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so I just have a question to ask of you Dyne, If you would be so kind to answer, but what do you need to do to unlock the full game and not the demo version and when will the game be released? I Really love the game so far and the art even the new artist ^-^ I was just curious becuase I gave ya two buck and I thought that is was it takes XD but maybe I'm just stupid and I have to pay more for such an amazing game XD so please if you see this ^-^

I think its 10 bucks, and the game won't be finished for a while I guess (hope).

well if you want the latest update than you have to be apart of his Pateron which you can be for $3, his paetrons are always (I believe)  2 updates ahead of his public demo which is what this is. So you would have to be a part of his paetrons and download it from the link he gives out his paetrons. And you can be a 10$ paetron which unlocks the gallery and some other cool stuff. But there is no finished game as of yet and probably won’t be finished in a long time (good thing). I’m one of his paetrons so I Hope this helps! 

thank you so much for the info ^-^


Dear Dyne

I only realised and found out yesterday that I mixed up the 2 artists and I can understand why people were upset with the loss of CM's work but the game is still a demo and people need to understand that big shifts like the change in artists are things that can happen! Regardless this is still a video NOVEL and the story has been amazing thus far! :D So stoked to see what happens in the future :)

I have finished Darius, Dozer and Spencer's stories and almost done with Chester's :) And they all were amazing thus far!

Also is there a way to make a donation without becoming a patron? I can't afford monthly subs but a once off donation definitely!

Regards Priestelar :D


Thank so much!  I'm glad to see focus on the story <3 Purchases through here work just fine as donations, or you can go directly to my paypal >>


Hi, DyneWulf. So I'm new to this site and to this game aswell(It's really fun to play I love it). So I was wondering if the full game is going to be free or we need to buy it. I was just asking because I really enjoy this game so much. Thank you DyneWulf. Keep up the good work. :)  <3 


Thanks!  Right now, I have plans for a free version and a deluxe version.  The free one will include the whole main game, and the deluxe one would include specials like the galleries and maybe some bonus days.

Thank you for answering. I'm really excited for the full game. Have a nice day. <3


Hello DyneWulf, First, Hello, i hope you feel good in you'r own life. Please read my comment if you have time and sorry for my bad English (i'm better in reading than writting it i gess)

I have just discovered you'r game and i have to tell, it's really Rock !!!!

I canno't denie that i can't wait for the final version, and be sure that soon, i will help you on Patreon !

I don't want to bother you with this kind of question but i have to kown, One Day... Could I date Richard ?         :3

(please accept my apologies if you already respond to this question)

Could you also thanks every people who helps you (artsist, musician, support) You all really does great job! And this kind of game make me smile. Really Thank's!!

I hope you will read this comment and gave me an answer  to my question, again, sorry if i done grammaticals mistakes.

I have to go but I wish all kind of Good thinks for everyones who see this, when i see some comment below, i'm affliged (?) to see so many people who disclaim the new artist, He's really great (doesn't mean that is best or worst that the ancient.) . Again thank's, this game gave me fun, laught, tears, but sure, it give me hope. Have a Good Day !! 

You will be able to date Richard! But Dyne will only start on his route once he finishes up another, so most likely Harold’s since he is the farthest along, but once Harold is done he will start on Richard.


Thank you so much!  

Richard will definitely be there eventually ;3  I can't wait to get started with him!

The guys that work with me really do amazing work, so I'll make sure to pass on the information!

Hello, i downloaded this game Two Days ago and i have spent a lot of my time working though this Novel, two days and i have completed the Harold and Spencer route, (well up too what has been finished so far) i am really enjoying working my way though although i have a huge dislike with the story just cutting out mid way haha i have to know what is happening and i dislike being left on a cliff hanger so too speak, but i have become so obsessed in what is going to happen, i have become a Patron so so i will be able to find out what has happened, so well done in capturing my interest. 

although i do have a Question, with the updates coming though, how will the applied? will that be automatic or will i need to download? i need answering to the story haha. Amazing work i am looking toward too seeing more.  

you will need to redownload it

Thank you, :)

Glad to see that you're enjoying it so far!  Thank you!

ANd yeah, as it stands, whenever I do updates, you do have to just redownload the whole file.

Thank you for the Replying, DyneWulf  once i became a Patron, i found the answers too this questions in the FAQ, so my apologies for asking,

thanks for the repose again i am looking forward too seeing what comes from you. you have been able too create characters that i care for and input many emotions so that is amazing work, i even rant  too my mate about the story and the characters .  

I do have one small dislike towards the current gameplay atm, (understanding it is still a work in progress so my apologies if you find this in bad taste)  I find it a shame that once you have chosen a route with a certain charter you are unable too get out it and explore a different route , for example i have a huge dislike to the Darius ( i don't like his personality) that is my personal taste and I can see that others out there like him however i would like liked to stop his route and try with a  different route, for example Spencer i thought it would of been a great oppunity that Mc and Spencer could express there feeling for one another and go into Spencers route kinda similar too how it was in Spencers original route  , but even when i Expressed that i did not have feeling for him the game play continued on making it out that i did,  My thoughts would be if you could please incorporate a way too end a route midway and start a new one,. not knowing about how its coded  not sure if that would be possible so late in development but just something i thought just took away from the whole experience, 

but please don't get me wrong I'm a huge fan of the game/ VN and your writing,  so well done, i am looking forward too seeing more and can't wait until the game is finished. 

Thank You,


(1 edit) (+2)(-2)

Dear Dyne

First off I want to say WOW what an amazing game. This is absolutely amazing!!! You have done a splendid job on this and I can really see the effort you've put in to add so much depth and life to the game and paint these characters with so much personality! Its absolutely awesome! :D I intend to become a patreon as soon as I come into some money :) I really want to help you out with a donation and really looking forward to the full game! Your game has made me feel so giddy the last while that I can't wait to get home at night xD I get butterflies from Dozer's path and Darius makes my heart throb when he is so spontaneously flirtatious! All your characters are really vivid and it is very hard to pick which paths to take!

And can I please just say that the "new" art style is amazing, like wow its so good. CaptainGerBear's colourful yet professional style makes the characters look super cute and detailed! Darius and Spencer are so much hotter now and Dozer, Chester and Coach are much cuter! Really looking forward to the future Dyne and goodluck and remember the most important thing: Never let the idiots that complain get you down, cause really they just don't know better... Its impossible to make everyone happy and they need to get over themselves! The fact that the game is offered to them for free just shows how ungrateful people can be!

You've got something awesome on your hands here! :) Goodluck and I look forward to joining your patreons! :D


The one and the only Priestelar

And as always YOU must enjoy the rest of your day! :) And I Thank You!


Thanks so much!  I'm happy to see that you're enjoying the project so far.  There's still a lot more to come!

I really like this game, man. Harold's story really gave me feelings. I wish I could support you on Patreon but I can't since I'm a broke college student from a third world country :< . But when the full version comes out I will make sure that I buy it. Keep up the good work.

Nice work! it's true about the change of art, but even so it's great! this is a graphic novel that never felt so immersed, very good work DyneWulf, a weight of what others say, you are doing an excellent job, I already want the finished project (it would be great to have more sexual scenes of the protagonists hehe and you know, "play with them x // 3")

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It's such a shame that almost everyone is talking shit about the new artsyle, CaptainGerBear probably put a lot of effort in this, it's really sad, i think that it looks really nice and it's a great improvement in this proyect :(


Ok Dyne I'm gonna say it, I hate the new art style but you have already posted about it so honestly it's your choice and no one else's.  Just ignore the people who ask you to switch it back.  I realize that that might seem hypocritical but still I've gotta say it.


I hope he returns cursedmarked because the new artist is murdering the characters a little the same as Disney did with marvel xddd
cursedmarked come back we need you ;w;


I'm so sick of this.  I have this posed on my home page, so please, for crying out loud, drop this topic.

CursedMarked and I have split for personal reasons and cannot pursue a professional relationship any longer.  We came to the agreement that it's best that we no longer work together.  This is not something that is up for discussion.


DyneWulf i love your game~...but could you pleeeeeaaase add in a option to switch artstyles for  people that were used to the old art.....The Characters just dont feel the same ya know.... 


No, not enough of the art was completed by CM for me to leave it like that.  IT would lead to a giant mess and an incomplete project.


wait, am I the only one who has the new art for only the first two days?

The art hasn't fully been integrated, and it'll take some time before it's 100%


I am a huge fan of big fingers artwork, I suggest you all try strange flesh. At any rate, this game is wonderful and always had a great premise, I will cherish the old are but I welcome the new one with open arms.


me and my four friends used to love playing this game and now that it's changed none of us want to play it anymore I used to be a patron and I'm going to stop contributing now


It can't be helped!  Thanks for your support till now~


to be honest I'm kind of disappointed I like the original art the newest update kind of ruined it for me

the download lives giving error: / fix the link


I loved the art of before I know that you try to improve it anyway but being honest the new art I burn the retinas I really love your work but it is difficult to see the new characters in comparison with the previous ones that were much better and more stylized those of now they see very weird like in the same way that disney treated the marvel characters


The new art wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It is a bit different but I'll get used to it

(1 edit) (+1)

So I'm just saying this but I like the old art better because it feels like I'm in the game plus I already missed Darius' perverted face. 

Darius' new look makes him less pervert and rich....

And I was wondering why is there guy in the game its suppose to be a world full of furries.

So my question is....

Is the old art for the characters are gone I miss their faces especially Darius' perverted face.

I hope you keep the old art for the characters but you a did a good job I really enjoyed this visual novel.

Sorry for my bad english...


There's more humans that only the main character, harold's wife is a human Xd, and i think that the old art is gone forever, gonna miss that Darius face too :(


you were always human. And so was coaches wife.


the game died in version 1.54


Sorry you don't like the new art, but it is what it is!


congratulations you just murdered your game
(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

Actually, it's still thriving and growing.

The new update doesn't work for me :( i can't open it, any ideas?

IS it giving you some kind of error?   IF you have virus protection software, if could be interfering too.  Some peopel have had to tell their software to allow EA to ruin.

It doesn't give any error, it just that it doesn't start when i open it, i disabled my antivirus and nothing, no idea

(1 edit)

Nevermind, it was my antivirus, i allowed EA and now it works xD thanks for the help, really enjoying the game so far! <3

Good to know!  I dunno what causes that to happen x3


Argghhh that ending with Darius... I can't wait anymore, his route is definatly the best <3

oh yeah the losing the bet one is real good

Ughh they got so clooose


I lost in the bet in the arcade I really want to kiss darius even though he kissed me everytime in the game aghhh i can't wait

What does the new update has that hasnt the last one?

You can check out the Development Log under the main post for details.

(2 edits) (+4)(-2)

Harold and Darius (look at Darius face..) losts their charm and sex appeal...

Spencer is more cute!

Dozer are more... Scary. The muscle are reaaally big

Chester is still the same, hot as usual but his bulge...

Maria is not fabulous anymore...

The others are great. 

The thing is. For ME (I know, who is that guy, right?) they aren't sexy anymore.

I loved the game cuz it was a mixture of hot characters and great story! 

Is not the games that u usually find with a lot of muscle and skinny white guys that just want to have sex every single time with that same poor story and wasn't either a game that the story is very cool and catching but the design is too much clean and really not exciting!

And now... I know that u have some "fight", I don't blame anyone and I'm not asking for u to talk to the old artist! I really know that the actual artist is doing his best but... Couldn't have some changes? If not following what I said, use what other people here asked for. 

I really love the game and appreciate your work, 

stay cool and... please don't let the game be just another one.

xoxo, UrsoCosmico


To me, Maria looks manly in some of the pictures, is off putting they need to make her more feminine. I get that is mostly a gay game but till she was cute, sexy and sweet before, now she looks like a tick crossdresser. Hope they give her some love to our cat mom =D.

(1 edit)

I can't download the Android version of this game.... I need help to download it


so personally while I don't dislike the new character art I do have one issue with the new designs. I think that we still shouldn't see the protagonist/stay in first person. I feel this lets the player feel as if they really are the ones in the games world and they can be whatever they what to be not just some chunky bland dude bro looking guy. If this new direction is gonna stick then one key thing should be added, character customization. 

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

He's not bland! Dyne (and many others) really like his design and wants him to be seen in the game too! And you'll get character customization in the future. Read Dyne's patreon about it, please. There is no reason to worry)


this is the question I wanted to ask to you and Yandere dev,If you finished youre project will you add more content or work on another game


i really love ur work! <3 and i really love the current art style too.. so.. is there any chance keeping them? or will u only use the new art style from now?


He will be using only the new one because the artist owner of the old art style and Dynewolf had to part ways,just read this whole game page and you gonna see what Dyne wrote himself about it........ and sorry if im being rude in any way :/


what a bummer... and u r not rude ^^ thx for info

(2 edits) (+1)

So i have a question,will the free version of the game be just demos or it will come a full free version??

I do wish to support wIth some money but sadly im a useless NEET,so if i get a job one day i will gladly help as much as i can with the project cause this game is my favorite and i mean my FAVORITE visual novel :3 thank u SOOOOOOO much Dynewolf for being so determined and for sticking with the project,i love it soooo much and im really happy to see that the project is going on :3,oh also a little question,wich character represents you Mr.Dynewolf??? And people on the comunity too,wich character would you say u are???

Anyway,thank you for this project,and i hope you have a beautiful life ahead :3

Oh i remembered something,Dynewolf don't you dare overwork yourself,you might (i said might i don't the truth) thInk we don't care about your well being and that's a big fat LIE,im sure im not the only one that care for you so,please don't overwork and just keep being you,you sweet person :3

I've downloaded PC Version 1.52, but don't see any of the new art style for the characters. Should I?

Nope. Dynewulf said not until at least update 1.54.

wow.. my pc died so i couldnt know anywhere what was going on.. (srry 4 my bad english).. this is really huge.. and seems pretty interesting.. im already downloading the game to see what are the changes. the art style is pretty good tho

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Sorry I even brought it up gosh some of the comments here are kind of harsh. Thanks for the great work Dyne and can’t wait for your next update! ♥️


All the character looks fine except spencer, plz make him look better since he is my is my favorite. Other than that the game js really great! 😁


Shit... I just love this.

It just fell in love with Spencer, he's cute and sweet asf. I really felt bad once it finished.

By the way, is there any climax scene with Darius? (i love his f*cking perv face, goddamit).

I feel ya bro, but nope. 


so first: i really like the music and the updates on the backgrounds, it gets a new "more alive" aspect. The story lines are all just perfect everyone has their own thing to be loved. I like how they interact with you (hugging etc.). I hope that there will be more characters to test out. I cpuld play this game everyday.

But: i don't like it that the mc has to be on the screen on the newest update Pictures bc in the "first person sight" i could imagined that me by myself is in the game and I really enjoyed that (e.g the example of hugging). I hope there will be an option to hide the mc.

To the new art style: I kinda like some characters and some i don't. For example, spencer looks like a new character to me and all the characters aren't that "bulgy" like before and i kinda miss that. The old art style was like sharp and took the colors good apart and the new style is smoother, but to me I enjoyed the old charaters much more, but maybe I just have to take my time with it. This shouldn't be an offesmive comment. I really love your work bc normally visual novels aren't that fun for me, but yours gets me everytime. I just want to know if you can hide the mc and if there may be an option to switch through the art styles.


I completely agree. To me, having the MC on screen really ruins it for me. It just doesn't fit in with this particular visual novel.


No, i love the MC sprite. He looks very cool and sweet. Remember, you'll have a second option to customise or even hide him. Read Dyne's posts about it on Patreon (they are publicly available for all). Personally, i really want to see him on screen and i don't want to insert myself, it's not my cup of tea. Dyne took care of everyone's desires and it's great.


ah that is nice. I just asked if u will be able to hide it not to remove it bc like you said its for all and some like that and some not like the new art style, if there will be options to hide the mc and to change the art style, all would be happy i think. here again i do NOT want to destroy all their efforts in drawing, but only bc they made it with effort doesn't mean all user have to like it.


I see. Personally, i like all new changes (new art style, the mc sprite etc.) I'm trying to give a chance to new things. And i'm sure there will be a lot of interesting and cool things in the future. We don't get to be upset. Have a nice day.


i think future will give us good and bad things (we should enjoy the good things more xD) have a nice day too :)


would it be possible to have the option to choose whther we want to use the current sprites instead of the new ones and vice versa?


same to me i enjoyed the older characters more.


Same here the visual aspect of the whole game is ruined by the  new setup and it looks more Mortal Kombat in the new style lol we want our visual novel and the old characters need to stay the same!!!



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