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Hi the new mobile update won't install is that a bug or something?


I just downloaded it and installed it from the itch website on my phone, so I'm not really sure what would be causing an issue for you.  I'd be sure to uninstall any old versions first at least and make sure your phone has plenty of space. 


Hi Dyne!

I can't seem to find Harold's epilogue. I finished his vanilla route and only two that show up is Spencer and Darius. I thought that Harold's epilogue was a few versions ago. I'm dying for some resolution!


His epilogue will only appear if you have his best route completed, so it's possible you didn't get the best route and only got the good ending.


Ah! Thank you for the update. 


I'm eagerly waiting on the Darius Epilogue... I can't wait to see their closure.... It's the most captivating of the stories for me. 

And I started by disliking Darius a lot... So this was a 180º turn concerning the way I saw at the beginning. 


Bahaha, this seems to happen a lot with Darius.  I'll do my best to make his epilogue enjoyable for everyone!


He goes from pervert and obnoxious to loving and caring not losing its sexy side. It's just awesome! Great work with him! 

(2 edits)

I just got to replaying Dwayne's route after THE update and there are some parts of the game that won't let me scroll back when I used to be able to before, and during the clothes shopping scene with Dwayne the back mirror is bugging out with the jackets. (And there is no in between dialog for any of the clothing except the tennis shorts)

Hah, I see what you mean with the back mirror.  That stuff was such a pain to get right.  Not every piece of clothing has a dialogue between them.  Certain pieces should along with certain combos (it's working in the current build, and it's not been changed in a while).

Not sure about scrolling back either.  That's something that's not been messed with.

I don't know what has happened to my build but the compression shirt & everything else when correctly combo-ed and Dwayne's surprise outfit question mark box doesn't appear any more it just jumps to showing me all options

On the main menu I can't find a bonus days for the three characters. I was looking to see if I can jump to Chester's bonus days on Android version and it's not on there none of them are

Unless you've cleared all 3 of their perfect routes, they won't be there.  They used to be unlocked by default for a bit, but the code was changed.


Yes Dwayne update <3


Yay! a Dwayne update.  also a Richard update I couldn't care less about as he is the only character I find disgusting & unlikeable.  Still hoping for an Azaghal route that will probably never happen


Always happy to see Dwayne love, but why the Richard vitriol?  Just curious!

As for Azaghal, you can get a feel for what his route would be like here >

(1 edit) (-2)

Richard gives me the feeling of a dirty uncle who will hit on anyone but doesn't have the personality to make it endearing.  On top of that, I get the impression he doesn't wash and likes it that way and not in the slight musky way the other characters seem to give off either but more in the "you really smell terrible" kinda way.  I'm really sorry about this but he's the only one out of all the wonderful characters you created that make me cringe.  I have a really hard time reading his story and feeling any sort of attraction to him.


Bahaha, I suppose I can kinda see the dirty uncle kind of thing.  What gives you the impression he doesn't wash?  Again, just curious since he mentions  showering often and there are several images revolving around him and the shower, so... that one strikes me as odd is all. He's a pretty clean fella outside of his work (and tendancy to make a mess in the kitchen x3)!

I'm not entirely sure tbh... the tidy-whites & wife-beater don't help as they always equate to being stained with sweat, cum and other things in my mind.

Huh, and his are pretty clean on his sprite too...  There aren't dirty versions of those


I loved Harold's route in this story because they're were times in Harold's route that broke my heart and had me in tears one minute and then the next minute I'm smiling like an absolute idiot. The epilogue for Harold's route was perfectly wholesome that I've reread it 3 times because it's so wholesome. 


Aahhh, thank you so much!  Really happy to hear that you enjoy Harold so much~

(2 edits) (+3)(-1)

I really like Harold in this story. Whether it’s his initial emotional setback or his final proposal, it makes me want to cry. In your excellent writing, I can completely feel the love in Harold’s mouth. I like you very much. Use sentences in this game.(BTW I wish I could choose Harold, he is top. and I'd like to ask where I can find Harold's setting book.)


Glad to know Harold's route had such an impact!  I don't really know what you mean at the end, but everything I have for Harold beyond art and whatnot is in the game.

I love the soundtrack when the OC is at home its really calming. Especially the one when hes at the Homeless shelter with Maria. What's the name of the song


Mmm, that particular track is one I had custom-composed for the VN (and it's not currently posted anywhere), but it's just called "Home", hah.


Question for Harold's route can you only top or can you also Bottom for him?


Harold's route has a bit of both going on at some point or another.


Possible Spoilers In Replies for Harold's Route

(Ive marked out everything else to avoid spoilers) The locked image is the only one I don't have for Harold and I'm not sure how to get it? Anyone know?


IT's from the LNL session.  I think the code to unlock it is only set to trigger if you take the Non-slutty outfit route (something I keep meaning to fix x3)

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Hey for some reason while I'm trying to get onto Harold or any of the other team members route it keeps railroad me into Dwayne's and I've try to complete ignore any options leading to him but to no avail 


Hum, that seems a bit odd.  As long as you decline going out with Dwayne on Day 2, it shouldn't do that.  I've not seen anyone else have this issue, so I'd say try deleting and downloading the VN again and going from there.  Could be a faulty download.


I deleted the saves from the previous version to make sure it was a complete reset and it started working again thank you


can someone please tell me what is updated like anymore days add or not

So far on Day 22 With Coach 


The DevLogs I post each month goes over the updates.  Richard;s and Dwayne's routes are the only two that aren't finished.


Love this VN! Commenting to show my support for an Azaghal route that’ll probably never happen.


Lots of folks would enjoy that, bahaha


Hey, I thought id leave a comment after being a huge fan for a long time, different than gushing about the game which i like to do.. I think with a bunch of saves being unusable now it'd be awesome to have a feature where we could skip to specific days or routes and maybe to the new added content, would make it so when trying to replay routes you can start from where you wish and help with overlapping your old saves with new ones easily. still amazed by how much there is in this game, thanks for making such a great experience 


Hah, speaking of that... I just implemented a Day Skip feature on Patreon!  It's something I've been wanting to do and finally got around to doing it.  It still needs a bunch of variables added to it, but it's there!

And I'm glad to hear that you enjoy the project so much!

ah i see, i haven't seen it on my patreon download yet but i'm sure i will soon, sounds like itll be good! yeah i bet it will aha the downside of having so many choices is suppose. 

For sure my favourite and been enjoying the great stuff for many years now, thanks for all your hard work making it!

I know you're probably dealing with a lot of issues with new Renpy and everything. Just wanted to alert you that since none of my save files are working and I want to get back to where I was with richard I'm starting over from the beginning, but for whatever reason it's not letting me do any other route other than spencer? like I go through the beginning ignoring everyone (not even clicking spencer for the first choice) and the baragodmother shows me richard and whoever else I chose for tennis, but then gives me spencer?? not sure how to proceed since I can't get past this scene to enter into richard's route

I just deleted all other versions of the game and it worked? Dunno why or how, but also it made it so the cloths of those who's route I've cleared didn't go away so IDK if it remembered I'd completed those routes or no

Bahaha, well... Spencer is the default route, so if you ignore everyone else basically earn few to no points with them, it defaults to Spencer.  

I think what it was, was I was hard skipping to choices so if I waited for it to skip manually it showed up. Also any word on why the scene with catching Spencer in the act during Richards route is no longer available? does it only unlock if you've completed Spencer's route, which my game has probably forgetten

(3 edits)

Hii i wanna say i LOVE your game its amazing this game is probably the first and only dating sim ive play and loved, anyways, i do have a quick question i first downloaded when version 1.169 was out and i just finished dwayne's route (day 16) and i just released that you have been updating the game so i downloaded to most recent version to see if i can complete his route but when i load my save on day 16 it shows up with a "an unexpected error has occurred." screen, is there any fix to it or will i have to start over or have you not completed his story yet? (im on pc/windows)

I know it's a bit late here, but the DevLog for that update explains the issue.


Dyne the only thing i can say is.. congratulation you really made an amazing ending with Harold's prologue i think i cried all troughout the last third of the ending. Thank you for letting me experience such beautiful emotions.

Stay safe

Ahhh, thank you so much!

(1 edit)


I can no longer trigger Spencer’s masturbation scene on Richard DAY 16 🤔 I’ve been unable to get this CG ever since the saves were broken. Spencer meets the MC at the door instead of letting himself in

Hello, I am also getting this glitch. Will there be a patch coming out soon??

i like this character desing, someone knows if is it an original or is a cameo?.

 i would like to see more of it.

He's a cameo character~


I hated the smutty personality of Darius... Perverted, totally unbearable!

But then... You turned him up side down in a way that I think it's my most cherished character. 

He had a huge change, and I'm craving his extra day....

The way he woke up to love and care is truly amazing. 

Can't help to laugh when he tries to be romantic or cheesy and gets all flustered. 

Man I think I'll steal him from the MC...


Darius was one of the biggest pains to write, but I feel like his character development is some of the best I've done.


Is there a cheating route? Or a threesome route?

there is plans for routes to have an orgy i think but i do NOT think the dev will EVER add cheating as an option

I don't even know why i ask that.

Where did u hear about those plans? I’m starting Richard’s route and seems open to share the MC, and I’m curious if there is an option for that

I hope the Chinese translation team will be updated, I've been waiting for it for a long time... But I'm still thankful to them.

suprisingly, some of my saves still work, mostly just the earler ones like my day 3 ones

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi just wanted to give a positive note and let ypu k ow abour a funny glitch ive seen. If you go backwards in text (like by hitting the back button) sometimes the characters who can make multiple facial expressions will sometimes have their heads disconnect and float off their bodies. (I can add a picture if I explained poorly so feel free to let me know)  Not sure if this is cause i play on mobile but figured id mention as its kinda funny. 

But aside from that love all the routes and stories they tell, I want to punch Richard in the face for being such a jealous ass but I'm glad for day 23 of his route and I can't wait to see how everything turns out. Take care!!

No kidding the Richard route makes my blood boil at this point


Hello, Dyne, our creator! Just want to let you know that every time I want to scroll through chat log, it will receive error. I wonder if it happens to anyone? 


Hi Dyne! I noticed an error on Darius route. If you protest him buying the clothes the game crashes! Hope this helps. <3

Which specific RPYC files do we need to copy to try and integrate our old save files?


Have you considered releasing the game's full soundtrack on if not Spotify once the game was officially complete?

havent played in a while but i keep doing the darius route to see if i did something wrong and keep getting the same bad ending did something change ? or is there a specific choice i keep messing up i forgot 

Can't get past Richard's day 22, renpy just throws an error when loading a save file after updating the game.

I really don't want to start all over again... Is there any way to fix this?

I'm using the android APK.

Try to log a save from day 19-20

If not restart the route

I think I'm going to have to restart all my routes 😭

Hi, I think I have a problem because I can't go past day 22 on Richard's route, what should I do ? 

(1 edit)

Is it just me or did the new Ren'Py update not only break existing saves but also break saving. I keep getting the same "Exception" throughout all the the visual novels/games i'm playing when I try to save. "Exception: Not saved - no valid save locations.". I started getting this "Exception" a couple days ago, I thought the issue would fix itself but I don't know :(

Saves breaking are explained in the DevLog, but the save Exception could be one of two things.  Trying running as admin and saving (could be something with permissions), or, if you're using the Itch app, it could be a problem with that.  At least, that's what I got from google, cause I've never seen that issue.

I hadn't even thought of running it that way, turns out it works and doing so brings back my saves as well. Thanks for the help ❤️.


after the new update my game completely resets itself and there are no extra days nor there is a picture with Dwayne and Richard in the menu. Even with these lil problems the routes are still working when i start from day one, i guess its just weird not seeing the new picture with all the datable characters haha

i am so sorry and thanks for ur hard work but after day 23 of Richard there is no more days ?????

Not yet. The dev works on routes a bit at a time, with some completed now. Trust me I'm with you there in that I'm enjoying Richard's route too, but we'll have to wait.

The new update is still not responding no matter what I try do I just have to wait for the next one for it to work, I've been playing this since day one and it has always worked.

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