liked to have a friend like Maria, alas, where I live, there is still progress to be made, and my friends, although open minded we still ... some gap.
I'm a bit of a mix between several characters (Chester, a little Spencer, Coach, and at the time I was also a little Darius)
I also hope that all will be well adjusted, especially the Chester's route, despite Dozer, which annoys me a little much, we quickly attaches to this great Bull.

Awww... U poor thing....


Hey. Just letting you know the Chester story is still stuck on the "is there anything I need, type "no" to continue the story" part. I tired no, cards, and money. And downloading a keyboard app didnt work either. Take your time, I'm in no rush to finish. Just think that it would be nice to not have to deal with that. But please don't stress and get to it when you have the time. Love the different story's so far. Darius is by far my favorite, he is a lot like how I used to be. Well, he has money and I don't. If I did I'd be a patreon and fill those gaps in the Chester story. (P.s. I use an android device. The galaxy S8 if that helps any.)


I hope it isn't a bother, but I'm curious about the inconsistencies in sprites throughout the routes; mostly I'm just wondering if there's an expected time frame for the CM sprites to be fully replaced with Ger's or not? It's not really an issue, but the immersion tends to be broken when you go 15 days into a route and there's a sudden (intense) style shift for a couple more days before it swaps back.

i can not download this files can anyone help me i  am using window please help  me get a link

Deleted 351 days ago

"Bugs and errors in this version do not have to be reported to me."  -- DyneWulf


Deleted 351 days ago
Deleted 5 years ago

well dude...Dyne has asked people many, many times to stop posting about bugs they find since he is already aware. Don't call people jerks for reiterating that when you didn't pay attention.

(1 edit) (+2)

Dyne actually has a document for reporting bugs, which is linked in the FAQ.  If you report in comments then odds are good you're repeating someone else's already-reported issue.


This game is awesome, my first try was with Coach (i didnt know what i was doing xD) but at the first view of the game i was soo in love with spencer and now that im playing with him its such a great character <3 <3 its soo adorable and sexy but now i want to meet the story of darius xD i love this game

(Sorry for my bad english n.n)

att: A Huge fan from Tijuana B.C. Mexico 

Deleted 5 years ago

I stared this game 3 days ago and i just love spencer he is so cute and adorable

(1 edit) (-3)

...richard :3


I think he's hot... I'd suck him dry.... mmmmm


I wouldn't mind a route with him :3333

(1 edit) (-1)

That's right ... It is planned.. x)

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