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So Richard's route continuation when?~ Ehe

(1 edit) (+2)

So dynewulf does this mean the only ongoing route is Richard or are you planing to add some in the near future, if so tell the librarian will be dateable cause DAMMM look at that man he fine as hell.

No I am totally not simping

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Ah... UwU it's sooo bittersweet for all the main routes to be done! Q.Q EA has been such a consistent for years, something to look forward to every month... But what a satisfying ride it has been! :'D and the ride still isn't over! >_</


how many routes are complete in this vn?


Eu sempre vou dizer que aminha rota favorito e o Harold grifter ❤️❤️❤️ essa cena fez eu 😭😭😭😭😭


Pra mim a do spencer é insuperável, mas essa parte na rota do harold me quebrou.


wow darius ended...seeing that 'final day' for a darius update hit me. been playing this since the release and it did nothing but exceed my expectations . love it and darius was always my favorite right after chester. i havent played the update yet because if i do that means its the end. gonna wait it out till im ready lol. 

also i hope bam get a route by some miracle, im interested in his...'knot' lol


Darius route is one of the best if not the best, he really exeeded my expectationes


Beautiful game ! You did a great work , it's the best novel visuel i have play! 

So sad every routes are Finish, i cry, but i'm so happy to play this game 😭 maybe in the Futur, more content will be appear after day 35 at every characters. It would be pretty cool to discover a new story of each character in the winter season. It would be much more romantic. 


"Darius Day 25" Im crying, hes my favorite character and now i can finally see the end, i dont know how to feel, a mix with joy and sadness ♥ thanx Dyne for ur hard work and of course thanx to Gearbear for the artwork ♥ keep the excelent work n.n


I cryed at his ending, it was so good, i loved it. He's the best charecter in my opinion

(1 edit) (+1)

Those new additions to the extras page will be limited to the Patreon version or will they be seen by anyone currently? Knowing if I reached the best ending would be nice, but I understand if it stays Patreon only for now.

Anyway, I love this game, keep up the great work. I can't download new versions right now, as it would be too tempting a distraction from studying for exams, but hopefully in summer I'll be able to see all that I've been missing out since my last download. Don't pressure yourself and keep at your own pace, we'll love the end product no matter how long it takes, so stay healthy and positive!

What extra pages, i need context please


I want to play with richard more from day 7 please update him


I love how far this game has come. Currently, I'm replaying all the routes due to me losing save data, but I loved that surprise with the introduction of another route after Richard. I had expected it to be either the dragon from the library or Hal based on the sprite line-up on the main page here, but the math teacher works just as well. So I can't wait to see what other kinds of routes that could be put into the possible future updates. There could be a route where we fall in love with one of the rival tennis players like the tiger or the bear that we play off against at the beginning of the game. Even if the final game does not have any more additional routes after the math teacher, I'll still be happy because this game has already exceeded my expectations for the three years that I played. So keep up the awesome work DyneWulf!


wait what? there is route with math teacher? isnt that that black jaguar? or that is in subbed version for now? i just hope that the bull get route too.. i am sucker for bodybuilders:D


no, the math teacher is the gorilla. you can go on an unofficial date with him in the prologue before you meet with the Bara Godmother. The black jaguar is just a side character that teaches astrology. Chester (the bull) does have a route, so if you love big-bodied guys, you can give his route or Dozer (the Komodo dragon) a try.


i know about main routes - i meant the bull on end of dozer route - the owner of gym:D wait.. there is gorilla character? how i can meet him?

(1 edit)

I think he was a cameo of a character from Stories from the House of Beef Gym, but we will have to wait and see in future updates. You basically stay in the classroom with the coach on day 2 I believe and then just head home, you should be able to encounter him after that. I just encountered him while replaying the coach's route, so I didn't really know what I was doing while playing through that part since it was new to me.

met him now, didnt know about him at all:D looks quite hot


When I played, Dozer's Garden 2 couldn't be found. Are you still working on that image

If you ever plan on getting voice actors, HIT. ME. UP.

Happy to play this awsome game🥰 best game, beautiful work, every characters are interesting, coach grifter my favorite 😍. So sad every route are finish, execpt one or two😭. I wait to play Richard story later. In future update, have you plan to mix story of every characters ? Play with coach grifter to romance Richard or dozer have romance with chester ect....? 


Truly such an amazing game! The characters and stories are all so lovely! I will be recommending this to everyone I know. <3

Does anyone know the script in order to run this on linux?

Right click


and run as a program.

Or if you use Linux Mint, you can right click on it and select Properties and in Permissions set "Allow executing file as a program".


i never notice another character who is a gorilla and the math teacher of the main character that is really awesome and that can i see it's so sexy almost he looks like winston from overwatch but the color is different and he's not wearing glasses any  male counter with glasses looks hot and sexy as hell 

hi i want to ask if for update Richard route is there or not because I play this game Richard route is very little so I hope for update coming there are more Richard route


I apologize if I come across as rude when I say this, but we're technically not supposed to ask because he gets annoyed by people constantly asking him. He says he'll update it when he is able to

He posts a update every 16th of the month. I'm pretty certain patreons get it earlier though

There will be more :)

Richard gallery is bug i cant touch the special sorry for my bad english

I'll have to take a look.

We can't do anything with the math teacher

It hurts me so much XD

I want to play with him 

There's not much to do.


you not add anything on it

I'm having a problem the ren'py download never ends, I'm using the Android build

Generally a phone/website issue.  It's not something I can help with


Ok, still thank you ^^

Hey guys I was wondering if anyone else here has the game from patreon I am a $10 Patroen and I was wondering where the guides where shouldn't there be a guide?

(1 edit) (+1)

If you have access to it you should be able to use the pinned post at the top of their page titled, "General Information"

Edit: I didn't mean to link it but it seems to take you straight to the guide post.


Anybody know the exact choices that must be chosen for the other scene for day 32 of Dozer's route with Chester in the shower? I usually end up where Chester says maybe another time he would join. Any sort of help would be appreciated :3

If i recall u need to do chesters route it does a check for u having a good route completed (fair warning its HOT XD)

Does it require to be the last Chester run you did or simply having gotten the best ending with him once before?

i THINK u have to have a file of best ending

(1 edit)

I finished the route with Chester (pretty sure it was a good ending) and then afterwards did Dozers, unfortunately it did not work. If possible, I wouldn't mind a picture of the shower scene of them was dropped here for uh... research purposes > : 3


Actually, you just need to finish Chester's route as best as you can. I also had the same issue, but after some experimenting with choices I've managed to unlock it. But there is more than just that scene ;)

Do you plan to update the excerpt of "The Stone" in Grifter's route?

I've had a lot of people ask about that...  It makes me think I should actually write more for it, haha

I'd love to read more of it. It was feeling like an enemies to lovers type story.

(2 edits)

I am really liking the novel so far even though I'm only in the very beginning, but I kind of wish there was a button to go backwards as sometimes I accidently hit the touchscreen too early as I get random spasms sometimes that cause me to unintentionally touch the screen. Just a suggestion for later updates. Keep up the good work!

Edit: I just noticed the little book option in the top right corner that shows all of the dialog that the story has progressed through up until that point... Boy do I feel foolish! 

Edit 2: If there was a button to hide the dialog screen to be able to admire the art that would be good too... Like the discreet picture of Richard in the garden while weeding :D

(1 edit)

There is on pc, for mine I have to push the scroll on the mouse in and it hides the dialogue. According to the games READ ME, the 'H' key should also hide it.

I'm reading via android

haven't played in a while but you should be able to scroll backwards

I figured out how to do it... There is a little scroll looking button on the top right all the way on the right and it brings up a window with all the previous text

How do I download  on android it got changed and idk how to do it please help me

(2 edits) (+1)

Hi, there! I was just playing through Spencer's route, and when I got to dance with him at school and I was supposed to wear a leotard, he didn't. The MC was still wearing his normal clothes. Is this some kind of bug, maybe? I hope it gets fixed.

I'm so enjoying the game, btw.


Can we play with the new monkey character

Is there a way to delete save files? Due to the careless way I played and saved before, being able to delete some and be able to properly manage them better now would really come in handy.


right click on the save you want to delete


Does Spencer have a bad ending just wondering

Spencer's route has a good ending and a very good ending

What are the differences between the good ending and the very good ending?



In other words, in the good ending they end up together, but in the very good ending, they end up together with a much stronger bond. I'm just going to say this so I don't spoil the surprise.

If I recall correctly, Spencer does have a sort of bad(ish) route. I do not believe it is fully implemented as of yet though.


What a nice game. Especially artwork. I think I'm gonna borrow a couple of assets for a while and use them somewhere in my fanfictions. Thanks, Dynewulf! 


The new character had me lol! I wonder what Dwayne's route will be like? Guess we'll just have to wait and find out

Can someone help me out! How do I update the game when there's a new Update?


you just download the new update and play that - old saves will be still there

Thank you <3

(2 edits) (+4)

*ahem* I have noticed the new addition... Could it be possible that a new route is in development? Or was this just a tease? To be honest, it would be really interesting to see how this new character develops... especially for such a handsome fellow! It would be very cruel to have such a person be introduced and lead us on like that lol

(Not like I'm secretly hoping that there is a new route or anything...)


as well as if you nudge towards him, he can appear and be chosen by the bara godmother, who as we know is the route selection.


hello dynewolf, I hope you are very well, I just read the update and man I am very excited to be able to read the novel in Spanish, if you need help with the translation into Spanish we can help you free of charge, since the Google translator is not very good at translating

PD: It has been the best novel I have ever read in my life, you do a very good job, keep it up and you will have more fans ❤️

(1 edit)

Happy to play this awsome game🥰 best game, beautiful work, every characters are interesting, coach grifter my favorite 😍. So sad every route are finish, execpt one or two😭. I wait to play Richard story later. In future update, have you plan to mix story of every characters ? Play with coach grifter to romance Richard or dozer have romance with chester ect....?  


May I ask what's different in day 32 of Dozer's route? When I lastly played that day, Chester peaked, but I'm not sure if there it was supposed to be more than that, honestly. 

he will allows you to watch him while he is pleasuring himself

yayyy, new chapter! but i am sorta sad, my favorite route is ending:( but then i saw hugo and god.. he is hot:D too bad he is so late addition so zeo chance for his own route


Finished Spencer's route the other day and I thoroughly enjoyed it! He's so intense and sometimes a bit headstrong, but I love this man to death.

can you give me a guide of this game because i keep on forgetting what to do... pls

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