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i wonder when the next update will be? I really want to see what happens in spencers route it just end on a cliff hanger before the wedding.  🙈💀😅


Nvm it will be in 4 days from now. Aka nov 15



Is Darius’s route finished 

(1 edit)

I don't think so, most of the routes go for 34-35 days I believe.


Dyne said in the FAQ that none of ht eunfinished routes have their certain number of days yet(except for Chester whose route ends at Day 35).


ok can I get direction for iOS since it didn’t work on computer please Srry for the bother

(2 edits) (+1)

There is no iOS version at all. Dyne cannot produce one because he doesn’t own a mac.

If you describe your problem on the computer someone here might be able to help you.

unfortunately I can not describe my problem for I don’t even understand it otherwise thank you anyway

ok I think I found the problem how do I open a .exe file Srry I’m really bad with computers


Do you have windows or mac? If it’s windows then you just double-click it. If it’s mac then you downloaded the wrong thing and should get the mac version from itch instead.

Deleted 2 years ago

There are official guides for several routes available to $5 patrons.

Deleted 3 years ago

Hmm..I try chester route with bad ending, Chester's big brother...why there's a blood on his that from blood Vernon? I can't wait to see what's going on next update...

(1 edit)

Wait, there's a bad ending already? Hold on are u on Patreon or just the public?

Edit: And aw cmon man spoilers


dud please put spoilers in your msgs please


spoilers tho 

one question why is dozer the most kinkiest out of all of them 


Because he's the quietest one, of course. You always need to watch out for the quiet ones.



💀 Bruh 


don't get me wrong i always watch for the quite one but dozer slip passed WHY dangit i let my guard down. i thought he be submissive but i guess wrong ahhh


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hey i get why people would hate on me oof,bc that some srs stuff


i currently play v.1.106

after Dozer day14, it sudden changed to chester day 15 and after that day ended, game ended

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this is gonna get me hate but i kinda don't like some of the mc's emotions shown on his face it kinda scares me


so i alr down voted myself


I mean, it’s probably better than the MC showing his emotions on his butt or something?

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i mean ok,but this is my own opinion about the game so, any way if anyone is new to this visual novel they should play harold's route first his route is the most subtle, and i think most bitter sweet

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plus the mcs face makes him look kinda wired his lips umm yea,but hey it fit this art style so i cant complain

I can agree with u on only one of those emotions(mad face looks like he gonna eat his partner).

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man mmmm sweet tasty doer scales mmm, sweet delicious Harold fur idk thats suites the face.(that must be what hes thinking)

Deleted 2 years ago

Hahaha, well, I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed it as much as you have!  Thank you so much for giving it a shot =3


harold is best boi, i think hes the subtle out all the boys, he also the most cutest one he act all embarrassing and it so cute 

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I think so, Wells , actually im playing un the 18th day Spencer, he is the second character route Who un following, i finished Harold route a few days ago. But instead I LOVE Big guys, Spencer getting more and more inside my heart, he is so special, and Darius character I keep him like final route, because I think he has some wonderful surprise inside of him which could get emotioned me, I note he could have somthing inside so beautiful and his prepotent behaviour could be only a face to hidde somthing so cute and lovely. Whatever he like to me so much simply, but I think I could feel in love about Richard when his router bring out, when I see him i stay watch their eyes and smile a while. 

But I agree with you, Its a shame none of them are real people, the artist of this awesome proyect is so wonderful artist, he gets their characters full us of many feeling, I could be so Happy more than anyone if only once time in my live could only steal a warm huge to Spencer and so can smell his furry skin only. 

I Hope this project upload the next version soon, there are some details unfinished and some of them are sketchs yet. I m sure it would be a grear treasure when it gets full complete.

Sorry if my English os not good enough, im a Spanish furry.

Regards each fans about this proyect and all artists Who made It possible too


Hey guys, If you become a patreon its about 3 updates ahead of the public updates and you would be helping out an amazing artist in the process.


Thanks, thanks!  I appreciate it.


I think for spencer they should add where Spencer should be in control one time like for a sex scene or somethin.

plus i really want to see his brothers wedding


I just really want more to his story because he is just such a good character


I wonder when the next update. Because i'm trying to see if they add more to Spencer's story. CAUSE I LOVE HIS STROY ITS AMAZING!!

(3 edits)

(kinda) but also i have a question.

I'm redoing Harold route and i'm at day 20-21 right now
The sex scene have been redone a couple of updates ago after finishing his route, i get that.

But i remember in the old scene that the MC was also uuuh........releasing himself along with Harold, but we don't get to see it anymore. 

Is it because of the new CG ? Or maybe it wasn't implemented yet ? Or they will talk about it in later days ?

Also, i just found out in day 21 when they talk about it, if you choose "the ending", MC will talk about how hard he 'came' but we actually don't see it anymore the previous day (unless i really missed something during the scene, cuz i tried to click on everywhere and it didn't seem to change anything)

PS : Sorry if my english isn't corret i'm just a french furry lover ^^)


I was going through day 28 on Chester's route, and after the first dream an error screen popped up. The "An Exception Has Occurred" thing. I was gonna brush it off as the route being incomplete, until I realized it wasn't an error, but just another part of his route. The buttons at the bottom don't do anything, and clicking/pressing the space bar moves the story along like normal. So I'm thinking Easter egg time and I see under "while running game code" a heck ton of symbols. This makes me thing it's something like Wingdings that W.D. Gaster speaks in from Undertale. Dyne, is this an Easter egg or am I overthinking it?

Deleted 3 years ago

Just a auestion and a request, Is there any route to go to a threesome? I hate seing spencer sad and all, If there is none then can you please add a threesome of spencer, darius, and our character please?

(4 edits)

i would support that, but i think that if not planned then storywise at least seeing or helping him overcome that sad situation would already be great. Its really heartbreaking

Its weird that my 2 favorite VNs both are tennis related, this and tennis ace.


a great story ... I can't wait for it already.The characters are great and the story is soooo addictive!!I am curious to have sex with richard ... I wish it was a little fetish. (sweaty underwear dirty socks wrestling)the new coach in the gym to challenge to Dozar whose muscles are bigger etc 

um thats a little too detailed of a description, please clam down sir


HI Dynewulf, first of!!! I've played through a scary amount of visual novels..I may be borderline obsessed...and I have to say Extracurricular Activities is the best of the best!!!! The characters are great and the story is soooo addictive!! I just have to say how amazed I am by the work and effort put in this visual novel. I cant wait for future updates and you never seem to let us down. I want to ask a question though...if its not too much trouble...will you be creating a sequel after your done with this novel? You have to continue your work!!! The world would end if chose not to at least consider it!!

Your new #1 fan!!!


If there is a discord server, I would love to join.

There is no official one.

The only unofficial one I know of imploded years ago.


Great balance between romance, wholesomeness and erotic stuff, can't even begin to describe how good it is, some moments just made me so fuzzy inside, great characters with unique backstories, really wish for a part 2, only complaint is the player chatacter, would appreciate different body types, nose types and etc.

But the game is fantastic, keep up the good work!


optional changes to the MC would be an insurmountable amount of artwork needed.  your talking every single scene with him had to have alternate graphics... its just not something that would ever be worth it.

Guess you're right, well atleast some choice would be cool, like the faceless model in some scenes, insted of the character, but i see your point

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Deleted 3 years ago

no other characters(besides richard) will have routes... because most of them are already owned by other creators.  they are in the game as cameos mostly


just found out about all this shadiness in regards to the new artist, extremely disappointing


hmmm what shadiness? I'm latino and i didnt really find any of that offensive, but sure


ok, assuming that's the case, there are still many allegations of femphobia, being a gamergater, and just all around being a very unpleasant person. That said, just because any one member of a marginalized community doesn't find something offensive, doesn't mean it isn't


I'm pretty sure I mentioned not believing everything you read. Instead, you chose to fan the flames of discourse.

In regards to the post linked and the character in that post, read this instead where someone actually TALKED about it with him instead -

As for something he might have said... like 6 years ago?  How long ago was gamer gate?  The only 'proof' I've ever seen is something about him saying he didn't feel oppressed as a queer game dev.

Take what these other people have to say with a grain of salt. Some people will twist the words of others to suit their own agenda of just being angry for the sake of being angry.


I find it very concerning that you're so willing to dismiss so many people's accounts of poor conduct by someone you work with.


I find it concerning you want to start a witch hunt.


you know the concept that people do change right? they learn and change


Why not deal with this issue in a mature manner, and do it with private communications with the concerned parties?  At this stage, the only current proof of poor conduct is your want to propagate abuse online.

Deleted 3 years ago

Yup seriously get over it. It was 6 YEARS AGO


all i've seen so far is you trying to cause drama? for what cause? i wouldn't care for your answer anyway if you have something that really bothers you what ever the case send a pm/email im over this cancel culture trying to find any crumbs to start anything. grow up 

(1 edit) (+2)

So I was going down the love root with mi papa bear Harold and I had wished there was a more interactive way of letting characters know if your a top or a bottom. The reason is because I'm a whole a*s bottom and it made me low key uncomfortable to top him. much love and keep doing great. Love the game.

Also I would totally pay for your rad game if I had the money but I'm very broke so I'm sorry. Much love and you did amazing on this game. So did the artists.

(1 edit) (+7)

The question I was trying to ask is if there will be roles Implemented. For example like in the begining of the game when you make your character it would be nice to have a choice In whether your character is a top, bottom, or switch.


I'm also very curious about this question.

(1 edit) (+3)

Yea I was curious about this too. The game is kinda more styled towards people who are vers. It would be nice to be inclusive to people who are well... not a switch.

I've searched for the answer everywhere and still can't find it. This makes me big sad.


I don’t know, but I would guess not since it significantly increases the amount of writing for sex scenes.

I suspect the some-of-each is to try to please more people? On the theory that you’ll get some of what you really like and then just not be as excited by the parts you’re not really into.


Dang that sucks. Still love the game but I can't play as a top, way too uncomfortable and off putting. Hopefully an update might add more choice and i'll get back to playing but as of now I don't wanna see Harold bottom. Thank you for the response.



My problem is that it turns me off completely to see them bottom. It make me not wanna play but at the same time the characters are all hot and you fall for their personality. I love the game and want to play more but I can't bring myself to see the characters bottom.


Would it be that hard to add a choice at the begging of the game to choose if your a bottom, top, or vers. Genuine question cause I've never done coding and stuff. It would be a great idea to add the choice though.

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Adding a choice itself is not most of the work. That’s like ten minutes.

Most of the work would be in rewriting the sex scenes and stories to accommodate going either way, which gets especially hard when the characters themselves have moderately strong preferences. Just with Chester as an example, there are several days and a whole event with Darius dealing with how the MC could possibly deal with the bull’s endowment. With Darius’s route, topping and bottoming is tied up tightly in the progression of his character arc and writing it to go either way might not work out particularly well.

Yes, but adding a choice means adding more different outcomes which dyne has to write and that can take a lot of time to finish.


No I need the character I'm dating to top, I am bottom.


welp looks like the only thing that can at least satisfy difrent preference without changing to much in sex scenes and stories is to make mc and his boyfriend as switch, at least you get to be a bottom or a top at least once right.

That's right, meaning that the game might not be finished in a loooooooonger time becuz of it. It also might affect the update schedule if thats the case(and i dont want that).


To clear up some confusion about Harold's number of endings, there are a total of 3, in which 1 is in Day 34 (Bad Ending) while 2 are in Day 35 (Normal and Good Ending). I noticed a lot of questions about it down the comment section (scroll for about 10 mins to find them) and I wanted to clear it up.

Hi, umm...bad ending I got was they broke up and Harold drove away and cry.

And good ending I got he move in and stay with Harold forever. And normal ending I didn't get it.  Is it normal ending was together with good ending

The difference between the normal and the good ending is that good ending has 2 sex scenes near the end while normal ending doesnt.

(1 edit)

I just to find out possibility a little mistakes about Harolds route, I think he has 35 days in total. He hasnt?. But a friend told me Harold has 38 days in his router, perhaps he was wrong. Another little mistake is in the last version ( 1.106, I think), when is the 34th day on Saturday, It turns on 33th Friday and the next and last day instead 35th on Sunday, It turns Day 1 on Saturday, and I dont know if that really is the last Harold router day or not. Im a little confundes if somebody could clear that to me, please

First of all, whoever told u that Harold has until Day 38 is a dumbass liar cuz its only up to Day 35 for Harold(dont get fooled again easily pls). Second, there is literally nothing wrong with when the route starts or ends cuz thats how dyne wrote it. 

I know, I only was a little worried about a little bug but the only wrong thing that happened me in this VN was about I was using 0.98 version instead 1.106 and so the last days there were some mistakes like change of days one thing else one thing less (Sorry if my english language is not so good). But last night I begun Harold's route since zero and so it run correctly and I could finish his route perfectly.

My friend could say 38 day perhaps he didnt remember well or got a little confuse, anybody could happen that


Despite really hurting alot doing any other route after knowing and doing Spence's. Darius route is really great.


I feel you man, But I can't go with the darius route- but Spencer is still my favorite

(1 edit) (+1)

Spencer still my favorite too, but Darious is a great contestant, he just needs a friend


He really does


I just completed Spences route so far. (is this the end?) and i dont know if i could mentally prepare myself for any other route... i would feel "icky" inside myself.... ive tried to start darius' but when i get to the lockers and see spence jealous... i just cant continue. :( 

(2 edits)

AND YEAH you'll see him sad in different ways no matter what other route you decide to take next time, but the Darius one is the hardest one i think. Still an amazing route, a rollercoaster of feelings. 

Am I doing something wrong? Every time I get to day three it just fades to black and says that no body liked me and that I have to start over.

(2 edits) (+2)

2 ways to answer this:

Non-serious: It sucks to be you.

Serious: You need to focus on just one character (the one you want to date), always be supportive of them, and show interest in what they enjoy doing but avoid prying into things that they are not ready to discuss.

Good luck!


I want to see spencer and our character when they were a kids on day 29  and Darius when he was a kid on the camping trip, like a flash back. I'm sorry if I'm asking to much thank you for reading this I hope it's good idea 


there was no public update this month? if it has i cant donwload it


There's a message about that at the top of the main page.


thank you for showing me up i didn`t notice

(1 edit) (+2)

guys i found a Easter egg in super taco crew its our lovable Harold the bear also this  ik is gonna be a goo visual novel


For the interested in extremely hidden and pointless messages on games, here you have the meaning of the glyphs on the fake error message that you get on Chester's route.


Even I had forgotten what it was, haha

I don't think those are glyphs, those are one of the 4 forms of wingdings

Is that Gaster's language?

Also will Bam ever be a route ? Im lowkey interested in him lmao.

Same here but probably not

I'm afraid not~

bark bark!! totally seconded :3

Wait is every character a verse besides Dozer? Cause the first scene with Spencer made it seem like he was a top then later on he seemed like a bottom so is he a verse?


Sup Snowflakea...ive completed every route so far and I can state that every dateable character is verse....even Doser

So you can get Darius to top?

Unfortunately no....Darius will bottom but will probably top later in his route...idk

Yes, he will.


That's super sucky, dang. Kinda deflates interest


From what dyne said below (u might have to scroll for a hot minute), every character is verse, especially Dozer and Harold.


Hi mate, it depends on your confident. Less confident he will top you, but more confident, he'll be bottom.

I tried this and it didn't work.


so i´m on Darius route now and i need to know if we are just friends or more than that??? pls i need to know


It will depends of your choices :)

so there are 2 different "endings" one is that u become his boysfriend and one is that u just be friends? am i right?  ps: srry for my english




One way to tell (at least in my opinion) is if you make the right choices then he starts to refer to himself as "your lion" to the MC without ever seeming to notice that he's doing it.

Tbh, I'm thankful that I had to redo my saves because I've been currently rearranging my saves for eachroute, leaving 1 1/2 save page for each route

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(1 edit) (+1)

Moooooo? Moo!

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Is there a way to rollback on the Android version? My uncoordinated fingers end up hitting the wrong choices every now and then which is  annoying


If you click "Load game" and go to the auto-save section, the game saves at each choice marker, simply pick the most recent one and you can choose again :)

Yus! Thank you!

Now is there a button to just go to Spencer no matter the route ;p

Nope, as great as that would've been


In case anyone didn't read the public post on the patron, DyneWulf is working on a separate project for the month of october and will not be posting an update in October but will post an update of this game Nov. 16. I know a lot of people will flood in today so just so you know.


oh, thanks


thanks for the info.




Thanks for the notice


thank you dude n.n


thanks for telling cuz i almost waited and didnt sleep the entire day if u didnt say it


shame you cant pin comments here (at least to my knowledge). i mean you just know that they will still be alot of people asking cause they dont scroll down here in the comments.


i am so scared, i will need to redo harold route, because old saves got corrupted.. and i had really hard time making it best route

Just whatever you do, don't reject or upset him in any way possible and you'll get it.

i think there was problem that he needed to be jealous

Actually yes

Where can i buy the full game? and how much $?


full game isnt out, it is still updated regularly


There isn't a full game yet, so there's nowhere, and its free

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