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Is there a problem with the Android version because it won't let me download it just says error 

is there i way to get the music from the game? i just love all the BGM


I don't currently have it posted anywhere (aside from Darius's piano song).  

oh ok, i rlly liked that one too, do ya ever plan on share the bg music from the game? id rlly love to have em but if not thats ok too, just have to play the game again X3


Oh yeah, I definitely plan on it

Is there a way on mobile to hide the text to see the character sprites? I can't find the option anywhere.

How do I get more of Professor Tai


You don't x3

(1 edit)

Im having trouble updating my game. I cant play any of my previous saves without an error message popping up. Please help

There was a big update a few months back that prevented you from using older save files. Check out all of the update notes and see if that's the issue.

Ok. But how do i update the game anyway?

First you have to choose the update you want, example, this is the last update 1115, then you choose it and you give it download now, when you have it downloaded you look for the extracurricular file, you select it, you say yes to everything and that's it, you go to game and should already be updated, since the last update is that of spencer.

i wonder if we get guide one day


I..... I just finished Spencer's route god I'm speechless on how beautiful it was! Spencer is my favorite and the first one that I pursued so with this ending I'm full of emotions. I thank you DyneWulf for creating this one hell of a majestic game and I'll keep supporting you in anyway I can!


I cant start Richard's route and id really like to learn how to start it and best way to do so.


its only available on patreon for now




Why do you do this to me. You're making me so emotionally connected to these characters, I just finished the Spencer route and he I loved the last day and him regaining a friend and his brother. Uhhhg I started to cry at alot of part because of how much of a good game this is. Thank you DyneWolf for the great game but now I shall be sad that his route is over. 


I just finished the Harold grifter route.i'm sad that it ended I really wanted to see more. I guess it's time to start a new route. Also great game, would recommend. I would love to see this game become at it's fullest. No rush tho dynewulf hehe.


He'll get an epilogue, so we will see more of him down the road!  I'm happy that you've enjoyed it so much.  Thank you!


No thank you for creating such a great game. You have me emotionally attached and I'm happy and sad with the characters. I even was scared at points. I really wish I was in this world you made. So thank you!


Why did you create such a masterpiece!!! Best gay VN in the world....I've played over a 1000 hours of this and this is still my favorite. Please tell me you're gonna work on more projects like this Dyne!


I know right it’s absolutely the best and can’t wait to see what’s to come honestly this should be a franchise game that has different parts but I’m content with this game as long as I know that my MC will get married to Spencer lol


Oh wow, that's a ton of time to put in, haha.  I'm so happy to know that you enjoy the project so very much!  Thank you, thank you!  (I'll definitely be doing more too~)


I- What was Spencer ending *cries*. Y r u trying to make people cry so much. But i loved it thank u for the amazing stories u give us


I seem to have a knack for making people cry with this update, but I'll take it as a good sign for how it's handled, haha.  Thank you as well!

Parabéns,esse jogo é incrivel.

Obrigada! Fico feliz em ouvir isso.

:) Adoro seu trabalho, que bom ler esses roteiros e cada um melhor que o outro.

:) Adoro seu trabalho, que bom ler esses roteiros e cada um melhor que o outro.


Spencer story ending made me cry a lot it was amazing


Glad you felt it was amazing, so thank you!


why are you so good at making me cry, I just finished the spencer route (I had already started it but I was just waiting for the update) and I was in shock when he proposed to me I literally shouted, I felt so many emotions and I loved the story, thank you very much again For doing this splendid job, please continue like this, greetings and thanks >3 uwu.


Awww, but they are happy tears (I hope!).

I'm really glad that you feel so strongly about it though, so thank you!


Just finished Spencer's route, and I must say..

I haven't cried this much when he proposed. TwT)b

Spencer will always be the BEST boy, and have place in my heart.

This last day is so full of emotions, and I couldn't be more happier.

Thank you so much for this wonderful VN Dyne! 

Keep up the good work and have a great day! ^^


Happy to hear that you've enjoyed it so much.  Thank you!

there seems to be an error with Richards expression for dozers route. On day 19. It shows an error message. 

Hi i really love spencer and i think im getting the good ending i wanted to ask for any hints or someone to say how to unlock the best ending thanks

Unlocking the -best- ending is a culmination of pretty much the entire route.  It just takes a lot of love with Spencer.

Hmm ok ok thanks 


Recently finished Spencer's route and I gotta say, this husky will forever have a special place in my heart and it will all be because of your amazing work as a writer Dyne! I'm honestly so hyped for the epilogue as much (prolly more) than everyone reading ur work so far. Hope u have a better day than me and keep up the outstanding work Dyne!

Thanks so very much!  I'm happy that you feel that way about it all~


I don't know about anyone else but dozer always will be my favourite, I mean he's just such a huge softie and it melts my heart. Yes he's into some risky stuff but damn he's just such a great guy, makes me wish dozer was a real person I knew.


I know the feeling ;-;. While Spence will always be in my heart, I can't deny the fact that I wish he was a real best friend of mine (unlike my "best friend" who pushes me into a manhole at least once a week).


Aww, yes!  Always appreciate the Dozer love <3  He's got his soft side, but he's got that really kinky side too, haha.


I'm with you on dozer Shadowsnipe558 he will alway be my fav to


Spencer is and will always be my favorite boy. This last day filled me with so many emotions. To be honest, I cried about 3 times through the final day. It was so heartfelt and touching and all around perfect. But now after this wonderful day I am lying in bed crying a bit. Even though an epilogue will come, I am still sad that the main story is over. The only thing that could solve these issues.

(Proceeds to shove money at screen for author to consider Spencer plush idea)

Great work, amazing VN.

Yep, let's hope together! (Q: Will the plush have suit?)


I would love to have a plush of Spencer made.  I think it would be marvelous x3

Also, glad to hear that you felt that way about the ending!  I'm honestly really proud of how it turned out, so I'm always glad that folks enjoy it so much.


Man the final day of Spencer's route damn near brought me to tears. It was just so heartfelt and touching. This was such an amazing update, thank you for creating something so cherishable!

Thank you!  Really glad to elicit such emotions =3  (it still gets to me too!)

Hey where do i find the ost thing for this game

The full OST isn't available anywhere just yet!

well then, where can I find the title theme? Its drum beat reminds me of "washing machine heart" by mitsuki and I wanna do a little editing to see how well they do together

It was custom-made for the project, and I haven't shared it online anywhere.

Do we know the difference between the Good and Best ending for Spencer?
NGL I was hoping more would have happened during the VIP show for Darius, so thinking maybe I didn't get the best ending.


The best ending will land you 2 extra CGs, making the total possible images for the final day 6.

Do variations in the same scene count as separate CGs? Redoing the day to count.

Guess I only got the Good ending. Counted 4 different CGs.

Any hints on getting the Best?


It really boils down a near-perfect run with Spencer and getting as much lover as possible from him.

Wonder if I messed it up by finding the tennis ball in his bedroom when we first moved in together.
He told me not to snoop, and I snooped.


I just finished the chester route and i love it, i got some tears, chester makes my heart melt, it's so tender, funnier, take care of us, thank you sooooooooo much for all the work that you do, my respects, i hope there is more history of chestrer pleaseeeeee, greetings and thanks


Aww, thank you so much for the kind words!  Glad you liked it so much =3


Thanks to you for making an excellent VN UWU.


omg omg omg can’t wait for my update on my game I've replayed Spencer’s route like 8 times I’m a super fan

Pretty much the same for me here.

Heh, that's always great to hear!


Well i just cried twice during Spencer's last day. Amazing. Absolutely an amazing route all the way until the very end. I've already said in a past comment a while back about how good the VN is but seriously DyneWulf you should be so so proud of your work, it really is stellar. <3


Thank you so much!  I am really proud of how it all is going, especially with Spencer's route!  Glad you enjoyed it to much~

Dumb question does patreon also get an update on the 16th or is it for just the 1rst only

Patreon gets 2 updates a month.  1st and 16th!

Will all the routes contain a GOOD ending and a BEST ending ? Since Spencer's route contains both, i'm asking if the same goes for others. I try to have the best ending available so any answer would be very appreciated °^-^°

it all depends on how you choose your answers.

Not exactly.  Spencer has bad (incomplete)/good and best.  HArold has Bad, Neutral and Good.  Chester's has basically Bad/Good.

(1 edit)

And here i was thinking it would be Richard..... but nooooo it was the cute polar bear cop aaaaaaah !!! I was smiling like a dummy for like one minute when i saw it was Ger hehe (refering to spencer day 35 :p)

... wow pls i hope you can make more soon ... i really want to know whats next update welcome i hope is something more than i won't say it but it really make me cry a lot and remind me of something i wish i could... fuck  the excitement the drama the comedy the motions the feelings are really already taking over my body and my head ... so pls i want you to do your best to make it more remarkable and emotional and romantic whatever it is i hope i can see it and you're very welcome i'll support you as best i can...even how much it takes me to wait for the next one to come out i will be there to support you as your number one because fan


Oh god, I'm not ready for another story to come to its end. As soon as I saw that it was our last day with Spencer I got hit with a wave of emotion. I know It's going to be another fantastic conclusion and I just wanna thank you for the hard work you put into making Extracurricular Activities.


Best game ever ! Good job Dynewulf and others! 


Can anyone suggest "new" vn's while I'm waiting, I'm getting bored


tomorrow is the 16th of May will the be an Update or no?

yes, darius and spencer last update.

ive noticed something? in the first sex scene with harold, from the original the mc actually ya know, cums. but in the new one he doesint? was it just deleted or is that something messed up? i was just wondering


Spencer day 9 question (spoiler below)

The mc doesn't wear the leotard even though they say he is. Is that a bug, or is it not implemented yet?


I really hope you sell this on steam I'd buy the complete version on steam in a heartbeat. By the way really good writing and artwork. I cant decide my favorite, I love Darius's perverted nature and sense of humor/personality. But I am a gamer at heart so I relate better to Chester and he is a sweetheart once you get to know him. Coach Griff was absolutely and adorable and so sweet and lovable. 

I liked Spencer and Dozer too but I find them harder to relate to. Still good characters and stories but I enjoyed the above characters more. Just my two cents. 

Can't wait to see how you do Richard he seems like a more grown up and open Darius, I could imagine Darius being like him in a few years of growing. Keep up the good work I look forward to seeing your future work.


I don't know if all the content could be released on Steam, due to the NSFW content inside of EA. A sfw version is something to look for, but even so I feel like it'd really hurt the visual novel, and cut out a ton of scenes and content you'd experience here on itch and through patreon.

They have To Trust a Incubius, Mister Versatile, and Morning Dew Farms. They all have adult gay content fully uncensored. I think steam would allow Extracurricular Activities.

With the coach grifter route I noticed that the CG for his sex scene doesn't work properly, the mc's shading would move but his arm would stay in its initial position. 

(2 edits)

That sounds odd... what platform are you using? I've done Harold's route a few time's and this hasn't happened before.

It should be good with update 1.117.  The last few updates were done with an updated version of Renpy, and it caused some issues in the code with how some of those scenes play out due to incompatible code.

well I'm using android and I updated last month.

As I said, it should be good with update 1.117.  You do not have 1.117 (as that was the last Patreon update). 

1.114 was last month.  1.115 is this month.  1.117 will be next month. 

Deleted 3 years ago

Which route are you doing?

Deleted 3 years ago

Which route are you currently playing? And be sure to try them all out! Some have really surprising twists and aspects to them you'd never expect just sticking to one route!

Deleted 3 years ago
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