I’m on the last week or so of Darius’ route, and I must admit that the way that route is set up gives a great opportunity for an alternative sub-route where Spencer joins MC and Darius in a love triangle. Considering how much he still cares it did feel kind of sad that inviting him along isn’t an option! x3
One rather small thing that would also be great: An option to be able to choose your man’s outfit on some occasions! Some combinations look quite well on them and it would be great to be able to see them more!
GAAAAAAH i just finished the Darius and Spencer routes in a 24 hour time period i cant WAIT to see the sequel days with them to see how everything turned out! now to finished everyone else and figure out who dwayne is pretty sure ive missed him somewhere XD
I just finished dozers route and i loved it so muchhh!!! I think their epilogue scene could be with Chester and maybe even a threesome scene at the end (just a suggestion). The three of them seem like a great pair and would love to see something like that in the epilogue
Random Question- anyone remember the choice you need to make on Harold's Route so that you purchase the bear for him rather then the other way around? I've been messing around with choosing all the choices and its making me go nuts. Thanks!
Oh I just did it last night. It's on the day 20th at the amusement park. You need to ride anything at least 2 times and then choose "games" then play everything I guess. Last "buy a gift for coach grifter"
Did you download the right version? maybe you downloaded the mac/windows version instead of the one for your computer. but if you have the phone version maybe you can uninstall and install the current version.
Wow... There's a LOT of new stuff ever since I completed some routes (to be precise, only 2 lol, it's been so long), and as always, I am not disappointed in anything! All of the new days and dialogues for the rest of the characters, and WOW, time passes so fast??? All 5 of the main cast have their routes completed oh my god (gotta grab the popcorn bucket and a couple of tissues for my later crying sessions), and all of them look absolutely extraordinary. I am so happy Dyne and the Dev team is putting everything into this VN. It's just a masterpiece! Anyone who haven't played this HAS to play it (unless they don't like NSFW (which I don't mind in some stances). Overall, one of the best VN's out there and really glad the way it turned out! Also, why does the Mc appear with a beard in some places? I unironically NEED to see him with the beard more times. The default Mc is nice and all and I love the goof ball, but OH MY LORD THE BEARD MAKES HIM LOOK SO MAJESTIC PLEASE I NEED MORE PLEASE I AM IN MY KNEES!
Anyways I love your game and I need bearded mc plz thanks love love (10/10, wish Harold was real)
Hahaha, well thank you! I'm glad to see you've enjoyed so much of it.
The MC beard thing is a bit of a glitch, as it should only really happen in HArold's epilogue x3 I had a wonky piece of code that was causing it to happen when the game was loaded. He does look pretty great with the beard though...
is it me or does the mc just look WAY better with the beard shit i wouldnt mind seeing more beard action with mc... i mean clean face was alright but beard made him better ( idk if this is a spoil take it how u want)
Ok so that happends in older versions of your saves. recently the older save files kinda got corrupted(?) so when for example in my case it happened every time that richard appeared in my older harold route save file. ( ill guess that that happends because since richard got new sprites the names of the files of the images of richard changed, the older files cant find the correct sprites in that situation since older sprites had different names) so the only way i know that you can get rid of it is starting the route from the start in a recent/latest build of the game. (if i remember correctly dynewulf explained something related to older save files getting errors in a update log)
Harold, Spencer, Chester, Dozer, Darius. All the 5 main routes are completed in order, Richard and Dwayne are still unfinished cause their new, but if you dont know which one to start, go with Harold (the Coach) his epilogue already been released!
Relatively speaking it is an extra day which shows what happened to the characters after some time and how their relationship develops (happy end?). At the moment, only Harold has the epilogue and it is available regardless of the ending from the main menu (don't peek. choices through the main story still matters). In the future, it will be available only if you finished the game with the best ending. (for exemple Papa Bear have 3 endings: bad, neutral, best)
where are the game saves stored? since the game pulls saves from previous versions of the game(nice!), and they do not disappear when you delete previous game versions folders(nice!x2), I can assume they are stored somewhere else and not in the (.../[version of the game]/game/saves). so where?
AppData is a hidden folder, so in windows explorer make sure you have view hidden items enabled. it's hidden because there is data there that if messed with can mess a lot of programs up, altering or deleting these files is considered "advanced," but obviously if you only go into the folder for RenPy it will only impact your VNs.
Also varies based on version of windows, but it's been AppData for over a decade.
I just now saw the epilogue day for Harold. Even though he was not one of my favorite characters, this was definitely my favorite day by far, it was just too sweet. Makes me want to start theorizing what the other characters' epilogues will be and I don't even have the slightest idea for Dozer and the two new routes obviously
i'm encountering an issue, it seems that every dialogues that has Richard in it just leads to a white page with the option to ignore or roll back, and its like that for all of his dialogues, so it's something to maybe fix for later
I wonder if we will ever get complete customization like picking the body shape and changing dialouge options. I know its complicated but a guy can dream can he
As cool as that sounds that would take a lot of work. I personally would like a a dong selection lol.It's easier the way he does it. Keep in mind he is only one person. Adding stuff like body shape is time consuming. As fun as stuff like that would be it's not practical unless people started helping him.
does anyone know how to get the proposal scene for spencers route, i cant find how to get it, or is that only accessible to the downloaded version and not the browser one?
Gotta support your husky and respect his privacy. When he says he's thinking of leaving school, support him. When he tells you not to snoop in his stuff when you're left to clean his bedroom, don't snoop. After I made those changes from my normal playthrough I got the scene.
I thought there was at least one per route? I feel like I've seen one in each route except for Darius and maybe coach? (I only Played coach's route once=)
Already completed all the routes months ago and while Richards and Dwaynes are in the works, all I have to say is that, this is an amazing VN! The character development and all the routes storylines are superb! I can relate to one of the characters on ever level and how their route unfolded to me; That would be Chester. Some parts of Harolds and Dozers Story are also part of relating to what they've also been through.
Anyways, I want to thank for making a masterpiece of a VN. I rarely play VN's that grasped my interest from the get go, but this work has taken the cherry of my favorite cake. Looking forward to more epilogues and where Richard's and Dwayne's routes go next! Keep up the great work DyneWulf! Also, Happy new year to you my friend! 😁
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after the game is complete 100% do you think youll be doing another vn, either smaller or greater then what you've achieved here
I definitely want to do more! I'm not 100% on exactly what just yet though
Will it be involving any of these characters or all new. I want more time with Coach ☹️.
I’m on the last week or so of Darius’ route, and I must admit that the way that route is set up gives a great opportunity for an alternative sub-route where Spencer joins MC and Darius in a love triangle. Considering how much he still cares it did feel kind of sad that inviting him along isn’t an option! x3
One rather small thing that would also be great: An option to be able to choose your man’s outfit on some occasions! Some combinations look quite well on them and it would be great to be able to see them more!
how to start dwayne?
Hang out with Harold on Day 2. You'll see Dwayne later.
GAAAAAAH i just finished the Darius and Spencer routes in a 24 hour time period i cant WAIT to see the sequel days with them to see how everything turned out! now to finished everyone else and figure out who dwayne is pretty sure ive missed him somewhere XD
Haha, glad you enjoyed them!
The character development, the visual and writing style, a likaable main character. I really love this one.
EDIT: Removed the question because i realized how big this game already is and how frequently you release updates. Just take my money. <3
Thanks for this great game. You are doing an awesome job.
Haha, well thank you! I really appreciate that =3 I try to stay as consistent as possible with my updates.
I just finished dozers route and i loved it so muchhh!!! I think their epilogue scene could be with Chester and maybe even a threesome scene at the end (just a suggestion). The three of them seem like a great pair and would love to see something like that in the epilogue
Always happy to see folks enjoying Dozer's route!
Não tem uma cena na rota do dozer entre os três.
Mais seria bom a cena no bonus days
Hahaha, that's always fun to hear x3
Oh bee, oh boy! I can't wait to play my favourite game Korbo's Journey! It has the coolest character Beyondsquire in it
Best game and character
Does anyone else have issues downloading the latest Android build?? I keep trying to download it but I get the 100-release android build instead
File is correct, name is always the same.
Richard's kids are really cute.It would be interesting if there was a play date between them and Spencer's little brothers.
I have ideas!
when using linux, there is a black box around the mc can it be fixxed at all??
I've seen someone post about that before, but I honestly have no idea what causes it.
They are just backgrounds that don't have art still
Hey is there any way to get a mass orgy or any public sex (like the public showers at the gym not like the movies one) of any kind
the game kept teasing me with it so im presuming it exists so like (eg richard route dream)
diff topic but why in the dozer route does MC do the fucking jacko pose on day 27
Random Question- anyone remember the choice you need to make on Harold's Route so that you purchase the bear for him rather then the other way around? I've been messing around with choosing all the choices and its making me go nuts. Thanks!
Oh I just did it last night. It's on the day 20th at the amusement park. You need to ride anything at least 2 times and then choose "games" then play everything I guess. Last "buy a gift for coach grifter"
I cant open the game. Since I downloaded the new update I cant open the game anymore
It wont open. Can someone help me?
Did you download the right version? maybe you downloaded the mac/windows version instead of the one for your computer. but if you have the phone version maybe you can uninstall and install the current version.
Wow... There's a LOT of new stuff ever since I completed some routes (to be precise, only 2 lol, it's been so long), and as always, I am not disappointed in anything! All of the new days and dialogues for the rest of the characters, and WOW, time passes so fast??? All 5 of the main cast have their routes completed oh my god (gotta grab the popcorn bucket and a couple of tissues for my later crying sessions), and all of them look absolutely extraordinary. I am so happy Dyne and the Dev team is putting everything into this VN. It's just a masterpiece! Anyone who haven't played this HAS to play it (unless they don't like NSFW (which I don't mind in some stances). Overall, one of the best VN's out there and really glad the way it turned out! Also, why does the Mc appear with a beard in some places? I unironically NEED to see him with the beard more times. The default Mc is nice and all and I love the goof ball, but OH MY LORD THE BEARD MAKES HIM LOOK SO MAJESTIC PLEASE I NEED MORE PLEASE I AM IN MY KNEES!
Anyways I love your game and I need bearded mc plz thanks love love (10/10, wish Harold was real)
Hahaha, well thank you! I'm glad to see you've enjoyed so much of it.
The MC beard thing is a bit of a glitch, as it should only really happen in HArold's epilogue x3 I had a wonky piece of code that was causing it to happen when the game was loaded. He does look pretty great with the beard though...
Ohhh okk, now it makes sense!
(I definitely didn't expect Dyne himself to reply, and i am so so so glad they did. Anyways SENPAI NOTICED ME!!!!)
I cry too easily now. Thanks to Echo, Arches, EA, and a couple other VNs that I don't know the name of right now.
is it me or does the mc just look WAY better with the beard shit i wouldnt mind seeing more beard action with mc... i mean clean face was alright but beard made him better ( idk if this is a spoil take it how u want)
Yeah I agree, it breaks the immersion for me when I see MC without a beard.
i get it,but mostly i think its cuz i just like guys beards.
Um hey guys my game keeps crashing, but it's whole time on any route any day
You can press 'Ignore' to go back to your game, it's just letting u know there's an error or something.
when I do it just pops up again and again
Ok so that happends in older versions of your saves. recently the older save files kinda got corrupted(?) so when for example in my case it happened every time that richard appeared in my older harold route save file. ( ill guess that that happends because since richard got new sprites the names of the files of the images of richard changed, the older files cant find the correct sprites in that situation since older sprites had different names) so the only way i know that you can get rid of it is starting the route from the start in a recent/latest build of the game. (if i remember correctly dynewulf explained something related to older save files getting errors in a update log)
It downloads 1.145 for me, not 1.146
> U have heterosexuality
> Play EA
> U have homosexualit
I think Dwayne is missing this game
Can anyone tell me which routes are completed? I kinda not wanna be accidentally left with an unfinished one thx :D
Harold, Spencer, Chester, Dozer, Darius. All the 5 main routes are completed in order, Richard and Dwayne are still unfinished cause their new, but if you dont know which one to start, go with Harold (the Coach) his epilogue already been released!
I did have a hunch that the main 5 is done, but just wanted to be sure. Thanks!
Also what is an epilogue?
Relatively speaking it is an extra day which shows what happened to the characters after some time and how their relationship develops (happy end?). At the moment, only Harold has the epilogue and it is available regardless of the ending from the main menu (don't peek. choices through the main story still matters). In the future, it will be available only if you finished the game with the best ending. (for exemple Papa Bear have 3 endings: bad, neutral, best)
Bubbalubbadubby. There's 3 endings uwaaah. I'm such a simpleton thinking there's only a good and bad.
I can't see Dwayne Day 7, do I have to start over?
I can't find update 1.146, I restarted the route but there was still no day
just love Dwayne expression - i camed two time - and dwayne ahegao face - inside...
where are the game saves stored? since the game pulls saves from previous versions of the game(nice!), and they do not disappear when you delete previous game versions folders(nice!x2), I can assume they are stored somewhere else and not in the (.../[version of the game]/game/saves). so where?
Users\{login profile name}\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\ExtracurricularActivities
thanks a lot <3
still have problem to find it:( instead of App Data i have application data folder and it is empty, only Microsoft folder in it
AppData is a hidden folder, so in windows explorer make sure you have view hidden items enabled. it's hidden because there is data there that if messed with can mess a lot of programs up, altering or deleting these files is considered "advanced," but obviously if you only go into the folder for RenPy it will only impact your VNs.
Also varies based on version of windows, but it's been AppData for over a decade.
I just now saw the epilogue day for Harold. Even though he was not one of my favorite characters, this was definitely my favorite day by far, it was just too sweet. Makes me want to start theorizing what the other characters' epilogues will be and I don't even have the slightest idea for Dozer and the two new routes obviously
i'm encountering an issue, it seems that every dialogues that has Richard in it just leads to a white page with the option to ignore or roll back, and its like that for all of his dialogues, so it's something to maybe fix for later
It appears that Darius’s route is quite broken on day 28 There’s a lot of errors regarding displayables being unable to be chosen
I wonder if we will ever get complete customization like picking the body shape and changing dialo
uge options. I know its complicated but a guy can dream can heAs cool as that sounds that would take a lot of work. I personally would like a a dong selection lol.It's easier the way he does it. Keep in mind he is only one person. Adding stuff like body shape is time consuming. As fun as stuff like that would be it's not practical unless people started helping him.
Yeah I know I know
does anyone know how to get the proposal scene for spencers route, i cant find how to get it, or is that only accessible to the downloaded version and not the browser one?
Gotta support your husky and respect his privacy.
When he says he's thinking of leaving school, support him.
When he tells you not to snoop in his stuff when you're left to clean his bedroom, don't snoop.
After I made those changes from my normal playthrough I got the scene.
Anyone knows if there is an interactive/groping scene on Darius' Route and how to get it ?
As far as I know the only one I know of is in Dozer's route, sorry
I thought there was at least one per route? I feel like I've seen one in each route except for Darius and maybe coach? (I only Played coach's route once=)
Already completed all the routes months ago and while Richards and Dwaynes are in the works, all I have to say is that, this is an amazing VN! The character development and all the routes storylines are superb! I can relate to one of the characters on ever level and how their route unfolded to me; That would be Chester. Some parts of Harolds and Dozers Story are also part of relating to what they've also been through.
Anyways, I want to thank for making a masterpiece of a VN. I rarely play VN's that grasped my interest from the get go, but this work has taken the cherry of my favorite cake. Looking forward to more epilogues and where Richard's and Dwayne's routes go next! Keep up the great work DyneWulf! Also, Happy new year to you my friend! 😁
i love maria sm such a good person
She's absolutely one of my favorite characters.
happy new year 😉