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What character updates are in the March update???

Also I love the depth Darius gets in the newer update!

Thank You, Dynewulf!

It when I try to execute the file, it says "Could not execute, Is it missing?" I am using a windows 10 pc.

From the FAQ posted on the main page.

I can’t install/start the game.

Some people have had issues installing the game on PC or getting it to run (file can’t execute).  One thing to check is to see if your virus protection software is blocking it and to allow it through.  Another thing to check would be to make sure your download is complete. Try deleting the file and downloading it again.

Ok, thank you!


i really love the characters 


same here


Can we get a collection of all the songs Darius plays? Like please?

this a still ongoing game right? like, it's still being worked on?


nice, because i just finished coach and dozer's routes and i want them both to continue

So if I remember correctly, the gallery was moved to be an exclusive to the patreon build right? Any specific reason or any plans to reimplement it into the public version?

For now im just saving every time they had a cg event lol

Every time I type something on Chester's route it won't let me go forward ;-;


OMFG ... you are such a teaaaaaaaaase with Richard, every route has him offering to have some fun or a threesome and I always think this time it will happen but it ends up being just a big TEASE and i'm so blue balled it hurts lol I know it's been asked multiple times before but when can we expect to get a Richard route ? like just an estimate of how long we will wait until it happens ? or at least a little bonus fun scene on the side while we are on another route, just some casual fun lol I JUST WANNA LAY HIM. but all that aside best vn ever, the moment I have a few bucks I will send them your way, thank you so much for this <3

hahaha i feel yah ! iv'e been waiting or wanting to freak with rechard! his the man bruh.

i have a feeling it wont go well, considering Maria and all. i'll also send some bucks too.

welp well see for the future updates.



"I want to watch this moie called 'bear rider'" is that foreshadow @dynewulf


I'm thoroughly convinced that Spencer is the canon story, there are just way to many hints in everyone else's routes that Spencer is into you, and it's the only one where you aren't exposed to something "traumatic" or "dark," (at least not yet, let's see what happens at the wedding lol). Plus, with everyone else's route, their lives or Eric's life changes a lot more than Spencer's if you think about it: Grifter takes a dark turn with his depression and then his ex comes and tries to kill him, Darius takes us to his job and could have potentially died in that motorcycle crash (FUCK ISAAC), Dozer basically has a personality change, and Eric almost get's raped/sodomized through hazing. With Spencer, it's just they come out to each other, they move in together, and Spencer decides to pursue his dreams (or course, let's see what happens at the wedding, but I think that it still stands)

Also, just imagine if this was another sport's team lol

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Secret: Spencer is actually a human in a very high-quality fursuit.

By eric you mean chester?


No, I mean Eric almost gets raped/sodomized IN Chester's route

wait whos eric?

The human you play as, it's his default name

Ah i see


In a podcast livestream interview on youtube done by DeckerLink, he asked the creator of the game which route was canon? They did confirm the Spencer route is in fact canon, so good assumption :D

I'd show the video of it but it was five friggin hours long and i don't remember when it was said at @___@



Plus, if you think about it, Spencer is in everyone else's routes a little more than he should be, and he's the only character that gives you hints that he likes you. Everyone else just acts like they normally do.


thats because he's the only romance option Eric has history with prior to starting the game, with them being childhood friends. So spencer has always had a crush on Eric long beforehand, where the other 4 barely knew Eric besides their name lol. 


thats because he's the only romance option Eric has history with prior to starting the game, with them being childhood friends. So spencer has always had a crush on Eric long beforehand, where the other 4 barely knew Eric besides their name lol. 


To correct that Dyne said that it his personal canon, not that it is THE canon, I believe he isn't setting an actual canon story because he wants to leave it up to the individual player.


Actually I believe Dyne has stated in an interview that there is no set canon really. He left it up to the player to decide what they gelled with the most. Basically you decide what is canon for you, like how dyne goes for Spencer but doesn't enforce that he is the canon love interest.

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No, Dyne has repeatedly confirmed on Twitter and Patreon that Spencer’s route is a canon route. In Dyne's words, Spencer has loved Eric since before the start, and he has to watch him go through each other route and find love with someone else. Also according to Dyne, Spencer's the only person that really ends up missing out if you don't choose him. I have no links, but it's true and many people have already seen this. If you don't wanna to believe, that's fine. But he's Eric's canon lover, clear and simple. And if some route is recognized to be a canon by developer, then this doesn't mean that all other routes aren't important. This is not true, all routes and characters are loved and important:)

he literally said in the interview he didn't want to say who the canon lover was because then people would get the wrong idea about the direction he wanted it to go in. You can literally go to the interview and watch it and see it yourself. Spencer is Dyne's personal canon but he specifically doesn't set one as the definitive because, as he said himself, he wanted to leave that up to the player.

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As i was saying, i saw other comments about Spencer's route being canon (Twitter and Patreon) and he confirmed that the route is not just his personal canon but simply the canon, true route of the whole novel. So I will stick to my statement. You can also ask Dyne about it in details on Twitter. But if you're right, it's okay. Spencer will always be my canon (as well as canon of many, many people) no matter what ^^

hehe I've been addicted to this game specially to chester. damn his so freaking sexy. can't keep my mind from always thinking about him at school or at home . hell i think im crazy now!aahaha and because of that i got inspired to write a novel about me and chester! and of course other crossover char. to the other games I've played..!😍thanks dyne! for making my life better and for making me not think about suicide anymore! i want to marry chester! hahaha

Deleted 1 year ago



i do hope to date him soon.

i'm not sure what happened with this update, but suddenly i cannot install this version. yes i have enough space

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The version of the game is not the one that should be on Android it is still 1.78 not 1.93



Chester Day 28 took me by complete surprise. I walked into the kitchen, only to have a muthafuckin bull greet me and I swear to Christ I lost it.


L-like an actual bull, not Chester, heh


Hahaha, that was part of my April Fools update, and I might just leave it there for good.  


Do it! It took me by complete surprise and I actually loved it.

its a surprise the human or "Eric", as they put it, did not realize he was dreaming at all with him thinking the real bull is also Chester.


Still probably the best Furry VN On itch. Others are good and have come close to being the better but the writer either do something to ruin it for me or just give it a really unsatisfying ending. Best of all I actually like more then one or two characters so almost every update brings me something to enjoy.  My big Kaiju is still my number one. 


Ahh, thank you so much!  Always happy to see Dozer as someone's favorite ;3

AS much I wuv my husky husband

I get a little irritated when he talks about my grades... betch, I got straight A's in IB and AP classes >:c

heheheh, i get that as well.

Power move, name pc Alpha then play Spencer confident route.

So I should call myself bitch for the shy route?


Darius's route just keeps getting better. He started off the character I liked least so I initially put off doing his route, but the more I played the other routes the more he grew on me. Now that I'm finally caught up on his route it's my favorite. At this point I feel like he's the best-written character, and they're all very well-written so that's really saying something. Watching his walls slowly eroding over time is really something special, and I can't wait to see where it all goes. <3

Maybe I should go back to playing his route. It felt like he was trying to manipulate me and I'm just not attracted to him like the others.

The way you get him to like you is by submitting when he commands you to do things. :-/

ah I see looks like I was right about him then lol not the type of guy I would get along with XD. Well I like the others in this VN which is more then I can say about some other VNs. I'm lucky to have intrest in more then one character. Buy everyone is so well written it was hard to pick a second favorite. I saw second Because Dozer all the way for me. Hes perfect for me I always liked the Genital giant types. 

Well since ive played up to date with coach and chester route its really weird since in coach route. Everyone kinda hit on each other so when i take the other characters route i feel kinda wrong. But after 15 or 16 days in chesters route i started to like him more so i decided to think that coachs route is the canon one

I kind of had that feeling to because everyone ends up with someone else on his route. But the others always leave someone out. Dozer has coach and chester left out Spencer has Coach and Darius left out, and so on. Everyone except Coach has a relationshi outside out you. Coach dose have his ex but that's really not a healthy relationship. I like to imagine Coach and Richard meet up after he gos to one of your games and they end up together. Coach and Richard do both seem to be in to each other on his route. So much so it looks like we may get a 3 way with the 2 of them in the future. 

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Towards the end of Dozer's route it's heavily implied that Richard went for a hook-up with Coach and was interested in starting a relationship with him.

I really hope we get to see more of that.

That would be grate. He deserves someone besides his ex wife.


can't wait for Richards route !! so excited 😍


Am I glad I found this game! I've been through two routes and I have to say. Dozer is not what I expected him to be like but is a roller coaster of emotions. And then theres the suggestion of a threesome with Richard. Oh my! I might actually start supporting on Patroen to see if that ends up happening. The artwork and the way the characters were written and everything else! All of it is nicely done! It's great!


I really love Darius, he really feels so real¡¡¡¡ the best Route¡¡¡¡  When do you are going to start Richard's?¡¡¡¡¡¡



App Not Installed



I finished the story with Harold and I wonder do they keep been updated or not i really want to play LnL again and continue the story with him

Hi Dyne I just wanted to say this game is amazing I've followed the development for a long time and it's a real gem. You have a knack for writting really believable characters while still keeping things sexy and fun. Coach is my fave route and I hope you know all your fans are with you for this (very enjoyable) ride, can't wait to try the next update!

Hey sorry to be a pain I'm have trouble with coach's rote day 33 I can get as far as the homeless shelter get one out then goes into the white error screen I have tryed rollback and ignore it but keeps happing and if I skip it, it ends the day any help x

jjust press ignore as much as needed and it will continue the day.

trust me i've seen it already

there's so many funny scenes specially in chester and dozer. hahaha can't stop laughing .. anddddd guys i wana ask if how to be bf with richard orr we can't though.? 

Dyne, in the name of all that is holy, PLEASE bring Darius Day 27 ASAP!!!

u do reliaze March 16 is yet to come right?


Just wanted to check on if I had missed something, but there wasn't an alternative for Darius 26 other than him wanting to be "best friends"? No outright boyfriend line right?

so, did you not get the sex scene at the end of the day?

I did, but it's Darius. Just eager for Darius to finally give in and be boyfriends.

I mean, there was that one text option where Darius made the comment "It's like you're my boyfriend or something," and you get to choose "yeah" or "not even."

If you choose "not even" Darius looks really sad while talking, while if you choose "yeah," he perks up a bit

There is no alternative, haha.  That's what he says on the best outcome ;3

I'm just hoping that something happens on day 27 of Darius where Eric or Darius just go for it with each other and they become closer than "best friends" since that's what he calls it.

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Will Richard ever be a dating interest?


this is weird

Ppft, ohmygod 😂


Don't judge him.

wow...just wow

s does this means he has a pussy now??? just kidding!!!


Hey Dyne, thank you for Your hard work on this title!
I was wondering what did You mean by "best" outcome after Harold's day 34 :S I mean, i got the first part of the "hint", but i am not sure about the second part (of the hint) are You able to elaborate on this in any fashion xP?
Preaty please??

I know it will be done someday(as you mentioned on FAQ), but I just want to hear when will be cursefmark's illust be displaced. After all chars' stories i guess??


they are slowly replacing them


Very slowly, haha.  I haven't done a housekeeping update in a while, but I plan on completely replacing all the assets in another route the next housekeeping I do (which will be soon).


this is the best of the best games i have been playing.. and playing this game makes me a little sad after knowing the back story of coach and chester.. i feel bad about them ... and i ..i think the character I've made is already me.. i can feel there every emotions like I'm there ... im glad that i found this game and there's so much moral lessons you could learn ... thank dynewulf!! for saving me from depression..and i wish you will continue to give ups every month im looking forward to it !! love you!


I'm really glad to hear that the project has been able to help you out and that you feel the way you do about it.  It's one of the most satisfying things about the project to me, knowing that it has helped some folks.  Thank you!

I have been playing for a while now just waiting to see what happens next. Updates can't get here any sooner I guess I'll have to wait

I have one issue so far, (only because this vn is wip) but I'm stuck on the Chester route and typing no doesn't work for me. I'm on Android


Im so I love with this game. I've played Spencer. Darius and coach and I'm really sad that the story's end. Do they have any updates? I would love to play more. Kinda sad because I want to go camping with Darius and then to Spencers brothers wedding. see them dance and have his brother say sorry about what he said about gay people; interspecies relationships. Make Spencer cry and hug his brother and have his brother hug both of us. Man I'm so sappy. I just don't want the story to end. I wish this would be ever expanding.

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Wish granted!

EA is under active development. It will be updated and expanded almost every month.

Thank you so much. This is the first game I've played of this interaction game style. Thank you for creating this amazing story.😍💙


Heh, the creator is DyneWulf, not me. I just stole one of his stickers. >_>

haha is that Maria?

i love the part when the main characters calls a nintendo switch an entendo swap


Haha, glad to hear it.  A handful of folks have been amused by this.

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