Update to 1.158

Update 1.157 was a housekeeping update where I was dealing with being in and out of the hospital with my husband, so there wasn't a lot to that update.  1.158 was a Richard update though!

*I'm aware this build still has an issue with Spencer's epilogue and the MC name not being correct.  It'll be fixed in the next public build.*

- Richard Day 17 -  Just... another day with a fair amount of things going on.  We get to see a little bit of everyone it feels like.

Thanks for being understanding with my situation this past month.  I'm glad I ended up swapping to housekeeping, cause the hubby had to go to the ER and get admitted again for a few days.  It wasn't cause he was feeling bad, but it was cause they wanted a second kidney biopsy (and the doctor didn't tell us that till after making us panic about what the issue was), and this was the fastest way to have it done.  We had several more unfun days at the hospital, but the hubby is home and doing fine.

NOW, as for what I did get done...

2 more images were added to Spencer's epilogue.  One at the start and one sometime closer to the middle.

Chester's first kiss was added into Day 14 (the first REAL kiss and not just a peck!).

Added 2 more recipes to the kitchen! Day 15 Richard with Chicken Lazone and Day 20 Chester with Dordito Chicken. If you guys try any of the stuff out, let me know what you think!  I have more to add still.


Android Version 974 MB
Aug 16, 2023
MAC Version 936 MB
Aug 16, 2023
PC and LINUX Versions 953 MB
Aug 16, 2023

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