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(1 edit)

I'm curious how long this game is going to be in total. You guys have been working on it for years :O


I want to date richard but i dont know how to


You can't do that at the moment, they still haven't add Richard's route yet

That isn't really any option that dates Richard yet, since the route hasn't even started.

(1 edit) (+3)

Spencer's route is something that connects with me so bad, i swear..... hes too cute and quirky and wholesomeee :(
Also sexy but shh small dets


Does this have nsfw??just asking..



Thanks :3

Deleted 3 years ago

Tai will not be a dateable character, the only side character that will be dateable is Richard.

Well....not a side character persay but yeah

ok I'm not very good with computer can someone tell me how I can open the game it just isn't working for me

(1 edit)

For the PC version: first - download the Zip file from the page. Second - You must have instaled Winrar o equivalent program to open the Zip file. Third - grab the folder named "Extracurricular Activities V1.106" and put in your files. Final - Open the .exe file in the new folder and start to play n.n

Sorry for my bad english n.n

thx I'm sure itll work


So far I have only played coach and Spencers routes and I thought they were both really amazing. I can't wait to see what's to come before the full game is done. I wish that the routes were just a bit longer but other than that I have no complaints. Even tho its free to play now I would definitely pay 60$ for the full game like any other game I buy. its really well done and I'm excited for whatever comes net. 

(4 edits)

I am so excited about Dozer's route, during the time in the mountains. The mess-up, while tubing, was really realistic; I had a similar incident, while skiing, when I was younger; I hit something in the snow, because I usually like skiing as fast as I can, and literally flipped, leaving my skis to slide down another 30-40 feet. After I realized what had happened, I could not stop laughing, making my older sister laugh when she reached me, and it's just such a happy memory of mine, from when I lived near a ski mountain. Glad to see Dozer's being careful, but I'm really glad to see the MC laughing it off in such a way; it connects with my emotions.

And huckleberries and honeysuckles in Darius's route?! It's almost like this game was made for me. I mean, when Darius jokes about poisonous berries, I immediately thought of those bright red berries that I could never seem to find the name of, but that always seem to grow in the exact same places as huckleberries.

Deleted 3 years ago

Oh yeah

i just finished griften rout for the 3 time last night aaaaand again i cant stop crying...
WHY??? WHY he's rout had to come to the end like this??? so soooon ;w;


Coach's route has bad, neutral, and good endings. If you are getting the bad ending try making better choices. If you still cannot figure out the good ending, I suggest becoming a $5 Patron member for this project and get access to his route guide.

What ending you got? Bad or Good?

Deleted 3 years ago

Can some one here help me?
I dont know how to have Richard's route

or he dont have a route?

pls help me ;w;

i really wanna play with him

They just started developing Richard's route and it is not available just yet. Hopefully soon!

thank you so much for your help haha
I was reaaaally confused XD


im mad i want to see Spencer brothers wedding

meee toooo ;w;

Deleted post

I know just how you feel, I just finished Spenser, it real...I felt so close to him.  Getting to interact with everyone in his route just has me giggling and constantly smiling.  I play these games and use my name to enjoy a life better than mine, a life I'd love to have, it makes me sad when I end up remembering it's not real.  But it brings happiness to my life that I really need.  This game is beautiful and I can't wait for it's release XD

I know how you feel because I feel exactly the dame feeling about those world with anthro animales so beautifuls , its so hard and sad none if them could be real in another world. Its simply my dream and platonic life

It's a beautiful thought, I still dream of a life after death being like an isekai anime, and how cool it would be.  Dreams are a great thing to have, it gives you such amazing thoughts, I don't think I'll ever grow out of dreaming...they'll just be more grown-up dreams 😘

I feel so too. I see in your nickname 2 of awesome visual novels too. i love them too, all they have awesome and lovely characters, I fell in love a lot of them in each VN

Yeah, the two best games that defined me, Morenatsu introducing me into this world and Housamo being the driving force into it.  I owe everything to them both 🥰🤗🥰

I really like your game, hope you will release more interesting content in the future, sorry my English is a bit bad so I can't show you how I like it.Các bác sĩ cho biết: =3


Hey! Thanks for the update, I just wanted to report a bug—on Dozer's day 14, the route randomly switches to Chester's day 15 and then ends with the 'that's all for now' message at the end of the day, thus effectively locking the rest of Dozer's route. 

Im encountering a problem. Spoiler alert but on day 24 of chester's route when vernon tries to rape mc and mc goes to chester's house, when he is explaining what happened to him his and chester's expressions dont change at all, I know they have angry or sad expressions because I've seen them before but they just remain smiling even though mc is telling a story of how he was sexually assaulted, if it wasn't such an important moment I wouldn't care but it was really immersion breaking and I wasn't as sympathetic as I could have been if their expressions actually changed to show anger when chester is yelling or sadness when mc is telling the story.


Is there any complete guide of harold's route?

What you missing?


There is one the Patron web site for this project for each route. But you may need to be a paying member to get access to them.


Yeah, there are guides available to $5+/month patrons.

it would be great if it was in Spanish or Portuguese, I have to be translating to play


So in 18,9,2020 I become 18 i have been a good boy for whole my life i think and now 22,9,2020 as an adult i want to do 1 last bad boy thing to say goodbye to my teenage so here you go.

Welp i found this when searching for your EA background music dyne so please don't be mad at me lol.


(1 edit)

Anyone else having trouble with the new update on Chester's route day 26? Since the new update and having to replay the route, on day 26 when you are playing tennis and have to press the letters on the keyboard, no matter what I do the game crashes and automatically returns to the title screen :( (Playing on pc as well)

I got the same crashes when hitting the keys during tennis, but it seemed to be more that I hit the key a fraction of a second too late. When I back tracked through the screens and was ready this time I didn't seem to have a problem. Also, I just clicked the Ignore option on the error screen and things proceeded normally.

Yeah see I don't even get the error screen. The game literally crashes and goes straight back to the title screen. I know which letters to press but it doesn't help no matter how fast i press it and NOT pressing letters also crashes and goes straight back to title screen.

Welp there is other problems in that same situation but in android version, if you press that letter button it will skip one sentence and you need to use back button or use the history button to read that skiped sentence. It's not a big deal for now since there is not much that letter button in this vn anyway.

Man wish it had a 3some route but that is just me being selfish XD 

Thank you for the amazing game, the couch story is really heart touching <3

not really sure but the closest one to that is Richard, but he doesnt have a route yet.

i noticed the 'couch' typo too.


whenever i open a save file now it just says there was an error and ive tried clicking ignore but it just sends me to the beggining of the game with even more errors and glitched. what do i do


Start over from the beginning. (Really. Save files are broken between this version and most previous ones.)

It's been said that more routes are possible/likely in the future, but also that side characters like bam and azagahl won't be getting routes, yes? If that's the case, how will those new routes work? If they're new characters, won't it be weird that they're not in other routes? Or will they be polyamorous routes with multiple of the already datable characters, for example dating both Spencer and Darius (which happens to be my dream route)?


There will be only one additional route, Richard, and as far as I’ve heard it will be just another branch point on Day 3 like the others are.

"Currently, there are five dateable characters, and I hope to add more down the line." doesn't "more" imply more than one additional route? If it were just one surely it would be "another"?


While you are correct about the implications of that phrasing, subsequent comments from the author seem to indicate that Richard will be the only one. (Probably because as you point out, Richard is basically the only character available without writing in an entirely new one, which would be a giant pile of work.)

Darn, guess that means I'll just have to hope for poly routes~

Yes!!! Finally!!!!!! Can't wait to see what's going on~~~

is there any way to downgrade the game back to the old art style i just got curious to see it,since i play this when the new artstyle is already released,sorry for the question

I'm afraid not...

Oh well its ok...:(


Sorry. But these new art is kinda cool. The old are seems a bit odd~~

How do you get Harold's day 20 sex scene?

You must have enough love from Coach to triggered it.


Im trying to decide whether or not I should wait till chester's route is finished before playing..... But I really wanna see my moo :(

I think it's already finished his route.

Chester's route isn't done. In the latest update a few days ago, the devlog says "we are down to the last few days of Chester's route"

chester is my favorite me and him would get along fine as we both are into the same things hell i even desing rpg games on the p


Aww... Route restarts again... wait I can get more time with best boy Darius!.... 

Great work Dyne on your updates BTW.


I will restart the routes as many times as it takes, I will be here till the end. I love this novel and these characters so much. TY


Yay update

Have you considered... not finishing the game? Simply continuing to add characters and/or arcs continually? I think many people would very much like that; I certainly would.

Lol, I wouldn't mind spending more time with Harold.


me too...

i still crying :")

It would be awesome to get a endless story, but think about the effort it would take to do something like that.


Also I suspect Dyne wishes to eventually tell some other story. New characters means new opportunities to torment the readers!

It would be awesome to get a new game from Dyne. Thanks for your reply!

i really want more ;-;
i cant stop crying with the end of Harou.. dude this hurt so much !

i miss haroooud ;3;

Me too~~~~~

The most romantic part was final part move in with touching moment...

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

the last update made all my saves unusable...but that all good because i have an excuse to start all over again LOL.


thats the spirit ^_^

Me too dude thats the spirit ^w^

Can someone help me please i kinda have a problem in the game. for some reason i can't continue any of the route, when i try to continue spancer or any other route. This pop up

The DevLog has the answer.

DyneWulf i did restart the route and i replay everyone route from the beginning but when i close the game and open it to continue the route i was playing it showed the same problem.

i'm not an expert, but does that appear all the time or only when you are loading a saved game? 
try the following:

got to: %appdata%\RenPy\ExtracurricularActivities

back up all those saved files, (you might find it easier to zip them up and delete the saved and the persistent file)
also do the same in the game folder in the saved files, then

start a new game, if it worked, that means, the updated version of this game and/or the renpy version doesnt allow the old saved files..
for me i had that because i used the brackets in the name --> [ ] 

hope it helps 

Deleted 4 years ago

He cannot be removed.


Also if you play long enough you’ll start to look like him, so choose your customization wisely.

Hi, for some reason im stuck on chester route?? The "search porn" part. I can't leave at all. It just keep asking me to write more. I'm using the Android version

Yeah renpy is kinda suck at android keyboard things, well if im remember correctly i passed that kind of problem with press space button then delete it than write the porn part or press delete first then write the porn word i kinda forgot which is work just try both, then write word like bondage or any thing, or another advice that i never try is try to change into different keyboard, that's not from Google, that's advice is what people get when this thing happened.

ok, im playing a patreon version that my friend share with me and the keyboard is in game, not from my Android... You see my problem? It doesn't have a skip button or a exit word. It just keep getting back to search porn thing

in the end was just a bug. I think that was my save that was from previous version. I did a run from scratch and i passed this day without being stuck forever.

Thx for trying to help me!!!!!!

Oh right that problem If im not wrong dynewulf says that he and his friends, change the program code or something that make it more easy for him to write things, but unfortunately because of that we can't use the save files before the update anymore, so yeah i just delete my data and play it from the start when i know this. Since the save file before the update is pretymuch useless.


Can i do anything with archibald? He be daddy tho , and will you complete harold's route? It said the story didn't end 

Archibald is a guest character from the game See no evil, from the artist of the game, not the creator of EA


Hey guys I really need help installing the game, I don't know how to install the game I downloaded the game only to be greeted with this. Can anyone please help me? I really wanna play this game, I downloaded the game on android, please help


You downloaded the PC version. You need to get the Android version.


No, i didn't I downloaded the android version, I'll trh the pc one then


The image you gave us says pc, meaning you downloaded the pc version by mistake.


The file you have literally has “pc” in the name and ends in .zip. You want one that says “android” and ends in .apk.


Hi! This game seems to be super well drawn, well written, and the pacing of story beats is great, however I was playing Darius’ route, and on one of the day’s his antagonist’s sprite was revealed. He was very feminine which I thought was fun - however odd with the way he was designed it almost looked as if it was designed to mock more feminine gay men, which would be fine however he’s pretty much the only feminine gay man in the game. Anyways, I continued on but then the antagonist did a big bad thing to keep the plot moving forward, but when in the hospital suddenly Darius began saying homophobic slur after homophobic slur. I would understand if he was obviously angry, someone tried to kill him - however the fact that he just so happened to start using homophobic slurs after the sprite seemingly was used to mock feminine gay men - it removed all interest in the route for me after that point. And the characters never mentioned how using homophobic slurs and language was wrong - or any slurs at all, no matter the situation? Meh, who knows I could’ve perceived the writing incorrectly - however not even the protagonist who has supposedly experienced homophobia before was phased by it. It just rubbed me the wrong way, and made me uncomfortable and want to stop playing. Thoughts? The game other than that bit is great tho! 

(1 edit) (+1)

he’s pretty much the only feminine gay man in the game.

There’s at least one more on Spencer’s!

…well, depending on interpretation.

Madame/Monsieur Esperanza? I think they explicitly say they don't identify as a man OR a woman

(1 edit)

I recall them claiming to be anything and everything at whim, so they would qualify for most categories on that account.

As I said, depending on interpretation.


super SUPER agreed, like, Darius doesn't use that kind of language any other time, so I'm willing to give him benefit of the doubt, it was a very heated moment, but it would be nice to, after the fact, be able to sit down and talk with him about it, because he says some things that are super not ok!!!

It's something I can understand but for me, I'm not hurt seeing Darius using such a language. I'm myself homo and when someone makes me a huge crap, I'm not afraid to use such words, no matter the stud's sexuality because I don't think it would be wise to let only homophobes use them. For me, the best is to deprive them of those "bullets" aimed at us. Showing them than we're not afraid to use them if needed is the best way for me to disarm them. If they can't hurt us  anymore with these words, they'll eventually stop.


While yes claiming words originally used for discriminatory intent is a good thing, those words and phrases can be harmful to someone who isn’t okay with them at all - or someone who has had a negative experience with such words suddenly reading them used in an aggressive way may be triggering. But my issue was there wasn’t a trigger warning (that I remember), there was no discussion on the issue with using slurs in the first place no matter the context, and the fact it was after seemingly mocking the persona or stereotype of the more feminine gay man with the way he was drawn and then suddenly using homophobic slurs and it gave me internalized homophobia vibes, and I didn’t like it. But idk 🤷‍♀️  I’m just concerned about that bit of the route as I just couldn’t see Darius as a likable character after that scene.

(1 edit)

have we reached a point where that could happen? the majority, vast majority of humans are discriminatory to gay people and a big amount still kill them.

(-1) hi, thought you in particular from this comments section might wanna check this out

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