So, I'm playing Darius's path and I noticed twice now that Dozer has no clothes on except his underwear. Is that normal or is it a new style he's trying on that path? XD
He does hint at something like an epilogue for each of the stories. A sequel to the game in general would be tricky unless it lets you select a route or uses your save files from this one. It hurt but I did all possible ends for Harold.
I hope the epilogue takes the story forward beyond those 35 days. I keep hoping for a gay romance VN that lets you fall in love, overcome relationship obstacles, THEN start a family, adopt a kid (or conceive one using IVF surrogate), grow old together by the end of the route. Sadly, all games so far only focus on the conflict & courting and never go beyond it. Know of any games like that, by any chance? :(
There is one free but the epilogues are kind of dark. It gives you a look at the aftermath depending on decisions and you may know of it already. Echo. If you find any VNs with happy epilogues let me know.
I did find a VN with a happy epilogue. It is a beautiful VN that is the best game I've played to date on this site. I discovered it last November. It is called El Escritor (The Writer) by Seth Baine.
Is anyone presented with multiple backgrounds just not existing? I love the story and playthroughs but stuff like certain stores, Darius's hotel room, and other stuff is just not there... It's not really a problem for me per se, but seeing a black screen can get mildly irritating at times.
It is possibly to win the bet. When Maria is cooking it she says it needs 3 minutes on each side and a pinch of salt. When cooking wait till the button to press comes up for a 4th time and immediately press it (so it doesn't cook for a 4th minute), press the button the first time she adds salt and that should do it.
The only spot that seems to throw people off is the Steak flipping. She mentions waiting for 3 minutes to flip. Let the prompt pass times before flipping to get the perfect steak for Darius to help win the bet. Fully notice what Mario mention about to cook best steak ever.
Was the Harold route changed? I am going through it again, doing everything the exact same as I did it before, but when we get to the games at the amusement park it gets different and I can't get myself to be the one to use the tickets to reward Harold. I am sure I am ding everything as I did the first time, where I got the best ending, so I don't get why it's changed at this point for me.
This is what i do to win the teddy bear. In day 4 choose "stamina" In day 7 choose "I'll start digging for the posts". In day 12 during no the side routes choose Track yo increade stamina. This helps you yo be better atthe ganes un the amusement park
That honestly did seem to be the only thing different. I was trying to see if there were 3 different scenes for Tai, and by extension Chester and Maximo, as I noticed it was different the second time around. I didn't expect these "side" things to impact the actual route, so I didn't count it as a difference. Thank you for the suggestion.
I don't know if this happens on my computer or is an error in the game, but every time there is a character on the left of the screen these black rectangles appear
why can't men be this way in real life I would be so happy if a man that acted just like Spencer came into my life. I have the biggest crush on him the others are awesome to I'm just stuck on Spencer
Most of the routes seem relatively versatile, but I think it would have been nice to have the choice of whether to top/bottom first time with Darius as with Spencer. Think him bottoming first was not really in line with his character. But oh well.
Actually it really needed to be that way since it was the only way the MC could be certain about how Darius really felt about him (since Darius keeps saying he NEVER bottoms). If Darius topped first, it would seem as if it was just his final attempt to have sex with the MC.
I considered that, but at the same time, a complete 180 of his always top personality doesn't seem overly sincere or true to himself. He also admits that he has never actually gone all the way with any of his "flings", so the fact that he does with MC should be proof enough. But I do see the validity of your argument, just wish we had a little more agency in the way things unfold.
Anyone know how to get that one rain scene with dozer I got it once and I don't know what to do I know the patron has the guide but I just want that one scene
Help, I've played this before but I had to change phones and now I can't pass from the part where you input your name, since there is not a "done" or "input" button. Pls does someone has any advice?
Nevermind, it decided to work now, i'm an idiot. But anyway, thanks for creating such an awesome game, i've been following it for a while now, and i'm still in love with this so much! So exited on seeing how it's been growing!
I uninstalled it from my Android because the update wouldn't install and now when I try to reinstall it pops up with no app to install text. What do I do?
Richard is my new FAV and all yall bitches can't tell me shit!! Dynewulf you have created another character that is beyond hot and cute AF when he blushes and gets flustered when he's "fishin" to see if the MC is interested!!
Hello I'm hoping someone can help me (I'm on android), it won't let me install the new update it just keeps saying "app not installed". If you can help me that would be appreciated
I don't know where the saves live, but if you're motivated and have a way to view internal device storage I can't imagine it'd be hard to copy the save folder before uninstalling.
Just finished playing days 3 and 4 of Richard's route and I have to say I'm impressed beyond all comprehension, especially with what I just saw!!!! When Richard kissed the main character, that told me Richard is more than willing to open his heart to him; that and become more amorous with the main character!!!!! Excellent work so far, I'm eager to see what happens next for Richard's route!!!!!!!!
I really enjoy playing this game and usually can't wait for the 16th to role around because I know I'll have something to look forward too. Just an amazing game all around. I especially like the fact that in a lot of the explicate scenes the player has the choice to keep going or whether to stop, I love how much consent seems to play a really important role in the way the characters interact with the player, depending on the routes. All in all I just love playing this game
From what I remember you have to install a app to make it so the game work on android. But its been a while I mostly use my pc. Make certain you have in your settings to allow the program to run. The default setting will think the app is dangerous even though its not. Make certain its allowed to run.
Hope this helps maybe someone will explain it better then me.
← Return to game
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So, I'm playing Darius's path and I noticed twice now that Dozer has no clothes on except his underwear. Is that normal or is it a new style he's trying on that path? XD
There are periodic glitches.
Got it, thanks for the info. I mean, it would be hilarious if that was actually part of the Darius’s Path.
Few thoughts floating in my head while waiting on the next update...
I hope Dyne is ok...I wonder what he looks like?...Cant believe Wolfstar is his partner,like wow sooo cuuute!!
Bahaha, I'm doing better, thanks!
If you sift through enough of my twitter media, you'll find a picture of me! I'm not shy about posting me and Wolfstar together x3
OMG I saw your pics on Twitter...and you guys are sooo adorable together!!! Did you by any chance base any of your characters on people you know?
Welp, his partner was sick and he recently fell through the floor... so I'm expecting a delay for this month or next month's update.
Hope you're healing steadily Dyne!
Thank you! I am feeling better today. The pain is subsiding it seems like, so... here's hoping I'll be back to normal in a week or two!
"Fell through the floor"???
Yikes. That's the sort of thing that would give me trust issues. Hope Dyne gets vengeance on the floor for its betrayal.
I can't install android version
vai ter continuacao da rota do Harold
1 minute ago lmao
No Linux version this time? I use the linux itch app and it's super convenient.
Love the game. I even paid for it. Hoping you reinstate a linux version.
The Linux version is packed in with the Windows version. I probably just forgot to check the box that says it's for Linux too x3
You're a star!
Huh, never tried that as an input for Chesters pre-con stuff. I guess Dynewulf tried to account for an input like that.
The general input I used barring doing certain things prior to this *no spoilers for that stuff*:
money, cards, towel, underwear, deodorant, and condums.
should have even tried the dildo or lube
There's this for lube
*horny fox noises* lol
There will be a sequel in Harold's route ?
He does hint at something like an epilogue for each of the stories. A sequel to the game in general would be tricky unless it lets you select a route or uses your save files from this one. It hurt but I did all possible ends for Harold.
I hope the epilogue takes the story forward beyond those 35 days. I keep hoping for a gay romance VN that lets you fall in love, overcome relationship obstacles, THEN start a family, adopt a kid (or conceive one using IVF surrogate), grow old together by the end of the route. Sadly, all games so far only focus on the conflict & courting and never go beyond it. Know of any games like that, by any chance? :(
There is one free but the epilogues are kind of dark. It gives you a look at the aftermath depending on decisions and you may know of it already. Echo. If you find any VNs with happy epilogues let me know.
I did find a VN with a happy epilogue. It is a beautiful VN that is the best game I've played to date on this site. I discovered it last November. It is called El Escritor (The Writer) by Seth Baine.
Is there more routes other than Richard And the others. in the future?😉🏃🏽♂️🏃🏽♂️💜
I am very excited about the future of this game😆 and thank you for your hard work I love this game🥰
Everyone on the tennis team has a route(and Richard too), you got Spencer, Daruis, Coach Grifter, Dozer, and Chester.
Is anyone presented with multiple backgrounds just not existing? I love the story and playthroughs but stuff like certain stores, Darius's hotel room, and other stuff is just not there... It's not really a problem for me per se, but seeing a black screen can get mildly irritating at times.
They are backgrounds that don't exist yet. Hopefully will have most of those filled in by the end of the year~
Ah. Good to know! Thanks so much for the reply. All in all I'm loving the VN! Spencer's best boi (in my factual opinion)
Can you teach me how to beat darius in a bet? Which maria cook a steak perfectly? Or it that includes on the story that the players bet loses?
It is possibly to win the bet. When Maria is cooking it she says it needs 3 minutes on each side and a pinch of salt. When cooking wait till the button to press comes up for a 4th time and immediately press it (so it doesn't cook for a 4th minute), press the button the first time she adds salt and that should do it.
The only spot that seems to throw people off is the Steak flipping. She mentions waiting for 3 minutes to flip. Let the prompt pass times before flipping to get the perfect steak for Darius to help win the bet. Fully notice what Mario mention about to cook best steak ever.
How many times? And who's mario
Probably the name of his mc
Was the Harold route changed? I am going through it again, doing everything the exact same as I did it before, but when we get to the games at the amusement park it gets different and I can't get myself to be the one to use the tickets to reward Harold. I am sure I am ding everything as I did the first time, where I got the best ending, so I don't get why it's changed at this point for me.
This is what i do to win the teddy bear. In day 4 choose "stamina" In day 7 choose "I'll start digging for the posts". In day 12 during no the side routes choose Track yo increade stamina. This helps you yo be better atthe ganes un the amusement park
That honestly did seem to be the only thing different. I was trying to see if there were 3 different scenes for Tai, and by extension Chester and Maximo, as I noticed it was different the second time around. I didn't expect these "side" things to impact the actual route, so I didn't count it as a difference. Thank you for the suggestion.
Oh this a thing? I've literally always gotten the teddy bear, so I thought it was a given thing, but I guess not lmao
I'm sorry but what the hecc is this lmao. I've been laughing as quietly as possible for the past 10 min.
why can't men be this way in real life I would be so happy if a man that acted just like Spencer came into my life. I have the biggest crush on him the others are awesome to I'm just stuck on Spencer
Spencer is favorite, I just think it's because of the childhood friendship love but he's just also so perfect :)
tell me about it
Ouhhhh i just notice richard route has been implemented
Is there a route where we can bottom for darius?
Yes...Darius tops you after the weekend getaway
Oh ,haha ok thanks
Most of the routes seem relatively versatile, but I think it would have been nice to have the choice of whether to top/bottom first time with Darius as with Spencer. Think him bottoming first was not really in line with his character. But oh well.
Actually it really needed to be that way since it was the only way the MC could be certain about how Darius really felt about him (since Darius keeps saying he NEVER bottoms). If Darius topped first, it would seem as if it was just his final attempt to have sex with the MC.
And technically Darius was on top, sort of. :)
I considered that, but at the same time, a complete 180 of his always top personality doesn't seem overly sincere or true to himself. He also admits that he has never actually gone all the way with any of his "flings", so the fact that he does with MC should be proof enough. But I do see the validity of your argument, just wish we had a little more agency in the way things unfold.
all i want in life is the full richard route😩
Anyone know how to get that one rain scene with dozer I got it once and I don't know what to do I know the patron has the guide but I just want that one scene
The scene that they masturbate together?
Help, I've played this before but I had to change phones and now I can't pass from the part where you input your name, since there is not a "done" or "input" button. Pls does someone has any advice?
The "Return" button is the button to press.
But I can't advance that wway, I tried and I only get back to the previous text
Nevermind, it decided to work now, i'm an idiot. But anyway, thanks for creating such an awesome game, i've been following it for a while now, and i'm still in love with this so much! So exited on seeing how it's been growing!
Best wishes
i just finished Spencer's route, I'm crying ok.
honestly fell in love with Harold. he is just too adorable.
Two Dozers for the price of one, but one of them is out of order
I see this as a win but I'm worried he'll get a head ache with his head off his neck
hay alguna diferencia aparte de las versiones entre la versión pública y la de patreon? por ejemplo en la publica no hay NSFW?
tengo entendido que la versión de patreon solo esta dos actualizaciones adelante de la versión publica
Harold and Richard are top tier!!!
I uninstalled it from my Android because the update wouldn't install and now when I try to reinstall it pops up with no app to install text. What do I do?
Richard is my new FAV and all yall bitches can't tell me shit!! Dynewulf you have created another character that is beyond hot and cute AF when he blushes and gets flustered when he's "fishin" to see if the MC is interested!!
Darius be like: "Literally, no."
Is this on pc or android
Hello I'm hoping someone can help me (I'm on android), it won't let me install the new update it just keeps saying "app not installed". If you can help me that would be appreciated
Might not help in your case, but on my phone that usually means the old version of the app has to be uninstalled first.
awww does that mean my saves will be gone, I mean I don't mind going the routes again but like I wanna have a chance to do the others too.
I don't know where the saves live, but if you're motivated and have a way to view internal device storage I can't imagine it'd be hard to copy the save folder before uninstalling.
Nevermind, all I had to do was power off my phone and turn it back on. Thank you for the help though I appreciate it :)
I'm glad this story had a happy ending.
Just finished playing days 3 and 4 of Richard's route and I have to say I'm impressed beyond all comprehension, especially with what I just saw!!!! When Richard kissed the main character, that told me Richard is more than willing to open his heart to him; that and become more amorous with the main character!!!!! Excellent work so far, I'm eager to see what happens next for Richard's route!!!!!!!!
Nice but why would you spoil tho
I wouldn't exactly call it spoiling it. But rather give those who will play said route something to look forward to.
hey can you tell me which routes are done i would really appreciate it :)
ik so far Harold's and Spencer's routes are finished and Darius's is almost done too I think.
Chester's is complete, too.
I wish we could have a discord. it would be so cool to talk to you all
But anyway keep up the amazing work Dyne. maybe in the future I'll buy some merch (particularly Chester's "you're looking at D12" TT
I love Richard so far and I´m so excited for his route!!! You´re doing a great job Dyne <3 <3 <3 ps: I love all the other routes too
Little bugs i found in Richard's route: "wans't", "too lunch", "aobut Friday"
I really enjoy playing this game and usually can't wait for the 16th to role around because I know I'll have something to look forward too. Just an amazing game all around. I especially like the fact that in a lot of the explicate scenes the player has the choice to keep going or whether to stop, I love how much consent seems to play a really important role in the way the characters interact with the player, depending on the routes. All in all I just love playing this game
When is he lying down or exactly what day is it?
Oh no!!! I can't believe Dozer's route is almost over!!!!!!!!! Say it ain't so!!!!!!!!!
From what I remember you have to install a app to make it so the game work on android. But its been a while I mostly use my pc. Make certain you have in your settings to allow the program to run. The default setting will think the app is dangerous even though its not. Make certain its allowed to run.
Hope this helps maybe someone will explain it better then me.